Dunes City Council


April 9, 2009 - 7:00 pm

Printable file


City Hall – 82877 Spruce Street 97493



1. Call to Order and Roll Call

Mayor Eric Hauptman called the Meeting of the Dunes City Council to order at 7:01 PM Amy Graham, Dunes City Recorder, took roll call.


Present: Mayor Eric Hauptman; Councilor Susie Navetta, Councilor Robert Quandt, Councilor Richard Koehler, Councilor Peter Howison, Councilor Rebecca Ruede, and Councilor Jamie Mills.

Others Present: City Recorder Amy Graham, Planning Secretary Lisa Ekelund, and 13 members of the community.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

The Mayor, city council, office staff, and citizens present, joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.

3. Consent Agenda

Councilor Navetta requested to pull the minutes of 3/12/09 from the consent agenda for clarification of a word she believed to be left out.

Councilor Koehler requested to pull out the bills of the session from the consent agenda to allow for clarification.

The Council reviewed the receipts of the session.

Mayor Hauptman stated that normally the council makes a motion to accept both the bills and receipts at the same time but because they have pulled the bills of the session, Mayor Hauptman asked if the council would like to have a separate motion for the receipts of the session.

In unison, Councilor Quandt said he would make a motion for the receipts and Councilor Howison said for clarification, in the past the council has never voted on the receipts, but rather they have only voted on paying the bills.

Mayor Hauptman stated there is a separate issue regardless of what they have done in the past and said the council will now go through the minutes.

Councilor Navetta stated on Page 6 second paragraph from the bottom where it states "no one the council", it should state "no one on the council".

Councilor Koehler stated the exhibits under committee reports are not included with the set of the minutes and are not on web. Councilor Koehler said he would like some agreement down the road as well as today to get the exhibits so they are part of the web and part of the public display. Councilor Koehler said he doesn't see the necessity of calling them exhibits as he thinks that would be a public legal display. Councilor Koehler said they should be indicated as committee reports.

Councilor Koehler made the motion to include the committee reports and any other missing information into the minutes, so that the web can have all the public information displayed. The motion was seconded by Councilor Navetta.

Councilor Quandt said the wording "any other missing information" leaves it open.

Councilor Koehler amended his motion to state: include the committee reports and any other public documents that are presented in council into the minutes, so that the web can have all the public information displayed. The amended motion was seconded by Councilor Navetta. The motion carried after vote of 6 ayes and 0 nays.

City Recorder Amy Graham clarified that the information would be provided to the web master as a PDF. The City Recorder said the reason why the reports are no longer in the minutes is because the verbiage became too lengthy and the council said the minutes were way to long and that the council wanted them eliminated.

Councilor Koehler stated he could not post PDF to the web and said text documents would be required.

Councilor Ruede said she doesn't believe this should be a requirement and she believes the council should be allowed to give the committee reports to the City Recorder as a hard copy.

Councilor Koehler stated PDF is a much larger size program which poses a problem.

Councilor Ruede stated there may be circumstances where a person may not be able to provide a document in Word format.

City Recorder, Amy Graham stated that sometimes citizens hand in documents in the meeting and asked how the staff should handle those items and asked if they are to be re-typed.

Mayor Hauptman directed the City Recorder to find out if documents could be scanned into Word format.

Councilor Koehler said in 2006 the city purchased a program to scan documents into Word format.

Councilor Koehler questioned the increase in the net payroll and also what looks to be an employee off of the payroll.

City Recorder, Amy Graham stated Councilor Koehler was given this information via the internet the other day. Amy Graham said the reason the net payroll is increased is because the City allows $500 a month for insurance for the staff. Amy Graham said the city did not have an insurance policy so the employees that were eligible for the insurance were getting the $500 in their checks. Amy Graham said now the city has an insurance policy so that is six hundred and something a month, $500 of it is covered by the city for Lisa's insurance and the remaining $137 is being deducted from her paycheck and that is included in that net payroll amount. Amy Graham said even though the city is short a staff member as councilor Koehler said, the city was only without that employee for a couple of days, and the city had a new employee start the following week.

Councilor Navetta asked why Maria McConnell is not in the other group, why is she separated.

Amy Graham said Maria McConnell for the work as the road secretary is in the net payroll group what you see on the bills of the session for the remaining amount is work that the Mayor had asked Maria to do on the stormwater ordinance which was a separate thing before she came back to work for the city.

