MSC minutes



Peter Howison opened the Moratorium Support Committee meeting at 7:04 in the Dunes City hall .  Those in attendance were Darlene and Marv Beckman, Dave Bellemore, Mark Chandler, Audrey and Ralph Farnsworth, Eric Hauptman, Peter Howison, Richard Koehler, Susie Navetta, Lori and Gordon Robertson, John Stead, and Gerry Wasserburg.

  1.  Review of the Minutes and approval.


  1. Report from LCOG on ordinance work (see attached report) from Mark Chandler and Johan Hogervorst.  Gerry Wasserburg will contact Mark Chernaik concerning the “problems and solutions” for septic systems.


  1. Festival of the Lakes to do list.  Susie Navetta said everything was set to go. Gerry Wasserburg asked her to call the Siuslaw News.  Speaker Mark Chernaik said he and his family would not spend the night in Dunes City , an honorarium check will be presented to him.


  1. Letter to the Governor of Oregon – Gerry Wasserburg is working on a letter to the Governor requesting him to urge DEQ to look into raising the standards for septic systems that stop phosphorus loading into the lakes, rivers and streams..


  1. Update on Contractor/ builder list and planning for the meeting on August 23rd – Darlene Beckman presented a list of builders who might attend the power point program presented by the MSC.


  1. Erosion Control Ordinance (last half) line by line.


Adjournment - 9:47

Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta



Gerry Wasserburg will contact Mark Chernaik (problems and solutions).


Gerry’s will send a letter to the Governor on higher standards for septic systems.


Johan will work on the power point program for the meeting with the contractors.


Susie Navetta will call the Siuslaw News.