Dunes City Council


December 10, 2009 - 7:00 pm

Printable file

 City Hall - 82877 Spruce St. , Westlake , OR 97439



1. Call to order and roll call.

Mayor Eric Hauptman called the meeting of the Dunes City Council to order at 7:01 p.m.

2. Roll call.

Roll Call was taken by Dunes City Recorder, Amy Graham.

Present: Mayor Eric Hauptman, Council President Peter Howison, Councilor Robert Quandt, Councilor Rebecca Ruede, and Councilor Jamie Mills.

Absent: Councilor Susie Navetta (excused), Councilor Richard Koehler (excused).

Also Present: Dunes City Recorder Amy Graham, Planning Secretary Lisa Ekelund, Planning Chairman David Bellemore, and 9 individuals.

3. Pledge of Allegiance.

All who were present stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.


4. Approval of the agenda

Councilor Quandt made the motion to approve the agenda as written. Councilor Ruede seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

5. Consent agenda.

A. City Council meeting minutes from 11/12/09.

B. Bills of the session through 12/04/09.

C. Receipts of the session through 12/04/09.

Councilor Quandt made the motion that the Council approve the consent agenda as amended. Councilor Ruede seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote.

6. Announcements / Correspondence

Mayor Hauptman announced the City would have the Festival of the Lights on Saturday December 12, 2009 between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.

7. Mayor's report

Mayor Hauptman announced that he had no report for this meeting.

8. Committee / Commission reports

· A written Conservation Committee report of was received from the Conservation Committee Chairperson and placed on file.

Councilor Howison made the motion to send a letter to Mr. Rash in appreciation of his years of service. Councilor Quandt seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

Councilor Howison made the motion that the Council look into having the Administrative Assistant investigate on and determine the several hundred-shoreland properties that would receive the educational mailing regarding compliance with Ordinance number 154. Councilor Quandt seconded the motion.

Councilor Howison amended his motion to remove "look into having" and add "will have", also to remove " investigate on and" so the original motion is as follows: "The Council will have the Administrative Assistant determine the several hundred shoreland properties that would receive the educational mailing regarding compliance with Ordinance number 154." The motion passed by unanimous vote.

· A written Parks and Recreation Commission report was received from the Parks and Recreation Commission Chairperson and placed on file.

· A written report of the Road Commission was received from the Road Commission Chairperson and placed on file.

· The draft minutes of the Road Commission was received from the Road Secretary and placed on file.

· A written report of the Stormwater Ordinance Work Group was received from the Stormwater Ordinance Work Group Chairperson and placed on file.

The Council discussed conflict in the Ordinances involving the areas of erosion control and stormwater.

Councilor Quandt asked if the charge of the group is broad enough to go outside a stand-alone draft. Councilor Quandt said one option is to work on a stand-alone ordinance and then afterwards make a recommendation as to where to apply it.

Councilor Mills said she had the understanding that the workgroup had a broad scope.

Councilor Ruede said she agrees with Councilor Mills.

Councilor Howison said he understands that there should be a stormwater section.

The Council continued discussion on how to proceed with the development of the Stormwater Ordinance.

The Council agreed that the Stormwater Workgroup could broaden their scope.

Councilor Quandt questioned if they needed to implement the CCI.

Councilor Mills said they have already gone through CCI regarding stormwater.

The Mayor directed the City Recorder to contact Larry Lewis regarding the CCI.


· A written report of the Site Review Committee was received from the Site Review Committee Chairperson and placed on file.

· A written report of the Revenue Committee was received from the Revenue Committee Chairperson and placed on file.

· A written report of the Water Quality Committee was received from the Water Quality Committee Chairperson and placed on file.

· The draft minutes of the Water Quality Committee was received from the Water Quality Committee Chairperson and placed on file.

Councilor Mills moved to pass the intergovernmental agreement onto staff for further consideration. Councilor Howison seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

· A written report of the Planning Department was received from the Planning Secretary and placed on file.

· The minutes of the Planning Commission was received from the Planning Secretary and placed on file.

