Dunes City Council

Approved MINUTES

April 14, 2011 at 7:00 pm

Printable file

 City Hall - 82877 Spruce St. , Westlake , OR 97439    

1.      Call to Order  

2.      Special Announcement  

Council President Rebecca Ruede called the Dunes City Council to order at 7:00 pm , with a special announcement stating she regrets to report the resignation of Mayor Hauptman today at 7:19 am .  

Councilor Wells made a motion to appoint Rebecca Ruede to the position of Mayor.   Councilor Sathe seconded the motion.  Councilor Koehler stated that he thought this may be premature with such short notice that the Council action should be curtailed for at least a month. Councilor Wells stated that he wants to see immediate action taken by the Council because there is a lot of work before the Council. There was no further discussion. The motion was restated with City Recorder Fred Hilden calling for a roll call of Councilors Wells, Koehler, Sathe, Ruede, Mills, and Anderson. The motion passed by unanimous vote.  

Swearing in of new Mayor - City Recorder Fred Hilden conducted the official swearing in of the newly appointed Dunes City Mayor, Rebecca Ruede .  

Councilor Wells made a motion to appoint Jamie Mills as Council President. Councilor Sathe seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.  

3.   Roll Call  

Roll Call was taken by Fred Hilden , City Recorder.  

Present: Mayor Rebecca Ruede , Council President Jamie Mills , Councilor Duke Wells , Councilor Troy Sathe , Councilor Richard Koehler and Councilor Richard Anderson .  

Absent: None.  

Also Present: City Recorder Fred Hilden , Administrative Assistant Haley Nelson and several citizens.  

4.   Pledge of Allegiance  

All who were present stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.  

5.      Approval of the Agenda  

Council President Mills made a motion to approve the Agenda as presented.  Councilor Anderson seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.  

6.   Consent Agenda     

A. City Council Special Session Meeting Minutes from March 8, 2011

B. City Council Meeting Minutes from March 10, 2011

C. Bills of the session through April 6, 2011

D. Receipts of the Session through April 6, 2011  

Council President Mills made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda.  Councilor Anderson seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.  

7.   Announcements / Correspondence  

A. Mayor Ruede announced that the Dunes City Council is seeking new applications for appointment for the vacated Council seat. An ad will be submitted to the Siuslaw News, to be published remaining open until Tuesday prior to the next Council meeting on May 12th. There will then be 30 days for the Council to review the applications and make a decision.  

Council President Mills made a motion to direct staff to publish an opening in the Siuslaw News to run until the 2nd Tuesday before the May Council meeting.  

B. Mayor Ruede acknowledged photographer Larry Bacon, Artist of the Month, thanking him for sharing his talents and display of artwork in the Dunes City Hall Council Chambers during the months of March and April.  

C. Mayor Ruede made a request for volunteers to apply for the Parks and Recreation Commission Position and Ordinance Review Committee.  

D. Mayor Ruede announced that a City Council Special Session is going to be held on Monday April 18th at 7:00 pm for the City Council to make a decision on the Montgomery View Estates Subdivision Application.  

E. Mayor Ruede wished Councilor Koehler Happy Birthday for his birthday on April 13th.  

F. Mayor Ruede congratulated Lisa Ekelund on her 3rd anniversary with the City on April 2nd and 2nd anniversary for Fred Hilden with the City on April 20th.  

8.   Citizen Input  

Resident Dave Gosselin, acting President of the Woahink Lake Association, presented David Bellemore with a resolution honoring him with his dedicated work, serving on the Planning Commission, City Council and working to protect the water of Dunes City .  Mayor Ruede added her congratulations.  

Resident April Dumas commented that the proposed Good Citizens Tax is a bad policy for Dunes City . This is a City run by volunteers. We all want to live in a safe environment. If we don’t enforce the rules, why do we have them? Where is the evidence of excessive complaints? Maybe we should disincorporate Dunes City and go back to Lane County . Ms. Dumas urged the Council to vote against this proposed ordinance.  

Resident Paul Floto inquired about the School Tax and the expense and balance of accounts payable. City Recorder Fred Hilden responded that was due to the carry over of the last fiscal year with an accounts payable.  Mayor Ruede asked Mr. Floto if that answered his questions and he responded that it did.  

