Dunes City Council

Approved MINUTES

May 12, 2011 at 7:00 pm

Printable file

 City Hall - 82877 Spruce St. , Westlake , OR 97439  

1.     Call to order

Mayor Rebecca Ruede called the meeting of the Dunes City Council to order at 7:00 pm .  

2.     Roll call  

Roll Call was taken by Fred Hilden, City Recorder .  

Present:    Mayor Rebecca Ruede , Council President Jamie Mills, Councilor Richard Anderson, Councilor Richard Koehler , Councilor Troy Sathe , and Councilor Duke Wells.  

Absent:  None.  

Also Present:        City Recorder Fred Hilden and several citizens.

3.     Pledge of Allegiance  

All who were present stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.  

4.     Approval of the agenda  

Councilor Sathe made the motion to approve the agenda. Councilor Mills seconded the motion. During discussion, Councilor Koehler expressed concern that the packets were not distributed until shortly before the meeting and suggested that the meeting be postponed until next week to give everyone an opportunity to review the packet.  Councilor Mills suggested as a compromise that the Council postpone consideration of the minutes, since that is the biggest part of the packet to go through, but that we continue with the meeting.  Mayor Ruede inquired as to whether the Council, other than Councilor Koehler, had had an opportunity to review the packet.  All indicated they had.  Councilor Koehler asked if there was something that can be done to ensure the packets are provided a week in advance because they haven’t been.  Mayor Ruede explained that because of the staff shortage in the office, the number of special sessions and budget meetings adding additional workload, she allowed the Recorder to distribute the packets late this meeting.  City Recorder Fred Hilden apologized for the tardiness of the packet, explained other tasks that were due and expressed his anticipation that distribution of the packets will return to their usual schedule in the future.  Councilor Sathe pointed out that this is the first time the packets have been late since Mr. Hilden has been City Recorder.  Councilor Mills asked Councilor Koehler if he had suggestions on how to resolve the problem, such as a change to the Rules of Procedure or something of that nature.  Mr. Koehler expressed concern that the general public did not have sufficient time to review the materials in advance.  Councilor Koehler further stated that he would just abstain from voting on those issues where he did not feel adequately prepared.  Councilor Mills called for the question.  The motion passed by unanimous vote, however, Mayor Ruede misspoke that the motion was to approve the consent agenda, so the motion was restated and re-voted upon and passed with Councilor Koehler voting nay.  

5.     Consent Agenda  

Councilor Mills moved to pass the consent agenda.  The motion was seconded by Councilor Sathe and approved with Councilor Koehler abstaining.  

6.   Announcements / Correspondence  

Mayor Rebecca Ruede announced that Dunes City resident and former Road Commissioner David Persons passed away on May 6th, and that a funeral mass is scheduled for Saturday, May 14th, at 11:00 a.m. at Our Lady of the Dunes Catholic Church.  

Other announcements made:  

Lisa Eklund, Dunes City Planning Director, is recovering nicely from her surgery and will be released back to work half days beginning Monday, May 16th.  

Several cougar sightings have been reported to City Hall in the South Cove and Westlake areas.   Please be careful and keep a close eye on children and pets.  

The artist of the month is Photographer Larry Bacon.  

Long time public servant Marilyn Miller has resigned from the Budget Committee and from the Planning Commission.  

Dunes City ’s final Budget Committee meeting to approve the Budget for the 2011-2012 fiscal year is scheduled for Tuesday, May 24, 2011 , at 6:00 p.m. and we will have another Budget Committee  meeting next Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. here in City Council Chambers.  

City Hall has received several inquiries about an anonymous postcard, or postcards as is the case, that have been received by selected residents of Dunes City and these postcards have no return address on them.  We want our citizens to know that all mail originating from Dunes City Hall will have the City’s logo, name and return address on them.  The postcards that selected residents are receiving are not from Dunes City .  

Following the meeting, there will be cake and refreshments in honor of Mayor Ruede’s birthday and City Recorder Fred Hilden ’s birthday.  

