Stormwater Ordinance CCI  Minutes

July 24, 2007

The meeting was called to order at 7pm by Peter Howison as acting chair.

Present were: Duane Ash, David Bellemore, Jerry Curran, Charlene Day, David and April Dumas, Audrey and Ralph Farnsworth, Margaret Hammer, Peter Howison,  Dean and Mary Hudson, Sharon Hufft (SP?),   Roger Jensen, (SP?), Eugene McGill (SP?), Marilyn Miller, Debbie Pasternak, James Peck, Gerald A. Reavis, Liz Purdell, Bill Sathe, Theresa Sathe, Troy Sathe,  John Stead, and two unidentified gentlemen. 

Dr. Howison led the pledge of allegiance, reading of agenda, and a reading of the Comp Plan regarding CCI process.  Nominations for chair were opened.  John Stead was nominated as was Ralph Farnsworth.  Ralph Farnsworth declined. With no other nominations, John Stead was elected by acclimation and individual copies of the draft Stormwater Pollution Reduction Ordinance were distributed.

John asked for a volunteer to be secretary. David Bellemore responded.  Next John introduced the proposed ordinance:

§         Reasons for necessity of stormwater controls.

§         Department of Environmental Quality (“DEQ”) already has requirements for disturbances greater than one acre.

§         The Federal EPA through DEQ has Siltcoos Lake 305(d) listed, which means the Total Maxium Daily Load (nutrients) will be monitored and that monitoring may include flows  from  Woahink Lake .

§         The proposed ordinance is trying to be proactive, not reactive.

§         The Ordinance must be in accordance with statewide planning Goals 5 and 6.

§         John made a comparison of Woahink Lake with Clear Lake.  Clear Lake is the water supply for the community of Reedsport and no development or use of the watershed around Clear Lake is allowed.

 John opened meeting to public comment.  David Bellemore spoke to importance of soil as the mechanism for treating pollutants in stormwater and the importance of keeping soil

in place to treat stormwater properly.  John referred to the process timeline of the Draft Stormwater Manual coming from Lane Council of Government staff to the committee for review then going to the Planning Commission and the City Council. He mentioned that the manual had been originally designed for larger city use and how the committee had reduced the draft to 2/3 of its original size. He sees the manual as a reference tool, much as a cookbook is used.  Jerry Curran talked about how much information the stormwater subcommittee had sifted through in order to simplify the BMP Manual for Dunes City.  He thinks it could be further simplified and should be reviewed every few years for improvement.

Draft Minutes,           CCI Meeting July 24, 2007                                                      Page 2

 John led the CCI through the ordinance draft line-by-line.


  • 99.10; Application, A, B, and C – who does the SPR ordinance apply to

  • 99.15; Exemptions A and B - when does it not apply

  • 99.25; Storm Water Containment and Destination Standards; A, B, C, 1, 2, 3, D.  Unidentified person asked if C, 3 allowed developer an “out.”  John pointed out they must still meet standards.

  • 99.25 Pollution Reduction Standards A, 1, 2, 3, B, C.  May be adjusted pursuant to SPR BMP Manual (more flexibility-work with people to get the job done)

  • 99.30 A, B, C – John said we need better numbers in the Manual to fine tune the requirements for peak flow rates.  Standards in 99.30 may be adjusted pursuant to the Manual. 

John talked about Water Quality Design Storm and why it is important and how it was developed

There was a discussion about the relationship between density and its bad effects on lakes and how clear the lakes used to be (picture of Woahink by John and testimony from the Hudsons about how Siltcoos used to be clearer). 

  • 99.45 Inspection – City to appoint inspector qualified in stormwater control measures.  Several citizens questioned who and how to be paid.  David Bellemore  anticipated that inspections would mostly paid for by developers and builders. 

  • 99.60 Definitions – Reviewed without any changes recommended.

Comments by Troy Sathe – He liked the way Peter H. made sections self-sufficient rather than jump around.  He wants citizens to be able to understand ordinances easier, i.e., incorporate the BMP Manual into the ordinance with an extra page.

Copies of the Draft Stormwater Management Manual were made available to the CCI.  John said the draft is not in its final form; for example pagination has not been completed. John encouraged the CCI members to take the manual home with them for study and report back at the next meeting. 

After discussion it was agreed to reconvene on Tuesday, August 8th, at 7:00 pm.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:35pm

Respectfully submitted,  David Bellemore