June 8, 2006

7:00 PM



Mayor Meyer called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Mayor S. Meyer; Councilors, J. Hogervorst, J. Scott, P. Howison, J. Martin, and R. Petersdorf.

ABSENT: Councilor D. Robinson (unexcused).

ALSO PRESENT: J. Hickey, City Recorder; G. Darnielle, City Attorney; T. Tinker, Planning Secretary; C. Lewis, Recording Secretary; LCAN; Denise Ruttan, Siuslaw News; and approximately 18 citizens from the community.

Mayor Meyer led the Council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.



All items listed here are considered to be routine by the Dunes City Council and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.)

A. Approval of Minutes: May 11, 2006

B. Bills of the Session: May 12, 2006 through June 8, 2006 totaling $10,105.78.

C. Applications for Appointment – Planning Commission

The Planning Commission recommends David Bellemore and

Dr. Richard Anderson for appointment to the Planning Commission.

D. Applications for Appointive Office

Water Quality Control Committee: Applications received from George Burke,

Ralph Farnsworth and Susie Navetta.

Budget Committee: Application received from George Burke. Budget Officer recommends appointment.

E. Resolution 6-08-06 (B), a resolution authorizing an increase in the appropriation for material and services in the building codes fund.

There was a request by Councilor Hogervorst to pull Item C, Applications for Appointment – Planning Commission, and place it in New Business for discussion.


ACTION: B. Petersdorf made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda minus Item C. J. Scott seconded the motion. There were 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Motion carried.



The receipts for the period of May 12, 2006 to June 8, 2006 totaled $18,560.19.




A. Art Exhibition: Jan Woodford for the months of May and June

B. Volunteer Fire Fighters and CERT Trainees needed for Dunes City.

C. Elected Office Openings: Mayor (2 years) and three Council positions (4 years). Nomination packets are available at City Hall. Nominee deadline is August 29th for the November election.


6. Citizen Input on Unscheduled Items

Maximum time 20 minutes: Speakers will be limited to three minutes. If the number wishing to testify exceeds seven speakers, each speaker’s time may be reduced to fit within 20 minutes.

A. George Burke, 4838 Lake Blvd, Westlake, OR 97493. Burke read a letter from the Westlake Disaster Preparedness Committee headed by John Carlson (see Exhibit A). Burke announced that there is a CERT program starting July 28th, but a lesser program (four hours) could be arranged through the Siuslaw Valley Fire and Rescue to be held at Dunes City Hall upon request.

Mayor Meyer moved the Agenda to Item 8, New Business, Item B. Please see in order of


7. Public Hearings – began at 7:15 p.m.

A. FISCAL YEAR 2006-2007 BUDGET: Presentation of proposed 2006-2007 fiscal year budget by Bob Read, Budget Committee Chairman. Resolution 06-08-06 (A), a resolution adopting the 2006-2007 fiscal year budget, and making appropriations.

An e-mail from Bob Read was read into the record (see Exhibit B). Hickey explained a change in the Motel Tax fund. $10,000 of the RTMP funds will be carried forward because the workprojects will not be completed until the next fiscal year.

ACTION: J. Scott made a motion to accept the FY 2006-2007 Budget with change. J. Martin seconded the motion.

Discussion: Hogervorst had concerns regarding the expenditure for the Septic Maintenance database. Darnielle explained that Will Jensen of LCOG would be converting the FileMaker Pro database for the water right permits to Access (approximately $1500) and approximately $10,000 has been budgeted to create an interactive database that would interface with RLID (Lane County property database). Hogervorst asked if the budget should be amended to include the cost of the database. Hickey responded that money could be transferred out of the contingency fund. Darnielle said the cost to use LCOG could be used with an Intergovernmental Agreement.

Vote for the motion: There were 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Motion carried.

B. Beckman Zone/Comp Plan Amendment (AMD/RZ-01-06), amending Ordinance 156.093 Booth Island.

Meyer notified the audience of their legal rights. Meyer explained how testimony would be taken and the hearing procedure. Meyer asked the Council if there were any conflicts of interest. Howison said he owned property on Booth Island, but would derive no "financial gain or lost potential" and could be impartial when coming to a decision. Petersdorf said he had talked to the Beckman’s, but could also render an impartial decision.

