MSC minutes



Call to order by Peter Howison at 7:06 p.m.

Those in attendance were Darlene and Marv Beckman, Dave Bellemore, Mark Chandler, Audrey and Ralph Farnsworth, Eric Hauptman, Peter Howison, Richard Koehler, Liz Purtell, and Susie Navetta.  

A motion to approve the Minutes came from Dave Bellemore followed by a second from Mark Chandler.  

Moratorium Review and the changes of land use review of 155 and 156.  Mark Chandler, DaveBellemore and John Stead completed their work on Ord. 181, Erosion Control, for LCOG’s further study.  This will replace the ordinance that will expire when the Moratorium ends in early September.  Their next task will be the Storm Water Control.  Mark told us that he sent a letter to Cameron Lafoyette at the Oregon Shores Coastal Coalition thanking them for their assistance in the past.  

Ralph Farnsworth passed around a picture of “Diatoms” and warned us of the dangers of blue algae bloom on Siltcoos Lake .  

A group called “Save Our Dunes” will be having meetings starting this fall.  It was suggested that Susie Navetta contact Cara Hogervorst to get on the committee. 

*Everyone  - Read and study the findings by Mark Chernaik for the next meeting for discussion.

Mandatory phosphate free/discussion on phosphates

Surface Water Runoff- monitoring up to a certain standard.  Retrofit program -  BMP’s must be installed by a certain date.

On water testing day, Ralph Farnsworth and Richard Koehler took pictures of the west side of Woahink Lake .

The MSC committee authorized Mark Chandler to give Mark Chernaik the go-ahead on the Fertilizer Ordinance.

Richard Koehler said he is working with George Ehlers, the Lane County Sanitarian, on the collecting information for the data base program for Ord. 173 (Septic System Maintenance).  The properties of the most concern are pre 1974 and those within the window of 1974 to 1986.  The properties will be identified by tax lot number from the county wide system.  Mark Chandler said LCOG will send the ARLID program to Dunes City

Dave Bellemore, Mark Chandler, and John Stead are preparing for a meeting with Denise Walter of LCOG to brainstorm on code changes on 155/156.

  1. Shore Land definitions (page 64) high and low water marks.

  2. Shore land property, 50’ set back, must be surveyed with GPI.

  3. Lot coverage (page 105) what % of land coverage.

  4. PUD, carrying capacity of the land.

  5. No new RV parks.

  6. Fence heights and grandfathered shore land fencing.

  7. Site review permit (page 29) undisturbed soils/developable part/12% slope.

  8. Bed and Breakfast.

  9. Flag Lots (new 155 draft).

  10. Animals, reduction of numbers.

  11. Enforcement Officer other than inspector.

  12. Master Road Plan changes.

  13. Riparian Rules (recent CCI motion).

  14. Wetland Protection Area needs Design Standards

*Everyone send suggestions to Peter Howison on Items 1-14 ASAP for input into the Denise Walter’s meeting on July 19th

Adjournment 9:20 p.m.


Submitted by Susie Navetta