9. New Business

· The 2008 / 2009 Audit

Sally Jaeggli, CPA 518 South Wall, Coos Bay OR from Haugh, MacAdam & Wartnik, LLC

Ms. Jaeggli said the City has complied with the Government Accounting Standards and the principles that the State of Oregon would like the City to complete. Ms. Jaeggli explained the audit report to the Council and it was a clean opinion.

10. Unfinished / Old business

· Rodney May's property located at 5372 Leavitt Loop (map/tax lot number 19-12-14-10-04501)

Mayor Hauptman said in speaking with the City Recorder and the Planning Secretary regarding the site review which included them, it was decided by everyone present that the shed measurement was a close call and that it would not be pursued. The Mayor said the community consists of many older homes that have many violations according to the current codes. The Mayor said he would like to propose that the Council follow through with the abatement notice requesting that the property owner have the property surveyed to prove that there is no encroachment. The Mayor said if the survey shows it is an encroachment or the property owner refuses to do the survey, then they will abate the problem.

Councilor Mills said she agrees with the Mayor that this is a difficult situation. Councilor Mills said she and the Committee members perceived it as a clear violation.

Councilor Quandt said “I’m also concerned about where this leads to because it is a violation apparently not completely confirmed in my mind because of a lack of a survey and I realize this could be too close to call but beyond this particular case I’m concerned about where this ends and do we spend all our time searching for violations, I think I can find one at everyone’s house so do we go that route I don’t want to go that direction that’s not what I’m here for so I’m perfectly willing to make a motion…”

Councilor Quandt made the motion to allow the property owner, Mr. May, to cause his property, within sixty-days, to be surveyed and in the event that it is within the front yard setback, they are forced to have him abate that violation. Councilor Howison seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

· Ordinance Number 204 (An Ordinance amending Ordinance 182, Chapter 155, Section (B) (2) (e) of the Dunes City Code of Ordinances.

Councilor Quandt explained the sentences that begin as "Whereas" in the ordinance.

Councilor Quandt made the motion to have the Mayor read Ordinance Number 204 in full. Councilor Ruede seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

Mayor Hauptman directed Councilor Quandt to read Ordinance Number 204.

Councilor Quandt read Ordinance Number 204 in full.

Councilor Mills made the motion to accept Ordinance Number 204 as read by Councilor Quandt. Councilor Ruede seconded the motion.

Mayor Hauptman began the discussion and limited each Councilor to 10 minutes.

Councilor Howison said he does not agree that there will be no ecological or environmental damage. Councilor Howison said Dave Perry's response read as if he was with the understanding that the code was going to enhance the restriction. Councilor Howison said Dave Perry's opinion is based on an understanding that is not correct.

Councilor Mills said she is concerned that they have spent so much time on this issue but she does understand her colleagues' concerns. Councilor Mills said this Ordinance is fair.

Councilor Quandt said it is better to spend a little more time to cover all of the bases. Councilor Quandt said Dave Perry knew the pets would be confined, thus not affecting the overlay zone.

Councilor Howison said there are no pets currently on the island and he is not opposed to extending the current rules to the entire island.

The motion to accept the Ordinance Number 204 as read passed by vote of 3 ayes and 1 nay.

Mayor Hauptman said they would read the ordinance again next month.

11. Citizen input on unscheduled items

David Bellemore 83548 Salal

Mr. Bellemore spoke in regards to the Weir on Woahink Lake. Mr. Bellemore said he believes it would be a good idea that someone owns the Weir. Mr. Bellemore said imagine what would happen if someone ended up owning the Weir in the future and if this person decided to remove it to cause the lake to be in its natural state. Mr. Bellemore said the Tsiltcoos Lake Association is looking into the purchase of the dam on Siltcoos Lake owned by International Paper. Mr. Bellemore said maybe the solution to the problem is if the Woahink Lake Association would like to investigate acquiring the deed to the Weir.

Bob Jackson from Florence, OR

Mr. Jackson presented the Council with a picture of Westlake where his parents lived when he was born. Mr. Jackson said he was bothered when he went down to where he lived and he saw the "two abominations" of gravel. Mr. Jackson said he went to speak to these people and the people said the berms needed to be taken out. Mr. Jackson said many things have changed. Mr. Jackson said he admires the Council for their work. Mr. Jackson said he thinks the City has gone too far with a lot of "this stuff". Mr. Jackson said cutting the grass did not pollute the lake but rather, geese, beavers, mud hens etc pollute the lake. Mr. Jackson said everyone needs to be kind to people and "to hell with regulations". Mr. Jackson appealed to the Council to have compassion and love for their neighbors.