Councilor Koehler said the NW Bass Club had a refund in February and questioned why there is another refund.

Amy Graham said the NW Bass Club sent in a check to rent the city hall for their meetings for this upcoming year and they never used those monies. Amy Graham said the first amount was for the rental fee and the second amount was for the key deposit.

Councilor Quandt made the motion to pay the 04/08/09 bills of the session. Councilor Howison seconded the motion. The motion carried after unanimous vote of 6 ayes and 0 nays.

4. Announcements / Correspondence

Mayor Hauptman thanked everyone that helped with clean up day at City Hall on 04/04/09 and announced the City Potluck April 11th from 2:00 to 5:00 PM.

Councilor Mills pointed out that the council had not voted on the minutes under the consent agenda.

Councilor Mills made the motion to approve the minutes of 3/12/09 as amended by councilor Navetta. Councilor Quandt seconded the motion. The motion carried after unanimous vote of 6 ayes and 0 nays.

Councilor Mills made the motion to approve the minutes of 3/18/09. Councilor Howison seconded the motion. The motion carried after unanimous vote of 6 ayes and 0 nays.

Mayor Hauptman said his understanding is the council votes for the entire consent agenda and said they won't segment it again.

Councilor Howison said the idea of the consent agenda is that they wouldn't need to pull everything out, but in fact the consent agenda is not as much use because they always pull things out.

Mayor Hauptman said that was his point. The Mayor said if the council has any questions, they should get them out before hand and if they have a correction to the minutes they can just say we have a correction in the minutes.

Councilor Koehler said perhaps they could just eliminate the consent agenda and just say approval of the minutes and the bills.

Mayor Hauptman said this is what consent agenda is in essence.

5. Reports

· Mayors Report

The Mayor said Mr. Ralph Farnsworth had mentioned concern about the city's money being in one bank. The Mayor said he knows the City Recorder went and looked into this with the current bank they use which is Oregon Pacific, and the Mayor said he believes Rebecca Ruede was going to have a report for the council on U.S. Bank. The Mayor asked Councilor Ruede for her report.

Councilor Ruede said she doesn't think she would have anything different to offer at this point in time because of the way the structures of municipalities are held in banking institutions. Councilor Ruede said she and the City Recorder have not had a time to go into this in greater detail.

Mayor Hauptman asked the City Recorder where the city is at with this topic.

The City Recorder said Oregon Pacific Bank had sent her a letter back on 03/18/09 and she had forwarded this over to Councilor Ruede asking her for some input. The City Recorder stated she has not heard back from Councilor Ruede and is awaiting her response.

Mayor Hauptman asked if the city can insure the dollar amounts correctly within one account at Oregon Pacific Bank.

Amy Graham said when she asked Oregon Pacific Bank, they said the city would be able to do what is desired. Amy Graham said Oregon Pacific Bank sent a letter she didn't completely understand and this is why she asked Councilor Ruede if she could help with it.

Councilor Ruede said she would be happy to explain, but all financial institutions are structured the same when it comes to banking for municipalities. Councilor Ruede said she would be happy to get together with Amy on this.

The Mayor announced the budget committee will be meeting on April 28th, 2009 at 7:00 PM.

· A report was given by Councilor Navetta on behalf of the Communication and Education Committee and Community Center/Police which is recorded on tape, DVD, and filed in the City Recorder's office.

· A report was given by Councilor Howison on behalf of the Conservation Commission which is recorded on tape, DVD and is filed in the City Recorder's office.

Mayor Hauptman asked if the staff could put in their position regarding the septic ordinance at the next Conservation Committee meeting.

Councilor Koehler made a motion which was not easily transcribed as it was quickly stated and The Planning Secretary requested clarification of the motion.

Mr. George Burke spoke from the audience stating point of order and that no motion can be introduced the first time and voted on at this council meeting. Mr. Burke said that motion has to be passed on to the next meeting. Mr. Burke said once already tonight, the council has made a motion, introduced something at this meeting, and it has to be passed on to the next meeting, investigated by staff, and passed on to give the council time to make a decision. Mr. Burke said he would recommend they look into this.

Mayor Hauptman said he's not sure if this is point of order, but he thinks it's wise.