7.  Citizen Input  

Suzie Navetta read a statement into the record regarding her historic involvement in Dunes City and her disappointment with the continuing friction in the City, the scripted meetings, the stacked committees, the complete disregard for the budget process, and the overall contempt of the current City Council for the Dunes City Code.  Consequently, she stated, she hereby withdraws her application for the City Council as she is sure she can find another place for her services.  

Tom Bassett presented an update to the City Council on the status of the request for vacation of roadway at the end of Buckskin Bob Road .  Mr. Bassett indicated that as a result of concerns expressed by councilors, road commission members, and others, and having received information from Mr. Hilden that the City cannot vacate City property that abuts a lake, he and Mr. Davis have decided to re-write their proposal.  That proposal is that rather than asking for a vacation to the end of the road, they are asking for a triangular piece next to the Bassett property and a triangle vacation next to the Davis property.  This would would leave a 30 foot wide swath of road that the City would maintain all the way to the lake.  The triangular pieces do not touch the lake.  Mr. Bassett went on to state that they have collected all of the signatures of the neighbors except one owner who owns a piece actually under the water.  Mr. Bassett indicated that his hope was to go back to the Road Commission and have them re-examine this matter.  

8.   Committee/Commission Reports  

Mayor’s Report – Mayor Ruede presented her first report as Mayor.  She indicated she wanted to set the tone for the City Council and set forth the following guidelines:

            We will respect the opinions of all citizens.

            We will work toward balance and compromise in our decision-making process.

            Our energy and efforts will be positive. 

            We will not let negative forces divide this community and impact our ability to move forward and conduct city business that is so important to this community.  

We all know that in every political theater there is always an effort to define “us” and “them”.  That type of government accomplishes nothing.  It is only negative and divisive.  It pits neighbor against neighbor.  It is a cancer that grows and destroys.  It is with great sincerity that I ask that we all put this polarized thinking of issues behind us and we learn from it and build a strong platform for the future of Dunes City .  We need to recognize that a decision that is a result of balance and compromise will always be the best option.  It is critical that we all work together in the best interests of our City and remain strong in our commitment to heal the wounds of the past and to build bridges to the future.  We value all opinions, whether we agree or not, and we freely offer a forum for public input.  It is time for a new start.  My door is always open and I would hope that each of the council members’ doors are open as well.  And finally, I’d like to thank each Councilor for serving on the Council and putting your support in me as your Mayor.  I would also like to thank the many, many citizens that have offered their kind words of congratulations over this last month and their best wishes.  I will try to live up to your expectations and I promise my best efforts as your Mayor.  

Communication & Education Committee Report – Mayor Ruede read the written Communication and Education Committee Report into the record.  

Community Center Report – Councilor Wells reported that the display case has now been acquired and mounted on the outside of the building.  

Conservation Committee Report – Councilor Anderson reported that the committee met twice this month to address two issues.  One was a request to remove danger trees.  The Committee made a site visit and determined that the trees were, in fact, danger trees and permission to remove them should be granted.  The other is a matter that is on the agenda for discussion later.  

Ordinance Review Committee – Councilor Mills read the written report of the Ordinance Review Committee into the record.  Councilor Koehler asked if the proposed Septic Ordinance will be reviewed by the Water Quality Committee.  Councilor Mills indicated she offered to provide a copy of the most recent version of the ordinance to the Water Quality Committee members and although it is not specifically agenda-ized for discussion at the next meeting, it can certainly be brought up under other items to be discussed.  

Parks and Recreation Committee Report – Councilor Koehler reported that the Parks and Recreation Commission attempted to meet, but there was no quorum so no meeting was held.  

Road Commission Report – Councilor Sathe read the Road Commission Report into the record.   

Site Review Committee Report – Councilor Wells reported that the Site Review Committee met on the 6th of April at City Hall, but because there was no old business and no new business to consider, the meeting adjourned.  

Revenue Committee Report – Mayor Ruede read the written report of the Revenue Committee into the record.  