Tracy Quandt 83573 Earhart Rd.

Ms. Quandt said she has observed that the City Recorder is being referred to as Amy Graham. Ms. Quandt said they should recognize her title in discussion to document who she is for future reference.

12. New Business

· Bids for sign refurbishment

Councilor Ruede announced that Bill Roberts Painting & Signs from 3737 Pine and 37th Street in Florence Oregon submitted the only bid for the sign refurbishment in the amount of $5,485.00. Councilor Ruede said the artist will be providing examples of artwork and what she has seen of his work in Florence, the artwork is of good quality.

Councilor Ruede made the motion to accept the bid for sign replacements for Dunes City signs from Bill Roberts Paintings & Sign. Councilor Mills seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

Mayor Hauptman called for a recess at 8:55 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:08 p.m.

· Water Resource Committee

Mayor Hauptman said this topic is for discussion only. The Mayor said he would like to see the Water Quality Committee turned into the Water Quality and Water Resource Committee. The Mayor said it is important that the City knows what they are dealing with and they need a Committee that is responsible for the water for both Woahink and Siltcoos.

Councilor Quandt said he thinks this is a good idea. Councilor Quandt said one of the problems is, in order for him to make any decisions on this, he will need a package showing the benefit cost analysis of this proposal. Councilor Quandt said there is no one charged with putting together a package. Councilor Quandt said it is a logical course of action to change the Water Quality Committee to the Water Resource Committee so they could deal with all issues relating to the water.

Councilor Mills said she would also encourage that the Council direct one staff person to dedicate an area in this as part of their job.

Mayor Hauptman directed the City Recorder to create an Ordinance example showing areas of responsibility.

Councilor Quandt made the motion to direct staff to prepare an Ordinance reflecting the discussion they just had and have it ready for review by the next Council meeting. Councilor Mills seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

· Business License Ordinance (Chapter 120)

Councilor Mills said on page two of the proposed draft under section 120.25, the last sentence in the first paragraph, the committee originally drafted the language contemplating a one-year term for the license and then later found a two-year license term would be better. Councilor Mills said the idea was to get the licenses to expire at the same time so staff would not need to track it on a monthly basis.

The Council discussed the fees for the Business License Ordinance.

Councilor Ruede said it is evident the Revenue Committee has put in a lot of time into this matter, however she would not be in favor of implementing a business license at this time because of the current economic situation. Councilor Ruede said perhaps it would be better to pursue this in the future.

The Council discussed the advantages of a business license to protect the citizen's rights.

The Mayor directed the City Recorder to investigate other Cities procedures and costs for business licenses.

Councilor Quandt made the motion to refer to Committee the task of amending this proposed ordinance as per our discussion this evening and charge the Committee to deliver that draft back to the Council for review. Councilor Mills seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

13. Public hearing

· Ordinance Number 203 (An Ordinance to amend Chapter 157 within the Dunes City Code of Ordinances entitled "Septic System Maintenance" and repealing Ordinance number 173)

Councilor Quandt made the motion to read Ordinance number 203 by title only. Councilor Howison seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

Councilor Quandt made the motion to adopt Ordinance Number 203. Councilor Howison seconded the motion.

The Council had discussion regarding the timeframe for granting extensions.

Councilor Quandt made the motion to insert the words "for no longer than one year and any requests beyond one year will be at the discretion of the Council" to be inserted in 157.060 (C) (1) after the word "circumstances". Councilor Howison seconded. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

Councilor Quandt made the motion to adopt Ordinance Number 203 as amended. Councilor Mills seconded the motion.

Councilor Mills moved that the original motion to adopt Ordinance Number 203 made by councilor Quandt and seconded by Councilor Howison be postponed indefinitely. Councilor Quandt seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

The motion to adopt Ordinance Number 203 as amended passed by unanimous vote.