Councilor Howison said only under circumstances is this true as it depend on whether it's an ordinance, or a major change but just for council to make a decision to do something like write a letter to someone, they don't have to wait a month to do it. Councilor Howison said just to clarify what happened, when they passed the septic ordinance several years ago, he believes he was the only current member who voted for the ordinance and they felt very strongly about it. Councilor Howison said over time a problem developed with the way that the ordinance was worded and utilized. Councilor Howison said low usage households, are probably being subjected to unnecessary requirements. Councilor Howison said his comments are not intended as opposition to Councilor Koehler and minor changes would not change the overall intent.

Councilor Navetta said one of the reasons the water quality committee made the recommendation to leave things alone is because they are 3 years into a program and to change horses in the middle of the stream will only confuse people. Councilor Navetta said some people will be treated differently than other people have been treated. Councilor Navetta said this is an initial evaluation and it doesn't matter if people like it or not, it needs to be done and responsible cities do this.

Councilor Quandt said it sounds like there are two different recommendations from two different committees and those recommendations will be considered by the council when the ordinance is brought before it.

Mayor Hauptman said there is a motion on the floor and requested the Planning Secretary to read it back.

Planning Secretary, Lisa Ekelund stated she was not able to transcribe the motion and requested Councilor Koehler to clarify his motion.

Councilor Koehler said he didn't remember his motion because it has been so long.

The Planning Secretary said Councilor Koehler made the motion to have the water quality committee's opinion out there.

Councilor Koehler said he thinks he stated quite specifically that he wanted the recommendations of the water quality committee to stand and have the council's approval for what they've been working on since 2002.

Councilor Koehler made the motion he would like the Council to accept the recommendations from the water quality committee that they let this ordinance continue as it is. Councilor Navetta seconded the motion. The motion failed by vote of 2 ayes and 4 nays.

· A report was given by Councilor Ruede on behalf of the Parks and Recreation Committee which is recorded on tape, DVD, and is filed in the City Recorder's office.

· A report was given by Councilor Quandt on behalf of the Road Commission which is recorded on tape, DVD, and is filed in the City Recorder's office.

· A report was given by Councilor Mills on behalf of the Site Review Committee and the Revenue Committee which is recorded on tape, DVD, and is filed in the City Recorder's office.

· A report was given by Councilor Koehler on behalf of the Water Quality which is recorded on tape, DVD, and is filed in the City Recorder's office.

· A report was given by Lisa Ekelund on behalf of the Planning Department which is recorded on tape, DVD, and is filed in the City Recorder's office.

6. New Business

· Proposals for Audit Services

The Mayor stated this is an action item and the Council reviewed and discussed the proposals.

The City Recorder stated it was brought to her attention that because the city's expenditures are under $500,000 they are allowed a review instead of a full audit. The City Recorder stated some of the companies submitted two proposals one of which was for a review and the other for a full audit.

Councilor Ruede pointed out that some of the firms have more experience with municipalities.

Councilor Koehler stated Grimstad & Associates have a lesser fee.

The City Recorder stated she posted a request for proposal in the newspaper and received no responses. The City Recorder requested recommendations from the Oregon Association for Municipal Recorders (OAMR).

Councilor Ruede asked the City Recorder if she spoke to any of the firms and the City Recorder said she felt comfortable with Hough, MacAdam & Wartnik, LLC.

Councilor Koehler asked if they have any reference as far as what happened with the most recent auditor.

Mayor Hauptman stated that Hallis did not bid. The Mayor said Hallis was a small firm that was not able to provide timely service to the City.

Councilor Howison said the firm with the lower bid didn't give a review bid whereas the one the City Recorder preferred provided the review bid and questioned if the council needed to decide on a review or a full audit.

Councilor Quandt stated he believes the council needs more time for review and suggested they use $10,800 for the budget figure which would be a safe estimate.

Councilor Koehler said $10,800 was for a full audit.

Councilor Quandt made the motion that the council table the issue of deciding which auditing service to use and use $10,800 for the budget amount for the purpose of budgeting. Councilor Howison seconded the motion. The motion carried after unanimous vote of 6 ayes and 0 nays.

· Proposals for Janitorial Services

The Mayor stated there is only one proposal and it is from the janitorial company the city currently uses.

Councilor Howison moved to accept the proposal from Dunes City Home Services. Councilor Quandt second the motion. The motion carried after unanimous vote of 6 ayes and 0 nays.