Resident Susie Navetta presented a letter to Dunes City Council regarding her concern with the meetings scheduled for the Montgomery View Estates and sub-division planning process and questioned if the open meeting laws were being followed.  Councilor Sathe objected to the letter.  Mayor Ruede stated that she would not allow personal attacks on anyone at this meeting. All were admonished to be civil and show respect.  

Councilor Koehler stated that he was aware of Ms. Navetta’s concerns and suggested that there might be legal issues and that the City should have an attorney review this.  

Councilor Mills inquired as to whether the meetings were properly posted and noticed.  

City Recorder Fred Hilden stated that Lisa Ekelund prepared all of the meeting notices properly and all of the meetings and records regarding the LUBA Remand have been properly noticed.   

Councilor Mills stated her confidence in the transparency of the meetings.  

City Recorder Fred Hilden also stated that Alan Campbell will videotape the April 18 meeting.  

Councilor Sathe stated that he was not a part of the planning of the meeting for April 18. He further stated that his first decision regarding the concern of conflict of interest was to recuse himself. He has no interest in the property nor does he have any plans at this time to purchase any of Montgomery Estates property. The Ethics Commission meeting trainer has directed Councilor Sathe on the steps he is to take. Councilor Wells concurred on this direction given by the Ethics Commission trainer.  

City Recorder Fred Hilden made a clarification that no closed meetings for the LUBA Remand have occurred and that at the beginning of the meetings the Mayor asks for any ex-parte contact or conflict of interest.

9.      Committee / Commission Reports  

·        Mayor’s Report: Mayor Ruede stated, “I woke up this morning and everything changed.” I would like to encourage those of you who have an interest in City Government to get involved. Please work with us and volunteer your time.

·        Community Center Report: Councilor Wells stated that work needs to be done on the facia board on the south wall of City Hall.

·        Communication & Education Committee Report: Mayor Ruede read the mission statement and discussed the newsletter, requesting more input from the citizenry. The newsletter will include a section on flora and fauna that is alluded to in the Comp Plan and that the next meeting will be on 4/21.

·        Conservation Committee Report: Councilor Anderson reported on 2 of their current projects.  The Committee has received a request for vegetation removal on Lakeside Drive and has scheduled a site visit. A complaint has been received for review of a violation in the Shoreline Zone. The owner is there only part of the time and a site visit is scheduled.

·        Ordinance Review Committee: Council President Mills reported that there is no report at this time because the committee has not members, but the first meeting is scheduled for tomorrow on 4/15.

·        Parks & Recreation Commission Report: Councilor Koehler reported that there is not a report at this time, but will be meeting next week.

·        Road Commission Report: Road Commission Chair Troy Sathe read his report, giving an update on the Road Commission work and the rewriting of the Master Road Plan. A mission statement was passed by a vote of 4 to 1 and the next meeting is scheduled for 4/20.

·        Site Review Committee Report: Councilor Wells reported on the meeting of 3/8.  It was recommended by the Committee that Recorder Fred Hilden and the City’s insurance agent John Murphy make a site visit to the property located at 5568 Woahink Drive to determine the liability of a leaning tree. The Committee discussed the suggestion of obtaining an overlay of the wetlands, which is to be provided to the Committee. The next meeting will be held on 4/6 (which had already occurred).

·        Revenue Committee Report: Mayor Ruede reported on the meeting held on 3/24 with discussion of the existing revenue sources from franchise fees, permit development fees and room tax funds from Lane County . Mayor Ruede stated that if any of the citizens have anything they want the Committee to discuss, please provide that information to the Committee. The next meeting is scheduled for 4/28.

·        Water Quality Committee Report: Council President Mills stated that the water testers reported their readings, finding them to be good, which means the water is clear. The Committee has made a decision regarding the monitoring program, choosing to go with a less expensive Excel program. The Committee also has nearly completed the laminated Water Testers Handbook. The Committee has arranged a tour on 4/20 to visit the 3 sites of concern located on Hwy 101, near Myrtlewood Factory, sites along Woahink Lake , and at Honeyman Park . The Committee invited Representative Roblan and Senator Verger, however; they are unavailable to meet on the 20th. They plan to schedule a Saturday tour. Lane County Commissioner Bozievich and representatives from ODOT Lane County Public Works are expected to attend.  The Water Quality Committee and Council and any of the public are all invited to participate in the site visits.