14. Adjournment

There being no further business to come before the City Council,

Councilor Quandt made the motion to adjourn the meeting and Councilor Howison seconded. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

The Mayor adjourned the meeting of the Dunes City Council at 10:35 p.m.

The next scheduled meeting of the Dunes City Council is to be held on January 14, 2009 at 7:00 p.m.

The proceedings of the Dunes City Council meeting were recorded, and are filed in the City Recorder's office. The complete minutes of this meeting is filed in the City Recorder's office. Upon approval by the City Council, these minutes will be available online at http://dunescity.com/minutes.htm





Eric Hauptman, Mayor



Amy Graham, City Recorder



====================== reports ======================



December Conservation Committee Report


The Conservation Committee did not meet in November but did finish up work on a postcard mailing to shoreland properties informing and encouraging compliance with Ordinance 154 designed to protect the Dunes City shoreland and lake waters. The mailing will be printed soon, and then Fred will be challenged to determine our shoreland property addresses so mailing can be completed. Our next educational project will be a general mailing to all Dunes City citizens regarding protection of the shoreland and riparian zones. This month also completes the term of Jim Rash who has served this committee for many years. His input over the years has been invaluable and his replacement quite challenging.



Parks and Recreation Commission Report for December 10, 2009 Council Meeting

From Councilor Rebecca Ruede

The Commission is actively working with the City Recorder to get the RTMP projects completed.

The commission is recommending approval of the council as follows:

* Travel Lane County membership $165.00

* Security system $500.00

* Bulletin board for City hall $500.00

Cost of above items approximately $1,165.00. Please note, the security system does not include installation, and, Amy will choose the bulletin board that is appropriate for the location.

* Signs revision bid _______

Total ________

The next meeting of the commission is scheduled for January 20, 2010.



December 10thth 2009 Report to Council

The Dunes City Road Commission met last on November 16th . The topics discussed included pending permits, missing components of the Master Roads Plan, a drainage problem we had on Fir Lane, and our pre-application for the 2010 Oregon Transportation and Growth Management Grant Program. This grant program could give us resources to apply to our Master Roads Plan revision project. This is just a pre-application but it appears that we may be able to satisfy the criteria needed for receiving funding for code amendments.

In addition we discussed the need to communicate to the public how parking in the road right of way is discouraged and in fact against the law beyond 2 hours in a 24 hour period. We understand that sometimes it becomes necessary to park cars in the road right of way on a short term basis but residents need to keep in mind that our roads are too narrow to accommodate parking and driving at the same time. Most people understand that it is not allowed and do it sparingly. Some repeat offenders on the other hand are beginning to draw complaints from their neighbors and may believe that it doesn’t matter. These are the people we want to communicate with. We decided to draft a courtesy notice to be placed on vehicles repeatedly parked in the right of way instead of on their own property. We will try education first and then move to more intrusive types of persuasion. Your neighbors are the ones you will be inconveniencing by crowding the road so please be considerate of them by not parking in their public right of way.

Thank you. Robert Quandt Roads Commission Chair



STORMWATER ORDINANCE WORK GROUP   December 10th 2009 Report to Council

The Storm Water Ordinance Workgroup met last on the 23rd of November. One of the goals of the group is to avoid recreating the wheel in the process of drafting this ordinance. We discussed The DEQ 1200c requirements that already cover disturbances one acre and above. This would include PUDs, Subdivisions and larger developments. These requirements and provisions need to be evaluated to see if they will be adequate to cover all of our needs for this category of development. If so we can refer to the DEQ 1200c requirements for those developments and concentrate our efforts on the requirements for new developments under an acre.

Aside from the content of this ordinance the placement is also important.

Discussion on the integration of the stormwater ordinance into our existing ordinance brought a few questions to the table. How best to integrate this knowing that there are existing provisions in our code that may need to be replaced or removed. There are also placeholders for future stormwater provisions in zoning and development ordinance 155. However the momentum has been towards a stand-alone ordinance and its unclear if altering this course is outside the directive of this group. Its important not to create redundant or conflicting provisions to existing code. We still have an erosion control section in our building code 151 that wasn’t removed or used at the time of the erosion control ordinance. It’s confusing. This time we should clean up as we go. For now we will be concentrating on the meat of the ordinance and return to these questions later. We will continue working on this and our next meeting will be on January 25.