· Construction Excise Tax

The Mayor explained the construction excise tax. The City Recorder stated she will set up a meeting with the business manager in charge of this program.

Councilor Navetta questioned what the city attorney thought of this.

The City Recorder stated the superintendent from the school is willing to speak to the council if they have any questions.

The Mayor directed the City Recorder to set up a time for the superintendent to speak to the council.

Councilor Quandt stated he agrees there is nothing the city can do about the tax as it was imposed by the state.

The Mayor asked the City Recorder if a resolution is required and the City Recorder said yes.

Councilor Quandt said there is an intergovernmental agreement with the school district.

Councilor Howison asked if the city gets any of the money and the City Recorder stated the city will receive 1% and that there is the possibility it will be raised to 3%. The City Recorder said the 1% is to cover staff time.

The Council decided it was not necessary for the superintendent to come to the city and speak.

· Fire Safety

Councilor Navetta stated the City of Florence pays less tax for fire protection and the city needs to take a stance.

Councilor Koehler reiterated that Dunes City is paying 5 times more in taxes than Florence and questioned what justifies it.

Mrs. Judy Martin spoke from the audience stating the City of Florence donated some fire equipment but it was worn out and was to be replaced.

The Mayor questioned how the city should confront the subject.

Councilor Koehler stated if the city could speak to the county commissioner about this, he thinks it may be helpful because most of the taxing could be fixed through that outlet.

Councilor Quandt stated he would suggest they have the city's fire commissioner collect a list of people to contact who could provide the city with a direction on approaching the matter.

Councilor Koehler stated on Friday 4/10/09 between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM there is going to be a Tsunami exposition at the Florence Events Center.

· Collection Procedures

The Mayor stated the council spoke of this at the last city council meeting. The Mayor said having an intergovernmental agreement with the Florence court system is a possibility and the city is researching a way to have court in Dunes City which would be conducted via video conference to Florence.

The City Recorder stated Valley Credit has been highly recommended to use as a collection agency.

The City Recorder stated she received a timeframe of an assessed fine that Councilor Koehler requested she research. The City Recorder said she found a fine that was not equal to what Councilor Koehler said.

Councilor Koehler stated he could provide an audio recording of the fine assessment.

Councilor Navetta stated the past recorder, Joyce Philips, noted a violation and sent a letter. The people sent in their money for the fine or they had the option to appeal the fine.

The Mayor said there are some people who ignore the fine.

Councilor Howison requested a 5 minute recess.

Mayor Hauptman called for a 10 minute recess at 9:03 PM.

The Meeting reconvened at 9:18 PM.

The Mayor announced speaker Jenny Velinity from the Siuslaw Area Partnership to Prevent Substance Abuse SAPPSA

Ms. Velinity announced that April is Alcohol Awareness Month. Ms. Velinity gave statistics regarding underage drinking and requested the city council make a statement saying the Council's position on underage drinking with the purpose of raising community awareness.

The Mayor asked the City Recorder to have the Administrative Assistant get the web links via email so they can be posted to the web.

Councilor Koehler stated he had contact with the Lane County Prevention Department and he has posted their link on prevention. Councilor Koehler stated perhaps he could design a page for public awareness.

Councilor Koehler asked Ms. Velinity what she thought could be a solution.

Ms. Velinity stated parent's needs to keep track of their alcohol supply in their homes. Ms. Velinity stated there are also parents who don't feel it to be a problem if their children drink.

The City Recorder stated she has a daughter who doesn't go out on Friday's because her daughter chooses to not be involved with the drinking. The City Recorder stated that her daughter believes there is not enough to do in the town that doesn't involve drinking.

7. Unfinished / Old Business

· Woahink Weir

Dick Anderson 8345 HWY 101

Mr. Anderson spoke of the availability of water and water rights in Dunes City. Mr. Anderson said he believes the additional water rights are invaluable and that it's important that Dunes City doesn't lose the opportunity for the water rights. Mr. Anderson said he would agree to quitclaim the Weir to the City.

Councilor Quandt asked Mr. Anderson what he is required to do at this time as controller of the Weir.

Mr. Anderson said he has no responsibility except it happens to be on his property.

Councilor Quandt asked if there is the possibility of an addition of a salmon gate.

Mr. Anderson said right now the water runs freely and the idea is to raise the gate so there is more water in the lake during the summer. Mr. Anderson said the state is not requiring modifications or additions to the Weir.