Water Quality Committee Report – Councilor Mills read the written Water Quality Committee Report into the record.   

Mayor Ruede called for the Planning Staff Report, however, City Recorder Fred Hilden indicated that he had included that report with his report and suggested the Emergency Coordinator Report be first.  

Emergency Coordinator Report – City Recorder Fred Hilden presented the written report of Don Hayes and read a portion of it into the minutes.  

Planning Staff Report/City Recorder Report – Mr. Hilden presented the written City Recorder Report.  

Planning Commission Chairman Lee Riechel spoke from the audience requesting the Mayor to allow him to make a report on behalf of the Planning Commission.  Mayor Ruede invited Mr. Riechel to come forward.  

Mr. Riechel requested, on behalf of the Planning Commission, that two discussion items be added to next month’s regular City Council agenda.   Mr. Riechel explained that the Dunes City Comprehensive Plan, adopted in 1997, and the Dunes City Code, no longer meet the State’s Goal 1. requirements and should be modified to create a Citizen Involvement Program (CIP) and specifically identify procedures for appointment and implementation of not only the Citizen Involvement Program, but the Concerned Citizen Input process.  

Further in to the Comprehensive Plan, it states that the Dunes City Buildable Lands Inventory is sufficient for 20 years, however, the City’s approved Buildable Lands Inventory shows a shortage of 83 lots, or 83 acres.  We need to modify the Comprehensive Plan to coincide with the Buildable Lands Inventory.  The Planning Commission recommends these two items be placed on the next regular City Council meeting agenda for discussion.  

Councilor Koehler asked if the Buildable Lands Inventory is required in a City of our size?  Chairman Riechel indicated yes, to his knowledge, it is.   Councilor Koehler went on to ask that if we open Comprehensive Plan, is that something we would be voting on?  Aren’t we, typically, opening a can of worms?  To which Mr. Riechel responded the State has a specific plan for modifying the Plan that is not a full review, but that Mr. Riechel is not familiar with the details.  

9.  Public Hearing  

Mayor Rebecca Ruede announced there were no public hearings scheduled.  

10.  Unfinished/Old Business  

Water Rights Compliance Fee - Councilor Sathe stated that the administration of the water rights compliance program only costs $100 per hookup and not the $150 currently being charged.  Mr. Sathe continued stating there really is nothing more to talk about, we just need to reduce the amount to $100 as there is no sense charging the citizens more than we need to.  Councilor Mills stated in her opinion that this is being looked at in the budget process and that her numbers show the costs of administration at $125 per hookup.  Mrs. Mills believes that discussions in the budget process will result in clarification of what the Council needs to do about the water compliance fund.  Councilor Koehler suggested that it would be important to look at the total number of people who are not participating in the program and are not paying into the fund, which he estimates as in the 90s.  Mr. Koehler went on to state that if those people were included in the program, we should be able to balance things out.  Mr. Koehler believes it is incumbent upon the Council to look into those people who aren’t paying, and also those who are, and try to equate that so that the total amount is more fairly calculated.  

Councilor Mills asked the City Recorder when the notices were due to go out again, to which the Recorder responded July 1st.  Discussion regarding how to do the research to identify the non-compliant individuals.  Councilor Koehler indicated that Jo Owen has been helping him do this research for years to identify the people in compliance and has already done significant research.   I don’t see us making a decision at this time. Councilor Wells expressed his opinion that the Council needs to move on this.  

Councilor Mills moved that Councilor Koehler meet with the City Recorder and share the information on those individuals believed to be non-compliant, if it is easy to identify who those individuals are; that a letter be sent from Dunes City to the individuals directing them to make application to sign up on the Dunes City water right program and become compliant within a time specific.  The motion was seconded by Councilor Anderson .  Further discussion took place.  Councilor Mills called for the question.  The motion passed with Councilor Koehler abstaining.  