Robert Quandt/Stormwater task group Chair




The Site Review Committee did not meet in November, although Amy Graham did send the letter to the property owners of property on the corner of Pacific and Foothill.

Respectfully submitted this 1st day of December, 2009.

Jamie Mills, Chairman



The Revenue Committee met on Wednesday, November 18, 2009. Reports were given on the various grant opportunities, but most of the available grants would require Dunes City to take on new programs, rather than pay for services already being offered. The idea of pursuing day use at Tyee Campground (off Pacific Ave.) was discussed briefly and, even if it is not an opportunity for Dunes City, perhaps the Forest Service is unaware of the day usage taking place after they close the gates in October. Tracy Quandt offered to contact forestry to discuss the issue.

Ralph Farnsworth pointed out that while yard sales, cleanups and bingo nights are ways to make small amounts of money, what Dunes City needs is a regular revenue stream. John Stead and Tracy Quandt agreed. John and Tracy both asserted their belief that if Dunes City is going to continue to provide services, such as road repairs, street lights, etc., then a city tax is the only way to go. Ralph disagreed, and suggested that the committee do more research into other possible revenue streams currently relied upon by other cities and be prepared to discuss at our next meeting. Jamie Mills pointed out that the city of Powers, Oregon, and its 760 homes, were in the process of building a sewer system and treatment plant with one employee. If they can do it, Dunes City can, too. The next meeting is scheduled for December 2nd, at 3:00 p.m. Another meeting will be scheduled in January and will be announced at the city council meeting.

Respectfully submitted this 1st day of December, 2009

Jamie Mills, Chairman



Water Quality Committee   Report to Council  December 2009

We will meet on Monday, December 14th at 1:00PM with David Waltz, Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and Rich Miller, Portland State University (PSU) to discuss the 303D results on Siltcoos Lake.

The committee moved to send a of Maple Creek, for a cost of less than $100, to the lab. Motion passed.

The QAPP is getting closer to be being finished with the help of Mike Sovinski.

A suggestion of orange vests for road volunteers was rumored. The committee thought that if all volunteers were recognized perhaps more folks would be willing to give their time and be safe while they were doing it.

Attached to this report is what the committee worked on regarding the Intergovernmental Agreement IGA) with Lane County. I move to pass this Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) on to staff .

Richard Koehler Water Quality Chair

Attachment: also please refer to page 6 found at http://www.oregon.gov/DHS/ph/dwp/docs/pipeline/pipewi09.pdf.


-------------------- proposed IGA -------------------

Order Date: __December 2009




Board of County Commissioners






A. Background/Analysis

Water flowing from properties outside Dunes City yet still in Dunes City’s six miles of influence may be considered a threat to drinking water used by residences and visitors. Putting this water quality in jeopardy will affect tourism, of which this area depends. Honeyman State Park hosts 1.7 million visitors a year.

The City of Dunes City supports its own volunteer committees and commissions in order to protect water resources. This Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) has been prepared in order that Lane County will share its assistance and information with Dunes City. This IGA will become effective on the date of execution and shall continue indefinitely.

Lane Manual 21.145 requires Board of Commissioner approval for execution of agreements exceeding three years in length.


Staff recommends approving execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of

Dunes City for the purposes of collaboration with matters of water quality within the six miles surrounding Dunes City.


1. Proposed Board Order No._________

2. Intergovernmental Agreement between City of Dunes City and Lane County.

Exhibit A


THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by and between LANE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon, hereinafter referred to as "THE COUNTY," and the CITY OF DUNES CITY, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "THE CITY."


WHEREAS, ORS 190.010 and the Lane County Home Rule Charter provide that units of local governments may enter into agreements for the performance of any or all functions and activities that a party to the agreements, its officers or agents, have authority to perform, and

WHEREAS this benefit would be enhanced by sharing information effectively between the County and the City so as to enable a communication stream with the concerned the City’s Commissions and Committees therein.