Councilor Navetta said an issue that remains is access to Mr. Anderson's property for monitoring the Weir.

Mr. Anderson said he would quitclaim the structure and allow a 20 foot easement for access. Mr. Anderson said he has had a good relationship with the State Water Master.

Councilor Quandt asked if the Water Master currently accesses the Weir by land or by water and Mr. Anderson said he goes by land with permission.

Mr. Anderson said he does not agree to have an easement through the property.

Councilor Mills asked the City Recorder if there were maps and drawings available.

The City Recorder said she would check the files. The City Recorder said she has not seen any drawings but she would research it.

Councilor Navetta said she knows there was a resident named Mr. Booth who has done drawings.

Mr. Anderson said the drawings by Mr. Booth are of the Weir as it exists.

Councilor Howison asked if the City has invested in updating the Weir a couple of years ago.

Mr. Anderson said the City under direction of Mayor Ward repaired leaking areas around the Weir.

George Burke 4838 Lake Blvd

Mr. Burke said the last Mayor asked Mr. Burke to finish and make improvements to the Weir. Mr. Burke stated that everything has been done that was agreed to. Mr. Burke said the final thing is to have the ODF sign off. Mr. Burke said the City needs to keep moving forward with this. Mr. Burke said all that's left to do is to follow the Department of Fish and Wildlife's direction on how they would like the Weir to operate. Mr. Burke said there needs to be a recording twice a month with water flow regulation. Mr. Burke said there is also a 1 year period where they would keep a lot of records, measuring flow so they know when to raise the gates up. Mr. Burke said this could be done through volunteerism. Mr. Burke said at the moment, the Weir is a dam but it's a permanent structure that doesn't move.

Councilor Koehler said because of the salmon, it's important to monitor the flow. Councilor Koehler said in order to measure in places that can't be accessed, could transponder receivers be put in place.

Mr. Burke said transponders could be put into place but right now they just use a stationary gauge.

Mr. Anderson said the Weir is accessible by boat or by site from the Highway and feels granting an easement would devalue his property.

Councilor Howison questioned if anyone has evaluated the city's needs to store water in the future.

Mr. Anderson said 3 or 4 drought years would create a need.

Mr. Burke said the former administration felt there was a need and gave the asking price for the water rights on Siltcoos Lake.

Councilor Koehler said there is a domestic use on Woahink Lake where there is a commercial/industrial use on Siltcoos Lake.

Councilor Mills asked how many people had individual water rights for Woahink Lake and Councilor Navetta said it was approximately 212.

The Mayor questioned if the City could afford and take care of the Weir. The Mayor said if the City takes over the Weir they would have obligations that Mr. Anderson doesn't have currently. The Mayor stated perhaps a cost analysis would be beneficial. The Mayor said he doesn't see the freedom to take care of the Weir as there are no access easements.

Councilor Navetta said there is an issue with using the water and a second issue of storing the water. Councilor Navetta said a key issue, is accessing the Weir over land.

Councilor Quandt read a section of the memorandum and expressed a concern if repairs in the future are needed by the use of cement trucks and the city would need assurance of a roadway they could travel through without damaging anything.

Mr. Anderson suggested they don't take a full load of concrete. Mr. Anderson said the Weir is very small and cement could be wheel barreled in.

Mr. Burke said the State has taken on the regulation of the Weir at the moment to maintain the downstream.

Councilor Quandt said his main concern is the associated costs and suggested the revenue committee look into it.

Mayor Hauptman suggested the water quality committee look into the cost.

Councilor Navetta said she believes the city signed up for this several years ago when they made the citizens sign up on the city's water rights.

Councilor Howison said Councilor Navetta's comment is in regards to a different issue.

Mr. Anderson said the City is reaching a deadline and if the City is at all interested, they should look into getting an extension.

Councilor Howison said the City should make sure they maintain the rights and apply for an extension.

The City Recorder stated she would research getting an extension.

Councilor Mills said the State Engineer in the Division of the Water Resources is who the City Recorder should contact and suggested the City Recorder speak to Mr. John Stead as he is familiar with the process.

Councilor Quandt suggested the course of action is to apply for the extension so the city has more time to think about it and have the revenue committee look into costs and funding.

Mr. Burke said there are performance dates that have to be met according to the language in the permit.

The Mayor directed the City Recorder to contact Mr. John Stead.