Meyer opened the public hearing at 7:35 p.m. and asked for the staff report.

Darnielle said Hilary Dearborn was not able to be at the meeting. Darnielle went over the staff report (see Exhibit C). Darnielle said there was new information that was completed that afternoon and went over 156.093 (Attachment A, AMD01-06, part of Exhibit D, the Beckman’s Testimony).


Marv and Darlene Beckman, 82192 Booth Island, Westlake OR 97493.

See Exhibit D.

Beckman’s discussed the construction of the access road being that of an existing cat road that would have chips put down for a road bed. Petersdorf asked who would maintain the road. Darlene Beckman said the maintenance details could be addressed in the upcoming minor partition. There was a discussion about phosphates and erosion control. Howison suggested using a packed bed filter for their septic, which was talked about at the Moratorium Support Committee Meeting, due to the lack of electricity. Darnielle said that the partition application was filed prior to the moratorium; therefore, the moratorium exceptions would not pertain to the partition.

Howison asked if the lots would be built upon. Darlene Beckman responded that they would be selling the lots, and it would be up to the new owners whether building would occur. Howison asked why the Beckman’s did not propose a subdivision or a PUD. Darlene Beckman said the City Council had made it difficult to plan a subdivision or PUD, so they did not wish to go that route. There was a discussion about two-story dwellings decreasing the foot-print of the site and requiring the smaller lots to keep the building size at 1000 square feet or less.

Hogervorst said that items o and p were suggested by the Beckman’s to be eliminated, which addresses ODF&W concerns. Hogervorst suggested dropping item o and amending item p. Petersdorf was opposed to the no hunting restriction, which would preclude duck hunting and fishing. Darlene Beckman said that everything below the 12-foot high water line is in the jurisdiction of ODF&W.

Meyer asked if there was anyone who wished to testify in support of the change.

Martin Christiansen, 1st Avenue, Florence OR 97439. Christiansen, who owns a lot on Booth Island addressed the need for individual docks for each lot. Christiansen said that a beached boat is a greater liability for erosion and that a dock is the access to each property, the same as a driveway. Christiansen, a geologist, said that Booth Island is a weathered sandstone bridge and that there is hope for well water, since it is typical to find water in such a formation. Christiansen was in favor of the access point and road, since there would be less damage by taking things on and off of the island. He does not have a structure on his property.

Meyer asked for opponents.

Margaret Hammer, Boy Scout Road, Florence OR 97439. Hammer said CCRs are a good idea, but there would be no Homeowner’s Association to protect the CCRs. On Boy Scout Road, the "shared document" is a disaster.

William Gates, Canary Road, Westlake OR 97493. (Not a resident of Dunes City.)

Gates said that the Beckman’s knew what was restricted when they bought the property on the island. Gates was concerned that the landowners were not properly notified and that information for the record was not available to the Planning Commission. Gates felt the process has been too loose. Gates other points: There is no legal reason to change goal 5, since the Open Space Overlay can remain forever; the chips will not last and there would need to be a surface that would take care of erosion; there is no facility to take care of fires; there are active landslides from natural process and adding the docks would increase an existing problem; riparian buffers and woody debris is important; more time is needed for planning; the City Attorney is acting as a de facto land use attorney for the applicant; septic system should use alum to flocculate phosphorus to fall out of solution and into the bottom of the septic tank.

John Stead, 82505 South Cove Way, Florence OR 97439.

Stead read a letter into the record. See Exhibit E.

Darnielle disagreed with what completeness meets the minimum requirement and new information can be accepted up to the date of the public hearing. Darnielle did agree that the process has been confusing. Darnielle suggested giving new notice to property owners and continue at the next City Council Meeting. The Beckman’s could waive the 120-day requirement and extend an additional 35 days. Darnielle said the DLCD can be notified 5 days after the action has been taken.


Susie Navetta, 5372 Leavitt Loop, Florence OR 97439.

Navetta asked why the Council is even considering the proposal that night.

Richard Koehler, 4853 Darlings Loop, Florence OR 97439.

Koehler objected to the timeline followed for the proposal, the 3 ½ acres that is under the name of the corporation, the nine or so people going back and forth from the island to the mainland, and that there would be an increase of phosphates at close to 100%.


