MSC minutes



Peter Howison, acting chair, called the meeting to order at 7:06 . 

Those present were Darlene and Marv Beckman, Mark Chandler, Peter Howison, Richard Koehler, Susie Navetta, and John Stead.

1.      The minutes from 7/12/06 meeting were approved as written.

2.      Review Priorities for the Moratorium and Evaluate Progress.

#1.  BMP/stormwater runoff meeting with Dave Bellemore, Mark Chandler, Johan Hogervorst, Peter Howison, and Tim Bingham, Denise Kalakay, and Denise Walters from LCOG was held in Eugene .  Tim will be writing the Stormwater Runoff Ordinance.

#2.  Ordinance 173 – LCOG will work on the implementation plan this week. 

To jump start the process:  

*Richard will get data from Lane County , rent a scanner and give us an estimate on the cost of obtaining the first 50 tax lots to be evaluated.  The first built will be the first chosen along with those closest to the lake.  Richard said that there were

302 lots developed before 1972, about 100 lots developed between 1974 and 1986, and in total there were1258 tax lots to check out.

#3.  The Higher Septic System Standards Ordinance by Mark Chernaik is finished.

#4.  Education –The approved newsletter will go to the printer today ( 7/20/06 ) and the ready to mail 7/26/06 on time for the dead line.  The Festival of the Lakes ( 8/19/06 ) is growing.  There will be three speakers and more than 15 informational tables and we will probably get coverage by KCST.

#5.  It was agreed that the Fertilizer Ordinance will be done by Mark Chernaik.

*Mark Chandler will call Mark Chernaik to inform him of the project.

#6.  Survey of the Lakes – Woahink Lake shoreline will be surveyed and photographed by Mark Chandler, Richard Koehler, and Ralph Farnsworth today (7/20/06).

*Mark will call George Burke and tell him about the process the Woahink Lake testers used so that a similar survey can be done on Siltcoos Lake by George Burke and Bob Mohler.

#7.  Update the City on the progress of the committee.


3.      Report on Meetings with LCOG

The first meeting was on Stormwater Runoff was successful.  This was covered under Priority #1.

The second meeting was with Dave Bellemore, Mark Chandler, Johan Hogervorst, Peter Howison, and Denise Walters from LCOG in Eugene .

*Johan to send recommendations to Denise Walters on Friday.

The third meeting was on Erosion Control with Denise Kalakay on Erosion Control and the 181 Ordinance.  The ordinance should be finished soon and Denise will send it with the changes.  One of the major changes was ‘limited grading in the wet season’.  

  Discussion on 155/156

The following CCI generated concerns and recommended changes regarding Dunes City land Use chapters 155 and156 were discussed at length.

1.      Prior to development shoreland properties must survey and stake 50’ setbacks from the high water mark.

2.      The lot Coverage definition on page 105 of our current chapter 156 should exclude the exception of “any area covered by a structure… and replaced by the words on page 129 of the 2nd edition of the ‘Model City Development Code” 2005.

3.      Eliminate PUD’s or at least require one acre per actual lot not counting the common area (the common area must be buildable land) and other requirements such as: parking, club house, etc.

4.      No new R.V. parks.

5.      The definition of Shoreland on page 64 of chapter 154 should be redefined to include the area between the high water mark and the low water mark as well as 50’ horizontally from the high water mark.

6.      Include on page 19 of the 155 draft:  All uses: A site review permit shall be required for any development on a lot with: Slopes greater than 12%, open space overlay, fragile lands overlay, wetland overlay, and riparian overlay presence.

7.      Eliminate Minor Partitions.

8.      Delete from list:  Include of the 155 draft on page 40 defining Bed and Breakfast.

9.      Delete from list:  Limit land coverage by impervious surfaces not just land coverage.

10.  Ordinances take precedence over Master Road Plan.

11.   A list will be sent for inclusion into the BMP’s.

12.   For Protection of Wetland Areas, for inclusion into the Water Quality Ordinance, Add:

Protection During Construction

The applicant shall be required to submit a pay a resource protection plan prior to commencement of ground-disturbing activities that may affect wetlands or riparian corridors.   The plan shall be submitted and approved by the Planning Commission and must contain methods ensuring that the resources are not disturbed during construction, which includes both physical barriers such as fencing and methods to ensure that no runoff or other surface impacts affect the resources.  The approved plan shall be implemented and maintained until such time as the Planning Commission deems it is no longer necessary.  Failure to implement and /or maintain the approved plan will result in an immediate Stop Work Order and possible abatement.

 Water Quality Ordinance paper by Johan Hogervorst (keep vague in the rest of the code: define specifically within the Water Quality Chapter.

* Johan will send his list of proposed changes to Denise Walters at LCOG.


4.      Review Draft #3 of Mark Cherniak’s Septic Standards and discuss – the committee was pleased with the Septic Standard paper.

5.      Sub-Committee Reports

See #4.

John Stead brought in the Woahink Lake Gage Readings from Al Boothe that showed a history of the levels if storage was used.  The lake level for July 15th was very low.


Task List:

1.      Peter Howison give all land use items to Johan Hogervorst.

2.      Richard Koehler to estimate the expense of jump starting the septic ordinance.

3.      Darlene and Marv Beckman will give septic system approval process with Lane County .

4.      Mark Chandler to contact Mark Chernaik regarding Lawn and garden ordinance.

5.      Mark Chandler and John Stead to work on Stormwater.

6.      Johan to send list of recommendations to Denise Walters.

7.      Susie Navetta to write the minutes.

8.      Gary Darnielle to re-define “Partitions” and to rewrite the entire section of the “Procedural Code Elements”.