· Atkeson Property – Nuisance Complaint

Councilor Howison recused himself from the discussion stating it is because he is the person who issued the complaint. Councilor Howison left the dais and sat in the audience.

Councilor Koehler said he had a hard time with the report given by Mr. Gates because he goes outside his parameter of his expertise.

Councilor Quandt made the motion to accept the report from William Gates dated 03/18/2009. The motion was seconded by Councilor Mills. The motion carried by vote of 3 ayes and 2 nays.

Councilor Quandt made the motion to accept the staff report titled Recommendations for Resolution of Abatement Action dated 03/09/2009. Councilor Ruede seconded the motion. The motion carried by vote of 3 ayes and 2 nays.

Councilor Koehler said last month there was a problem with the whole report.

Councilor Quandt made the motion that the three violations of 151.020 listed in the staff report be declared nuisances pursuant to DC code 91.10 B. Councilor Mills seconded the motion. The motion carried by vote of 6 ayes and 0 nays.

Councilor Quandt brought up the issue of the fence on the property. The City Recorder stated the planning secretary has changed her recommendation to remove the fence as Mr. Gates suggests.

Councilor Koehler said if there is a report that is not totally right then it should be corrected.

Councilor Mills said her position with the report, is that it is a report from the planning commission and the council can't change it.

Councilor Quandt asked if the council believes the patio tiles should be removed.

The Mayor called for a 10 minute recess.

The meeting reconvened at 10:35 PM.

Councilor Ruede moved to request to minimize the tiles. Councilor Quandt suggested making the tiles 4 ft wide. Councilor Quandt withdrew his suggestion (second). Motion died for lack of a second.

Councilor Quandt made the motion to remove the tiles. Councilor Navetta seconded the motion. The motion carried by vote of 4 ayes and 1 nay.

Councilor Quandt made the motion that the fence is to be removed. Councilor Navetta seconded the motion. The motion carried by vote of 4 ayes and 1 nay.

Councilor Quandt questioned the posting of the nuisance.

Councilor Mills stated they should request the Lane County Sheriffs Department to do the posting.

Councilor Koehler said the Department of Fish and Wildlife could possibly do this.

The City Recorder said the council needs to vote.

Councilor Quandt made the motion to initiate the abatement procedures prescribed in the 03/09/09 staff report with the following changes:


1. Fence is to be removed

2. Tiles are to be removed

3. Notice of abatement will be posted on the property.

Councilor Mills seconded motion. The motion carried by vote of 5 ayes and 0 nays.

· Nuisance Ordinance Clarification

Councilor Howison said he believed clarification of the nuisance ordinance with regards to shoreland issues is needed. Councilor Howison said the Conservation Committee needs to be included in the ordinance.

Councilor Howison submitted a paper which read "91.25 (A) When a signed, written allegation is presented to the City Recorder that a nuisance, as defined in this chapter exists, the Recorder shall notify the Site Review Committee, (unless the violation occurs in the shoreland zone or in the riparian corridor in which case the Recorder shall notify the Conservation Committee.) The (designated) Site Review Committee will investigate to determine whether a nuisance exists. 91.26 (D) If the investigation designated in 91.25 determines that an emergency exists, the (designated?) Site Review Committee shall notify the Mayor. (Bold) print in parenthesis is new wordage, underlined is to be deleted."

Councilor Navetta asked why the ordinance number is changing when it's just an amendment.

Councilor Quandt said he is comfortable with the wording for ordinance 176, section 91.25 and believes they should go ahead and draft an ordinance using normal procedures and have it ready for the next meeting.

Councilor Mills said chapter 8 under ordinances in Dunes City Charter, paragraph 3 requires that if the city is going to adopt an ordinance, any reading by title, only if the council member doesn't request to have the ordinance read in full or if the copy of the ordinance is provided to each council member and 3 copies are provided for public inspection in the office of City Recorder not later than one week before the first reading of the ordinance. Councilor Mills said under Title 1 of the general provisions is where you will find the requirement that if you are going to amend the ordinance; you have to amend by ordinance. Councilor Mills said she thinks Councilor Quandt is correct in saying that they need to do it right but they could probably read into the record, the whole title tonight and get the first reading out of the way.

Councilor Quandt made the motion that we draft an ordinance to amend 176 using the language suggested by Councilor Howison and prepare it for the next meeting. Councilor Howison seconded the motion. The motion carried by unanimous vote of 6 ayes and 0 nays.