·        The Planning Staff and City Recorder Report was given by City Recorder Fred Hilden . He gave an update on Lisa’s surgery and recovery. He reported that Lisa’s preparation for the Montgomery LUBA Remand was thorough and she made an excellent presentation on April 4th. Melissa Anderson has been working as the Contract Planner on Findings of Fact for the meeting scheduled on April 18th. City Recorder Fred Hilden gave an update on the vandalism at City Hall and the positive outcome demonstrated by the effort of Councilor Sathe to work with the neighbors who identified the children. With the cooperative effort to recover damages, the five children will each pay their share to replace the broken trailer lights and perform four hours each of community service. No charges will be filed against them by the City.

·        Mayor Ruede asked the City Recorder to send flowers to Lisa from the City Council.  

10. Public Hearing - None  

11. Unfinished / Old Business  

A. Draft Ordinance “Code Enforcement” (includes Complaint Fee), an Ordinance Amending Title 3, Chapter 36 of the Dunes City Code of Ordinances Entitled “Code Enforcement.”  

Councilor Koehler stated that he is concerned that Ordinances aren’t being delivered from Committees. In the past, the Ordinances come through the Committees first and then a work session occurs before being presented to the Council.  

Councilor Mills understands where Councilor Koehler is coming from but City Code states that if a Councilor wants to bring an Ordinance forward they can, if the Council wants to send it to Committee they can.  

Councilor Sathe stated that regarding his ethics training, any Councilor is allowed to bring forth any document before the Council, even if it is not on the agenda. Speaking further regarding the concerns of Councilor Koehler’s points referencing several cases of anonymous calls of complaints and the cost to the City and what City Hall will need to do in responding to those complaints needs to be determined.  

Councilor Wells stated that he thinks that what they are trying to do is to put more responsibility on the plaintiff. Paying the fee is going to ensure that there is a violation, rather than having invalid complaints  

Mayor Ruede stated that the purpose of rewriting ordinances is to help them through the times when there’s not enough money to send out staff. These need to be discussed and given due diligence towards the road of adoption.  

Council President Mills spoke to including language that exempts all governmental employees from having to pay the deposit, needing language to be drafted that excludes those provisions in Code that relate to violations of land use codes such as inspections, investigations, and including a starting date, as well as an ending date, for an administration fee basis. Council President Mills would like to see this go back to Committee for review. Dunes City needs to find a way to solve the problem of determining the fines.  

Councilor Koehler stated that charging for complaints is not his idea of public service.  There still has to be oversight.  

Council President Mills said that there is no set amount of deposit ($100 was discussed) and that if the Ordinance is approved, this would be something that would be addressed at a future time.  

Council President Mills made a motion to send the Code Enforcement Ordinance to the Ordinance Review Committee and to report to the City Council in the future. Councilor Anderson seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.  

12. New Business  

A. Emergency Protocol Discussion  

City Recorder Fred Hilden reported on the March 11th tsunami event and that he and the past Mayor had received citizen complaints about the lack of emergency reporting. Mr. Hilden stated that while all of you were sleeping that night he was up and fully alerted to all the emergency reports coming from Chief Buchanan. Many calls were received by the Councilors and Councilor Mills stated that Dunes City needs to be working on their Emergency Preparedness Plan. Councilor Mills believes the City needs to create an Emergency Preparedness Committee. It needs to be determined where the inundation zone is located and what the plan would be. Susie Navetta spoke from the audience that you prepare to take care of yourself and then your neighbors.  

Councilor Koehler spoke about the CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) and their successful role in providing community teams and that he has attended many of the community team meetings, receiving excellent educational materials. He also stated that DOGAMI, (Department of Geology and Minerals) mapping did not include Dunes City . He further stated that the Clear Lake Fire Station is the high point for Dunes City and accessible for the citizens. There are also indicators that the communication frequencies need to be addressed and that a series of informational emergency meetings should be planned.  

Councilor Sathe said that overlay maps are available to Dunes City .  

Mayor Ruede requested that the City Recorder contact the City Emergency Coordinator, Mr. Hayes and ask him to report back to the next City Council meeting for further discussion.  

City Recorder Fred Hilden requested that the Council determine the protocol for emergency notification from the City to the Citizens of Dunes City.  

