CCI minutes

Jan 10, 2007


The meeting was called to order by Peter Howison at 7:03 pm .

Those in attendance were Darlene and Marv Beckman, Dave Bellemore, Mark Chandler, Steve Chun and 2 younger Chuns, Peter Howison, Susie Navetta, Gordon Robertson, and John Stead.

The minutes of the January 3, 2007 were approved with one correction.

This is the second meeting for the CCI on the Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance.  A third one will be held on January 17 at 2:00 pm with Denise Kalakay, Senior Planner from LCOG.

Old business:

1.  Dave Bellmore contacted Planning Secretary Teri Tinker for a list of Land Use Applications.  Teri was too busy and Dave will pursue this request again.

2.  Darlene and Marv Beckman checked with Gary Rose on the types and costs for erosion control coverings.  A fabric called “Jute” sells for $75 for a roll that is 4’x 275’.  Another type of slope covering sells for $400 for a roll that is 3’ x 360’.  These coverings are not reusable.

The committee started work on the Erosion Ordinance at 1.117 A. 3.  After discussion it was decided that this was one of the issues for Denise Kalakay.  Darlene Beckman will write a sign-off agreement for Erosion Control.

1.113 A. This definition for disturbance of land should match the Comprehensive Plan.

1.117 A. 5. A “no gravel” exception for Booth Island was proposed  ( add corresponding ordinance number).

1.118 A. added words in the 3rd sentence, All road development prior to “or concurrent with” construction…

1.118 B. 1.  add erosion control measurers or phases are installed…

1.118 B. 3. remove the word “Engineer” and coordinate…

1.118 C. 2. add the words,  Owner or the” City finds that visible…

1.118 C. 2. last sentence add “any of” the following.

1.118 C. 3. will be another topic for Denise Kalakay.

1.118 second E. ( change to F.)  Remove the words “and the Stormwater Management Plan” shall be…

1.118 F. 1. second sentence – They shall be removed upon “soil stabilization” instead of “completion” if specified as a temporary measure.

1.118 F. 1. Remove the third sentence, “Measures shall be maintained…”

1.118 F. 1. last sentence for Denise Kalakay.

1.119 B.  How will sub-divisions be considered will be a question for Denise Kalakay.

1.120 Enforcement A. 3.  Gordon Robertson commented, “before a stop work order is lifted any erosion control cost must be…”  Denise Kalakay will be asked for help on wording.

Mark Chandler will be keeping the changes and sending them to Denise Kalakay to study for the next meeting.  Mark gave a report on the grant money remaining and how Tim Bingham wanted to map the head waters and streams, prepare a guidance map and provide a BMP manual.  The ordinance will be finished by February 7th, so it will go to the Planning Commission on February 23rd and on to the Council in March.

Darlene Beckman wanted clarification on Resolution 01-11-07 .  She was concerned about the cost of another opinion.

The next meeting of the CCI will be on January 17th at 2:00 .

Meeting adjourned at 9:21


Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta



1.  Young Chun will call an insurance agent about bonding for erosion control.


2.  Dave Bellemore will contact Curry County to ask for their Erosion Ordinance.


3.  Dave Bellemore will pursue getting an application list from Teri Tinker.


4.  It was noted that the Phosphorus Reduction Ordinance is on the web site.


5.  Susie Navetta will provide Ordinance 154 for Peter Howison.


6.  Steve Chun will call Jackie Fern about available money for CCI projects.


7.  Darlene Beckman will write a sign-off agreement for Erosion control


8.  Mark Chandler will notify Denise Kalakay of the next meeting.