8. Adjournment

There being no further business to come before Council,

Councilor Navetta made the motion to adjourn the meeting and Councilor Ruede seconded the motion. After unanimous vote of 6 ayes and 0 nays, the meeting adjourned at 10:54 PM.

The next scheduled meeting of the Dunes City Council will be held on May 14, 2009 at 7:00 PM.

The proceedings of the City Council meeting were recorded on tape, DVD, and are filed in the City Recorder's office. The complete agenda of this meeting is filed in the City Recorder's office.


Respectfully prepared by,



Lisa Ekelund

Planning Secretary



Committee Reports



Communication and Education Committee

Minutes – April 1, 2009



The meeting was called to order by Chairman Susie Navetta at 11:00 AM.

Committee members present were April Dumas and Susie Navetta.

Also present were Richard Koehler, Marilyn Miller and Jamie Mills. Committee member Linda Ash was absent.

The main topic of discussion was the Pot Luck to be held on April 11th from 2:00 to 5:00 PM. ”Spring” will be the theme for the day. Set up time will be 12:00 noon.

· Susie Navetta will supply:

Green tablecloths, 12 potted plants, 2nd punch bowl, punch, ice, Casino donation, and call Rob Quandt to set up tables.

· Jamie Mills will supply:

Flatware and napkins.

· Richard Koehler will supply:

15 laminated signs and music.

· Jo Owen is willing to be the Master of Ceremonies.

· Cynthia Chandler, Ralph Farnsworth, Susie Navetta, and Mike Rose donated items for the raffle.

On Saturday, April 4th at 10:00 AM the clean up volunteers will spruce up the city hall. The volunteers will include April Dumas, Mark Chandler, Richard Koehler, Jamie and Robin Mills, Susie Navetta, Tracy Quandt, Becky Ruede, and Mimi Tizzard.

The Festival of the Lakes will be held on August 8, 2009. A discussion of where the festival should be held resulted in holding the FOL at Dunes City hall. A newsletter announcing the FOL will have a deadline July 4th, 2009. The theme for the newsletter will be “Greeting Around”. Hopes of sending the newsletter by email to save postage is being considered.

The meeting adjourned at 12:07 PM

Respectfully submitted, Susie Navetta.




April 9th, 2009 Council Report


The Road Commission is continuing to make progress in its organization, structure and goals for the year. We’ve had two meetings since we last reported to the council. We had our regular meeting on March 16th 2009. We continued the discussion on the system for managing road maintenance and the need for transparency in all aspects of the Road Department. Since the County has stopped contributing revenues to the City’s road system, this commission will have to be more efficient in order to maintain our roads with half the revenues of previous years.

Commission participation and Transparency begins with the budget. On March 25th we held a special meeting to create our budget request for this year. We had discussions on each and every line item in the budget and reached unanimous consent on all of them. The budget we generated will be compiled and voted on at the April 20th regular meeting. This will be our recommendation to the budget committee. The Commission is also working on its Stormwater Ordinance recommendation for the April 20th regular meeting.

We’ve made great progress in the first couple of months and with what I see so far the next months will be just as productive.

Robert Quandt

Roads Commission Chair




April 8, 2009, 10:00 a.m.

Dunes City Hall


A meeting of the Site Review Committee of Dunes City was held at the Dunes City Hall, 82877 Spruce St., in Westlake, Oregon, on Wednesday, April 8, 2009. Members present were Debbie Pasternak and Jamie Mills. Linda Ash was excused as she is out of town. David Dumas was not present, as he was attending another meeting in Florence. Dunes City Recorder Amy Graham was also present.


Chairman Mills called the meeting to order at 10:05 a.m.


The minutes of the February 25, 2009 meeting were reviewed, however, there being no quorum present, no action was taken.


A Site Visit was conducted on the North Pioneer property. Jamie is to check with Lisa regarding the lot lines and Amy will advise Mr. Boyter as to the necessity to remove the debris pile and inquire as to the intent of use of the remaining foundation. If Mr. Boyter agrees to remove the remaining debris, the check being held to ensure cleanup will be released back to him.


A Site Visit, in the form of a drive by, of the May property was conducted. Although the pilings in the right-of-way have been removed and the work on the porch of the back building that encroached on the neighboring property has been completed, the tool shed is still in the 25 foot front lot line setback and needs to be removed. Jamie is to draft a nuisance recommendation to the City Council for consideration by the Site Review Committee at its next meeting.