Councilor Koehler stated that SVFR (Siuslaw Valley Fire & Rescue) makes notifications with auto calls for those in the inundation zone. For Dunes City , sentries would be determined in section of the City, although very fundamental.  

Councilor Mills stated that plans are in the process of including cell phone emergency alerts.  

City Recorder Fred Hilden asked what the Council would expect him to do in the event of an emergency.  

The Mayor polled the Council and all of the Councilors agreed that they want the City Recorder to administer the emergency alert effort for Dunes City , with a call to each of the Councilors.  

Councilor Anderson stated that our problem is going to be the bridges.  

Councilor Mills gave the details on “Are you Ready Program” and that her neighborhood is in the process of getting ready to go, including providing emergency signage and indicators of rescue needs.  

B. Resolution Series 2011, No. 1 ( 04/14/2011 )  

Mayor Ruede asked for the Resolution to be read and asked for a volunteer to read the complete context of the resolution.  

Councilor Mills read Resolution Series 2011, No. 1 ( 04/14/2001 ) to modify the employment contract between City Recorder Fred Hilden and the City to report to the City Council.  

Councilor Koehler stated there seems to be a lot of redundancy regarding the budget officer and a Council to oversee the office. There are too many people involved and that could cause confusion.  

Councilor Sathe stated that he thinks this is a good thing and that 3 Councilors can schedule meetings.  

Council President Mills stated that it’s state law. Oversight of the Budget Officer should be by the municipality, not the Mayor. Dunes City Charter says what the Mayor does and no more. We need to be in compliance with state law and the Charter.  

City Recorder Fred Hilden stated that the biggest concern about this resolution is that it gives the City Recorder all of the responsibility, all of the accountability, but no authority. Meaning that decision-making may be postponed until the Council can be polled. There is an option and the resolution could be modified to read that the City Recorder report to the Council as Budget Officer and Elections Officer, and on daily matters report to the Mayor.  

Mayor Ruede asked if the Council would like to offer  motion to table or to adopt the Resolution.  

Council President Mills responded that she wished to move forward.  

Councilor Koehler made a motion to table this item and send it to the City Attorney.  The motion died for a lack of a second.  

Councilor Wells expressed his desire to move forward with adopting the resolution.  

Councilor Koehler declared, when was there an issue?  

Mayor Ruede responded, saying, I know there was an issue.  

City Recorder Fred Hilden stated that with the importance of meeting the date of the upcoming Budget meeting that he would favor seeing this move forward and then later confer with the city attorney.  

Council President Mills made a motion to move forward and adopt Resolution Series 2011, No. 1 ( 04/14/2011 ).  Councilor Wells seconded the motion.  The motion passed with Councilor Koehler casting his vote as nay.  

C. Ordinance Review Committee Appointments  

Mayor Ruede announced the applicants for the Ordinance Review Committee as Steven Burton, George Burke and William Meyer.  

Councilor Sathe asked to question Steve Burton why he had applied.  

Steven Burton came before the Council to explain his intent and qualifications for applying. He stated that he is a resident of Dunes City and is an attorney and will not and cannot represent any legal issues before the City Council. He understands that this is a non-voting, working committee. Identifying and giving his summarization of the role of serving as a volunteer, he stated that his educational background offers the qualifications and skills needed to look at inconsistencies and also shared his writing capabilities and talents of drafting, understanding the revising and editing issues involved. Mr. Burton asked the Council what their long-term objective is and the time frame they hope to accomplish the work.  

Council President Mills gave an overview of the Ordinance Review Committee’s goals.  

Councilor Koehler stated that most of the documents and ordinances and tracing electronically aren’t easily located and would like to bring it all up to date.  

Mr. Burton stated that most of what he has reviewed is hard copy and transitioning to full text isn’t what he sees as a role for the Committee, but eventually could be a good goal.  

Applicant George Burke was invited forward and stated that he is a citizen of Dunes City and his reason to come back on the Ordinance Review Committee is that he would like to continue with the work that he’s done in the past.  

Councilor Koehler made a motion to approve the appointments of William Meyer and George Burke . The motion died for a lack of a second.  

Councilor Sathe made a motion to approve the appointment of Steven Burton. Councilor Wells seconded the motion. The motion passed with Councilor Koehler casting his vote as nay.  