Darlene Beckman said they did know about the Open Space Overlay when they purchased the property and knew a conditional use permit could be used. The proposal would only add five more residences. The City Attorney is not working on their behalf; they have their own attorney and have the bills to prove it. Property does not have to be bought for parking; Booth Island residents can rent parking. Darlene Beckman commented that there are currently no full-time residents to the island besides themselves, and did not feel that the situation would likely change. They rarely see any people. She said that personal property rights should come into effect at some point. The Beckman’s said they want to take care of the island and follow the law.

Meyer closed the public hearing at 9:52 p.m.


ACTION: J. Scott made the following motion: I move to deny the requests by Marvin and Darlene Beckman: (1) a Comprehensive Plan amendment/zone change to Tax Lots 200 & 201, Assessor’s Map 20-12-00-00. The City Council has considered the evidence presented by those for the proposal, as well as against the proposal, and it has found by the weight of the evidence that the proposal should be denied. This denial is based upon the Draft Findings of Fact and Conditions of Disapproval, as modified, for File Numbers AMD 01-06 and RZ 01-06, dated June 8, 2006, that are adopted by reference in support of this decision. B. Petersdorf seconded the motion. There were 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Motion carried.

The Council discussed which version of the attachment would be used for notification to surrounding property owners.

ACTION: B. Petersdorf made a motion to keep Item G of Attachment A as is. P. Howison seconded the motion. There were 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Motion carried.

Item (k):

ACTION: P. Howison made a motion to remove standard of 2a. J. Scott seconded the motion. There were 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Motion carried.

Item (n):

ACTION: J. Scott made a motion to delete section n, thereby allowing individual docks. J. Martin seconded the motion. There were 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Motion carried.

Item (o):

ACTION: J. Hogervorst made a motion to change item (o) to modify the last sentence: …In this zone all no trees shall not be harvested or pruned, for the purpose of solar access or for any purpose including building structures, except for solar access and as certified by an arboreal professional to be imminently dangerous to residents. B. Petersdorf seconded the motion. There were 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Motion carried.

2000 square foot footprint:

ACTION: P. Howison made a motion to limit Section B, Item 3 (a)(b) to a 1000 square foot building footprint. J. Hogervorst seconded the motion. There were 2 ayes, 3 nays, 1 absent. Motion denied

The Beckman’s agreed to waive the 120-day requirement extending it by 35-days to make the necessary notifications, to give the Council time to review the new data and to continue the public hearing at the July City Council Meeting.

8. Old Business


A. Beers Trailer: Course of Action


Darnielle suggested the following:

1. Re-inspect the property under the Code.

2. Declare the trailer as a discarded vehicle and abate as a nuisance.

3. The final inspection for the placement permit was never completed and the permit has expired.


Darnielle said that the Code should be followed for abatement of the nuisance including a deadline. If no action is taken, schedule a hearing that would include findings and a proposed fine, with a lien attached to the property if necessary. Martin will draft abatement letter.

ACTION: B. Petersdorf made a motion to extend the meeting beyond 11:00 p.m. P. Howison seconded the motion. There were 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Motion carried.

9. New Business (New matters, in absences of a compelling reason, may be set over to a subsequent meeting.)

A. Resolution 06-08-06, a resolution directing Dunes City to collect and monitor data in accordance with the Septic System Maintenance Ordinance for the purpose of maintaining the water quality of Little Woahink, Siltcoos and Woahink Lakes.

ACTION: J. Martin made a motion to adopt Resolution 06-08-06. P. Howison seconded the motion.


Discussion: Hogervorst brought up the topic of Wally’s not being a DEQ approved inspector. Scott said that they will have that certification soon. It was suggested that the last sentence in the first paragraph be removed. Also, remove the last sentence in Section C, Item 5: "City Approved" and add: "DEQ Certified".

B. Petersdorf made a motion to approve Resolution 06-08-06 with corrections. P. Howison seconded the motion. There were 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Motion carried.


B. Ordinance 183, an ordinance amending Ordinance 150 and adopting an amended fee schedule for building code-related activities requiring permits and providing that future changes to the fee schedule may be done by resolution. First Reading.

ACTION: P. Howison made a motion to have the first reading of Ordinance 183 by title only. J. Scott seconded the motion. There were 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Motion carried.