A Site Visit, in the form of a drive by, of the Hines property on Wright Road was conducted. This is a new complaint received by Dunes City. Jamie will draft a “friendly” letter for approval by the Site Review Committee at its next meeting.


A Site Visit, in the form of a drive by, of the abandoned trailer was conducted. Jamie is the check with Lisa to determine if it is located in the Dunes City right-of-way, and if so, to speak with Councilor Quandt about how he would like to proceed. If a nuisance violation recommendation is suggested by Councilor Quandt, Jamie will draft the document for consideration by the Site Review Committee at its next meeting.


The Peterson (Buckskin Bob) property was discussed. There is no signed complaint, so Jamie does not believe the Site Review Committee has jurisdiction. Jamie will discuss her concerns with the Mayor and request an opinion from Dunes City Attorney David Allen.


Jamie thanked Debbie for developing the Site Review Committee Log, and will input the data and distribute the log to committee members on a regular basis.


While conducting the May and Hines site review drive bys, it was noted that the vehicle had finally been removed from the right-of-way by the Austen property. Jamie will check with Councilor Quandt to ensure Dunes City did not remove the vehicle, and if they did not, will send a thank you letter to the Austens for their compliance.


There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 12:00 p.m.





Secretary of the Meeting


Water Quality Report to Council 4-9-09

Richard Koehler

March 5th WQC

The Committee believes that the septic maintenance ordinance has not been in force for a long enough time and recommended not making any changes in the ordinance. The original 5 year program should end in February 2011.

Research will be done to define the State Ordinances for “Failed Systems.”

A report on the “Incident Report” was given by Chandler . Water testers Chandler , Hager, Mohler, and Wilcox worked on the report. The WQC made suggestions on the report and Chandler will make the corrections.

April 2nd WQC

Mud flowed into Gibbs / Miller Creek (near the low point of Clearlake Rd.) March 8th from a unregistered logging road blowout. In short, a gully was filled to a height of 40 feet at a time (15 years ago?) when regulations were lax, to enable passage of vehicles. What was the reason for the blowout? An undersized culvert, by today’s standards, became plugged. Water filled behind the road, causing a blowout. The fill released into Gibbs / Miller Creek and then to Woahink Lake. Originally, this was sent to six Lane County officials with little results. I contacted two DEQ representatives one of which is still working on his final report. I have yet to receive word back from ODFW regarding their stand on this and other tributary issues in our two lake area. The goal is to affect prevention through proper sized culvert retrofitting on other old logging roads. A more involve report will be posted on the city’s website.

The committee voted to send chairman Koehler to a DEQ/RCAC symposium on April 15th to present to other communities the process by which Dunes City protects their water supply; the benefits and that which needs refining. An approved motion to include lunch was passed

The Inspection Process for septic maintenance was reviewed. Econorooter's Joel Klein, one of four NAWT inspectors serving our area presented an overview of the program. Members were informed about the problems of deep seepage trenches, septic tanks surfacing when the water tables are high, proper inspection techniques, the different types of systems and their costs and the reasons behind NAWT (National Association of Wastewater Transports) thorough procedures. The audio of Mr. Klein’s presentation will be offered to the planning commission so that they too may be apprized of septic systems issues.

Blue Green Algae prevention efforts at Devil’s Lake and their use of Solar Bees Water Agitation devices are not seen as an affective prevention method esthetically and economically for Siltcoos Lake’s blue green algae problems.

Protocols are now complete for Testers Algal Bloom Monitoring and Reporting and Procedure to be used by city staff re Lake Water Quality have been finalized and will be presented to council in May.




April 2009


The last planning commission meeting was held on March 26, 2009 where the commission discussed recommendations for the draft Stormwater ordinance, and possible future code revisions.

Public comment was made by Mrs. Alta Taylor who is beginning her research for the possibility of annexation into Dunes City.

On March 18, 2009, the planning secretary went onto Mr. Greg Atkeson's property with Mr. Dave "Fuzzy" Gates as directed by City Council.

As of April 02, 2009 the City has issued a total of 10 building permits and 5 electrical permits. Of the 10 building permits, 5 have had their final inspection. Of the 5 electrical permits, 4 have had their final inspection.