Information would include, but not limited to;

• proposed excavation,

• building permits and proposals,

• septic installation repair and failures,

• hazardous water quality conditions where said hazard influences water quality and,

• enabling contact with Lane County land owners in this six mile sphere of influence in case of emergency and

• maintaining and improving water quality for residents and visitors.

WHEREAS it is mutually beneficial to both the jurisdictions that the County and the City, that the water borne pollutants and runoff from the six miles of surrounding watershed, tributaries to and water bodies of Little Woahink, Woahink and Siltcoos Lakes be recognized. Dunes City’s Comprehensive Plan; “Policy A4 states; “The city shall coordinate and cooperate with Lane County Planning, Building, and Sanitation Departments for staff assistance.”

WHEREAS two temporary closures of one of the affected lakes, Siltcoos Lake, to recreational use during the years 2007 and 2008 by Oregon’s Department of Health Services, further closures may adversely affect revenue to both the City and the County.

WHEREAS the City and its Water Quality Committee have worked with others to ensure water quality compliance by:

· completing an erosion control ordinance,

· working with DEQ to ensure standards are being followed,

· realizing the implications of an EPA 303d listing for Siltcoos Lake and it’s tributaries as an impaired body of water requiring further protecting,

· establishing Oregon’s first septic maintenance ordinance,

· pioneering a phosphorus reduction ordinance and

· designing a stormwater ordinance.


WHEREAS surface and groundwater and those served by said waters will benefit by having additional local feedback and assistance with the county’s work in area surrounding the City. This six mile sphere of influence is referred to in DC code 32.67 (G); “Study and propose in general such measures as may be advisable for promotion of the public interest, health, morals, safety, comfort, convenience, and welfare of the city and of the area six miles adjacent thereto;---.” [ Similar to ORS 227.090 (i) ]

WHEREAS Lane County Manual’s Statement 12.100; “It shall be the policy of Lane County to encourage intergovernmental cooperation in land use matters. Lane County agrees to make its Planning Commission available to incorporated cities for the purpose of reviewing matters of regional significance. It is particularly important that agreements be maintained with the City of Florence and Dunes City regarding coastal matters and the relationship with the Planning Commissions of those two cities with the West Lane Planning Commission.” This manual defines Community Water Supply Systems as “A source of water and distribution system whether publicly or privately owned which serves more than one single residence or other users for the purpose of supplying water for drinking, culinary or household uses.”



1. Ongoing communications with the City regarding county land dealings affecting water quality and responding to the City regarding water quality issues are the responsibility of the County at their own expense and;

2. Each of the parties agrees to defend, indemnify and hold the other harmless from and against all claims, suits, actions, losses, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses, resulting from or arising out of any negligent performance or failure to perform on the part of the indemnifying party, its officers, employees or agents. The parties' indemnity and hold harmless obligations are subject to the limitations of the Oregon Tort Claims Act and any applicable limitations of the Oregon Constitution.


5. This agreement shall be effective upon execution and shall continue indefinitely.


6. No amendment to this agreement shall be effective unless made in writing and signed by both parties.


By: By:

Title: City Mayor Title: County Administrator

Date: Date:

Updated 12/__/09



WHEREAS, Lane Manual 21.145 requires Board of Commissioner approval for execution of contracts exceeding three (3) years in length. WHEREAS, the term of the Agreement is indefinite in length. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Board of County Commissioners delegate authority to the County Administrator to execute Intergovernmental Agreement between City of Dunes City and Lane County for the ---------

Signed this __day of _______, 2009

Chair, Lane County Board of Commissioners

-------------------- END Proposed IGA -------------------



planning department report

Report Date: December 2009

Staff: Lisa Ekelund, Planning Secretary

In the Month of November, the Planning Department issued 5 permits and scheduled 17 inspections.

Staff has received an excellent response from the citizens regarding the Council's decision to replace The Building Department with Building Codes Consultancy. The permitting process is running smoother and the final inspections are being completed as needed.

The last Planning Commission meeting was held on October 22, 2009 and the November Planning Commission meeting was cancelled.

The next scheduled Planning Commission meeting has been moved to from December 24, 2009 to December 17, 2009 because of the Holiday.