Mayor Meyer read Ordinance 183 by title only. Councilor Petersdorf inquired about the inclusion of electrical permits. At a prior meeting, the Council had approved the addition of electrical permits to be issued by The Building Department effective July 1, 2006.

C. Business license and/or franchise fee for septic system inspectors.

ACTION: J. Scott made a motion to require Dunes City Septic System Inspectors to obtain a business license from the City and pay an annual fee of $500. J. Martin seconded the motion. There were 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Motion carried.


D. Consequences for failure to comply with the Woahink Water Right Agreement (non-payment of administrative fee and/or failure to report meter reading).

There was a discussion about either issuing a citation with a small fine or take away the water right from the individual not reading the meter. Howison suggested a late fee for non-payment of the annual administrative fee. It was decided that if an individual has not complied with a meter reading within two months, that individual will pay the City to hire someone to take the reading on the third month. It was also decided that there would be a $25 late fee for the administrative fee. Darnielle will check for the need for a resolution.

E. Applications for Appointment – Planning Commission

The Planning Commission recommends David Bellemore and Dr. Richard Anderson for appointment to Planning Commission. (Removed from Consent Agenda.)

Hogervorst complained about the process in which the Planning Commission’s recommendation for appointment was conducted and suggested there be a solid procedure put in place. Mayor Meyer gave some history as to how appointments had been made in the past. Darnielle said staff could draft procedures for appointments. Hickey said that a deadline was never in place, since in the past there was difficulty filling vacancies, but a deadline could be put in place for future vacancies. Scott said the City is lucky to have Dr. Anderson apply to the Planning Commission, who has worked closely with the City in the past.

ACTION: B. Petersdorf made a motion to accept the Planning Commission’s recommendation, appointing Dr. Richard Anderson to the 2008 expiring position and David Bellemore to the 2007 expiring position. J. Scott seconded the motion. There were 5 ayes, 0 nays, 1 absent. Motion carried.

10. Reports


A. Report by City Attorney - G. Darnielle

Darnielle reported on the Reedal Measure 37 claim. At present, Reedal is looking for an appraiser to establish a lost value. Darnielle will bring back a proposal to the City Council.

B. Road Commission – Road Report - R. Petersdorf

C. Parks & Recreation/Conservation Committee - D. Robinson

D. Site Review Committee - J. Martin

E. Police Comm./Fire Dept/Water – WQCC Report - J. Scott

F. Community Center - P. Howison

Howison reported that there would be a new septic system installed at City Hall soon.

G. Grants/Franchises/Licenses /Moratorium Support J. Hogervorst

1) Draft Correction Plan

Hogervorst gave an overview of the progress of the Moratorium Support Committee’s (MSC) first three meetings. See Exhibit F. There was a discussion about closing the office one day per month for staff to do the duties required by the MSC. There was a discussion about using the current code revision, but starting over with the document and tracking legislative changes. There was a consensus of the Council to follow the above. Darnielle said the sub-committee meetings should at least be advertised at City Hall. Darnielle acknowledged Martin’s finding that a Correction Plan was not needed; therefore, the meeting on June 19th was officially cancelled.

H. Mayor’s Report - S. Meyer

Meyer said he is looking forward to being in next year’s Rhododendron Festival Parade, since he had a fun time this year.

I. Planning Report - T. Tinker

Tinker reported that the Planning Commission will be working on the Charles Bang minor partition and the final plat for Woods on Woahink at its June meeting.


11. Unscheduled Items Not Listed on Agenda

Hogervorst said he will be in Russia from July 1 through July 13, so will not be in attendance at the July City Council Meeting.

George Burke said that he felt the staff should poll the Planning Commission and City Council and come up with a date for an ethics workshop. Darnielle said he could put on a two hour session at a separate meeting. Darnielle discussed bias of official participating in multiple meetings. There was a discussion about having a Councilor sitting on the Planning Commission to be a liaison between the two bodies at Public Hearings. It was decided that Burke should sit at the staff table during public hearings involving the two bodies starting in July.

12. Executive Session – None.

13. Adjournment


Meyer adjourned the meeting at 12:14 p.m.





____________________________ _______________________________

Sheldon Meyer, Mayor                                 Joanne Hickey, City Recorder