MSC minutes



The meeting was opened by chair Johan Hogervorst at 7:05 .

Those present were Darlene and Marv Beckman, Dave Bellemore, Mark Chandler, Eric Hauptman, Johan Hogervorst, Richard Koehler, Susie Navetta, John Stead and Gerry Wasserburg.

  1. The minutes were reviewed and approved by consensus.

  1. Update from the Water Quality Control Committee:

·         Darlene Beckman thought she heard that, by ordinance, property owners had to find their own septic information and submit it to the City.

·         The office wanted to wait for a data base to start.

·         Richard Koehler supplied a list of 15 pre 1975 tax lots to start implementation of the Septic Maintenance Ordinance.

·         John Scott said we were going to start with commercial businesses.

·         George Burke thought we should wait for data base.

·         Most of the WQCC thought we should go forward.

·         George Ehlers will be attending the next WQCC meeting on 8/31/06 .

The MSC committee consensus was to find out if we sent George Ehlers, the Lane County Sanitarian, 17 tax lot numbers per month could he process them and send matching permits back to Dunes City .  The MSC is working the 6 tasks for the Moratorium, the second one is Septic System Maintenance Ordinance implementation and it will be difficult for the committee to complete this task with the present resistance.  The septic ordinance should have been implemented April 9, 2006 .  Johan will talk with Mayor Sheldon Meyer about the possibility of Richard sitting in on meetings with Teri and the LCOG data base instruction.


  1. Info hooking breakdown for septic information from Lane County .  Richard Koehler presented a proposal for $6200 based on potentially 900 records at 15 to 20 minutes per, as many as 28 days of travel, rental of a copier/scanner, and coding 900 file names.  Johan will plead with council and demand implementation of the septic ordinance.

  1. Beckman discussions with Ehlers on Approved Inspectors and Higher Standard Septic Systems will take place this next week.  Higher Standard Septic Systems are not approved by Land County .  George Ehlers will attend the next WQCC meeting on August 31st.

DEQ can give approval phosphorus removing systems with the “Water Pollution Control Facility Permit” (WPCF) according to Randy Trox. There is a whole new generation of systems with better design and construction and added technologies according to a conversation Mark Chandler had with Mark Chernaik.  A system, like the one that pending by Pio Lombardo, is certainly permissible once it is approved and will remove most of the phosphates from going into the drainfields.

  1. Update from LCOG – Gary Darnielle said that a meeting with the City Council, the Planning Commissioners and the Builders would have to have ‘Public Notice ’as a “Work Session” to avoid the “quorum” issue.  The meeting topics would be Erosion, Septic Ordinance and Stormwater runoff.


Johan Hogervorst called Denise Walters of LCOG about the combining of 155 (Land Use) and 156 (Zoning).  The MSC committee decided it would be best to keep them separate for editing purposes.  Johan will call Denise back and make that request.

DLCD update – Amanda Punton and Denise Kalakay said the ‘new’ replacement grant would now be a reimbursable grant for $17,000 in stead of $8,500.


  1. Mark Chernaik’s work – Gerry Wasserburg will continue to work with Mark Chernaik in refining the Higher Septic Standards Ordinance as they think the ordinance is almost finished.  Darlene and Marv Beckman, Erick Hauptman and Gerry Wasserburg continue to work on the current Ordinance 173 “Evaluation and Inspection form”.  Darlene Beckman will check with Mark Corriea of Wally’s Septic to see about the criteria he uses to determine if a septic has failed or is failing. 

      The “P” ordinance is in the making. (Mark Chernaik)


  1. Contractor/Builders meeting – has been changed to Wednesday, August 23rd.  Darlene and Marv Beckman will contact the builders and a power point program will be set up by Johan showing the problem, and how it solve it with BMP’s.   There will also be a questionnaire for the builders/developers so that they can state their concerns and problems.


  1. Discussion Erosion Control Ordinance – after a long and heated discussion it was decided that the ordinance needed to go back to the subcommittee for revision and fewer words.


  1. Johan Hogervorst went over the 6 tasks the MSC was to work on during the Moratorium.

Johan will give an up date at the council meeting on:

      A.  Current code for Erosion Control and Stormwater runoff ordinances.

      B.  Septic (Ord. 173) Implementation.

      C.   Higher Standards (Septics).

      D.  Education – newsletter, completed and ‘Festival of the Lakes’ 9/19/06 .

      F.   Fertilizer Ordinance (phosphorus).

E.   Survey of the Lakes – completed on Woahink Lake (photos and hot spots).  Siltcoos Lake will be photographed next week according to Mark Chandler.

F.  Documentation of the progress – Richard Koehler will save the work on disc so other communities can benefit from our research and documentation.


10.  Sub-committee reports – the newly released newsletter received a around of applause.



*Johan will talk to the Mayor and ask that Richard Koehler sit in the data base meetings.

*Johan will demand implementation of Ordinance 173 the Septic System Maintenance.

*Johan will call Denise Walters and ask that 155/156 be kept separate.

*Johan will be working on a power point program and questionnaire for August 23rd work session.

*Johan to call Pam Blake re: who is a State Inspector?

*Darlene will contact George Ehlers on processing 17 tax lots per month and sending the information to Dunes City .

*Darlene will contact Mark Corriea to ask how he determines a septic has failed or is failing.

*Richard will put all the work the MSC committee has done on a disc to be presented to the library.

*Mark chandler will call George Burke and Bob Mohler to remind them of the Siltcoos Lake survey.


Respectfully submitted,   Susie Navetta