Council President Mills made a motion to approve the appointment of George Burke . Councilor Anderson seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

D. Parks and Recreation Commission Appointment  

Mayor Ruede announced the applicant for Parks and Recreation Commission as Susie Navetta .  

Council President Mills made a motion to appoint Susie Navetta to the Parks and Recreation Commission. Councilor Koehler seconded the motion. The motion passed with Councilor Sathe casting his vote as nay.  

E. Agreement for Contract Planner  

Mayor Ruede asked if the Councilors had the opportunity to review the agreement for Contract Planner Melissa Anderson and all replied they had done so.  

Councilor Sathe said that the contract looks perfectly fine, but it is over $2000.00 and needs to be approved by the Council.  

City Recorder Fred Hilden made a clarification that Dunes City liability insurance provides coverage for this contracted position.  

Councilor Sathe made a motion to approve the contract agreement.  Council President Mills seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.  

13. Unscheduled Items Not Listed On Agenda  

Councilor Sathe inquired about the Water Rights Compliance fees and was informed that the report is to be on the May agenda of the City Council.  

Councilor Koehler inquired about posting the budget data on the City website and City Recorder Fred Hilden will make it available to him, once it’s prepared.  

Council President Mills expressed her thoughts on the changing of the Mayor.  

The Council discussed reviewing of the budget document.  

14. Executive Session - None

15. Adjournment  

There being no further business to come before the City Council, Council President Mills made the motion to adjourn the meeting.  

Mayor Ruede adjourned the meeting of the Dunes City Council at 9:05pm .  



[ Signed copy available at City Hall ]

Rebecca Ruede , Mayor  



[ Signed copy available at City Hall ]

Fred Hilden , City Recorder

Communication and Education Committee

Report to Council

April 14, 2011

Rebecca Ruede , Chair  

The Communication and Education Committee met on March 17 2011 . Members present were Mary Jo Leach, Cyndi Cullison, April Dumas and I.  

The committee adopted the following mission statement to give direction and focus this year:  

Mission Statement

To promote stewardship and understanding within our community, through informative publications and events that foster participatory governance through a transparent process, in accordance with the Dunes City Comprehensive plan, for the benefit of our citizens and visitors.  

The majority of discussion was centered on the newsletter that will be published at the end of this month.    As always, if you have articles of interest for the committee to consider for publication, we are happy to accept them.  

On a positive note:  I received a letter from a citizen that stated he was extremely happy with the direction of the new council and wanted us to know that.  We are here to represent you, citizens of Dunes city, and, we want and encourage your involvement.   

Our next meeting is April 21, 2011 @ 3:30 pm

Road Chairman’s Report to City Council

April 14, 2011 ~ Prepared by Troy Sathe , Road Chairman  

The Road Commission met on March 21st at 6:30 pm at Dunes City Hall . All members were present.  

Commissioner Tucker gave a report on the legality of Dunes City streets and found a few streets to look into.  

Commissioner Harris cut and removed some English Laurel that was growing on Hilltop Drive .  

Gary Baker gave a presentation on the updated pavement management system.  He also stated that Dunes City Streets are at an average of 82 out of 100 pc level, which are now at a maintenance level where the upkeep will be less expensive.  

Commissioner Curran presented a mission statement that was passed by a 4 to 1 vote.  

The Road Commission put the rewrite of the Master Road plan out for bid.  

The Road Commission passed a right-of-way facilities permit for Bruce Herbert on Peninsula Road .  

The next Road Commission meeting will be at 6:30 pm April 20th at Dunes City Hall .  

Thank you,   Troy Sathe , Road Commission Chair

Site Review Committee

Report to Council

Duke Wells, Chair

April 14, 2011  

Site review meeting:      March 8 2011 , 3:00 pm , Dunes City Hall  

Roll call members present : David Dumas , Milton Farrand

Excused absent :Ken Platt  

Unfinished old business : The Committee recommended that Fred Hilden and city insurance agent John Murphy visit the property at 5568 Woahink Drive to check out any possible liabilities to Dunes City over leaning  trees on neighboring property.  

There was no new business  

Unscheduled items: David Dumas suggested that it would be useful in our site review inspection in the future if each member had complete information on the description of wetland overlays, riparian areas and soil erosion in Dunes City .  

I said that was a very good idea and I would put a packet together with that information in it and have it ready for the next meeting. The April meeting is set for the 6th of April at 3:00 p.m. at Dunes City Hall .  

Thank you, Duke Wells, Chairman Site Review Committee

Revenue Committee Report to Council

Rebecca Ruede , Chair April 14, 2011  

The Revenue Committee met on March 24, 2011 .  Members present were David Bellemore, Paul Wilbanks, Ed Scarberry, John Stead and I.   April Dumas was absent.  

The general discussion of the committee is centered on the City’s existing revenue sources such as:  franchise fees, permit development fees, and room tax funds from Lane County .  

The committee will continue this line of discussion until we come up with something to bring to the council for consideration.  

Citizens, if you have anything you would like the committee to discuss, please contact one of us.  

The next meeting is scheduled for April 28, 2011 @ 3:30pm .

City Recorder Report to City Council

April 14, 2011 ~ Prepared by Fred Hilden  

This month the City Recorder’s report to Council will include the Planning Department Staff report.

During March, our Planner, Lisa Ekelund , worked closely with Mike Dees , the City’s Engineer from The Dyer Partnership in reviewing and preparing all of the information required to finalize the Preliminary Staff Report on the Montgomery LUBA remand proceedings. This effort required a thorough analysis of the original LUBA decision as well as the Court of Appeals decision to ensure that the City makes a decision on the remand based on the requirements of the Court and applicable criteria from State, County and City Code. During our Special Session on April 4th, Mike Dees presented the Engineer’s Report and Lisa presented her Preliminary Staff Report to the City Council and Mr. Montgomery, the applicant. At this point, there do not appear to be any major issues with the recommended conditions of approval. Melissa Anderson our contract Planner will be completing the Final Order and Finding of Fact during the second week of April.

Also in March, Lisa cross-trained Haley Nelson on permit issuing procedures and inspection scheduling in preparation for her (Lisa’s) absence during April. Haley is already doing a good job in handling these routine tasks. Haley has moved the permit and inspection database to her computer so our contract Planner, Melissa Anderson can have free and open access to Lisa’s computer to complete the Montgomery Final Staff Report, Findings of Fact and Order.

On March 8, 2011 , the City Council held a Special Session to receive citizen input for the 2011-2012 Budget. Most of the comments received focused on a concern over payroll and payroll allocations to the various funds. During the first Budget Committee meeting in April, in addition to the Budget Message, payroll details and the payroll allocation table will be presented to the Budget Committee before any budget details are discussed. Once payroll and allocations are approved, finalizing the rest of the budget should progress very quickly.

One of the suggestions that came out of the Special Session on Budget was the desire to track employee time by activity and/or fund. Lisa Ekelund did some quick research on five software packages that perform this kind of function and found a “dashboard” product from NBD-Tech that will also allow us to prepare easy to read reports.

During the March 10, 2011 City Council meeting, Ordinance #209 creating the Ordinance Review Committee was approved. A press release announcing these committee openings was sent to The Siuslaw News along with the one opening on the Parks and Recreation Commission. The City has received three applicants for the two positions on the Ordinance Review Committee and one applicant for the Parks and Recreation Commission. We will implement this software in all positions during April and May.

On March 16, 2011 , Jennie Messmer from the League of Oregon Cities conducted a training session for the City Council, Planning Commission, Road Commission and Staff. The training session focused on government ethics, the City’s Charter and Rules of Procedure. It was very well attended and some very good questions were asked by attendees.

In an effort to streamline our monthly financial reporting, I automated the payroll and expense allocation process. With some volunteer help, the budget was input to QuickBooks and the Council will now have a Budget vs. Actual report in a new QuickBooks format. Using this reporting technique will save four to six hours of City Recorder time each month preparing the report using the State’s budgeting format.

Haley Nelson continued to make good progress auditing our septic database to property files during March. This process is taking substantially longer than planned as many new property files have been added without corresponding updates to the septic database. Haley also processed four business license applications and sent out twenty septic packets.

The Road Commission has selected Shady Lane and Laguna Avenue for Selena Carter to research and identify ownership. Selena also continues to organize and update Road Department files.

Respectfully submitted, Fred Hilden City Recorder  

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