Council Mills made a motion to direct staff to prepare a Resolution to decrease the water compliance fee to $100 and have the Resolution placed on next month’s regular Council agenda.  Councilor Sathe seconded the motion.  Discussion followed.  During discussion it was pointed out that just because there is a resolution drafted with a specific dollar amount doesn’t mean that the Council can’t amend the resolution to a different dollar amount or fail to pass it all together.  The motion merely provides the opportunity for the issue to be discussed and action taken at the next Council meeting.  

Councilor Mills called for the question.  The motion passed with Councilor Koehler abstaining.  

10.  New Business  

City Council Appointment – Councilor Sathe requested that both applicants come forward and speak.  Both candidates made brief presentations on their history, their background, and their reasons for desiring to serve on the Dunes City Council.  Questions from the councilors were posed to both candidates.  Councilor Sathe moved to appoint applicant Ed Scarberry to the City Council.  Councilor Wells seconded the motion.  Discussion followed.  Upon a vote of 3 ayes to 2 nays, Mr. Scarberry was appointed to the City Council.  The roll-call vote was as follows:  Ayes:  Councilors Wells, Sathe and Koehler.  Nays:  Councilors Mills and Anderson.  

The new Dunes City Councilor, Ed Scarberry , was duly sworn and assumed his position on the dais.  

Planning Commission Appointment – the only applicant for the Planning Commission, Paul Gargis, came forward and entered a brief statement as to why he was interested in serving on the Dunes City Planning Commission.  Councilor Mills moved to appoint applicant Paul Gargis to fill the remaining term of the vacant Planning Commission member.  The motion was seconded by Councilor Sathe and passed with Councilor Koehler abstaining.  

Shoreland Vegetation Removal Complaint – City Recorder Fred Hilden gave a brief review of the complaint filed by Peter Howison. Councilor Anderson presented a report from the Conservation Committee regarding a vegetation removal complaint against the owners of property at 83584 Woodland Lane .  Photographs were distributed to the Council Members and Mr. Anderson reported on the investigation, as well as conversations he had with the property owner.  Mr. Anderson reported that the Committee recommends that a violation of Code be found to exist. In deliberations of the remediation, it was determined that requiring re-planting might cause more damage than good and that just allowing the existing vegetation to grow back should be sufficient.  The existing stump should remain in place.  The recommendation is that the property owner by required to stop cutting the brush below the three foot mark and allow it to grow back naturally.  The matter will be scheduled for hearing at a future meeting to determine violation and penalties pursuant to Dunes City Code.  

Letter from Mike Cocciolo regarding Greengate Road Gap – Councilor Sathe stated he probably had the most experience with this issue as it had come before the Road Commission and the Road Commission found that there is no way the City should have to do this work.  Actually, Mr. Cocciolo has been to the Road Commission with this request at least twice.  Both times the request was denied.  Mayor Ruede stated she believes it is our duty to acknowledge items that are brought before the Council.  The Mayor wants to form an ad hoc committee consisting of two volunteers from the City Council, two volunteers from the Planning Commission and two citizen volunteers to investigate the matter and submit a written, unbiased report back to the Council for consideration.  Councilor Sathe and Councilor Wells both volunteered to be on the ad hoc committee.  Discussion ensued regarding bias and ad hoc committees.  Newly appointed Planning Commissioner Paul Gargis and Planning Commissioner Norman Martin both agreed to serve on the ad hoc committee.  Greg Hicks volunteered to serve on the committee as he may have additional information to share.  Councilor Wells agreed to take the lead on the committee and report back on the progress at the next City Council meeting.  Councilor Mills made a motion to create an ad hoc committee to investigate, interview professionals and the parties involved, and those who are not involved but would have knowledge about the issue, and come back with an unbiased written report, hopefully by the next meeting, but if not done by then, by the following meeting after that.  The motion was seconded by Councilor Anderson , and passed unanimously.  

Resolution Series 2011, No. 2 (05/12/2011), a Resolution transferring $5,000 from the General Fund to the Building Codes Fund – City Recorder Fred Hilden reported that this resolution is necessary to avoid being in a non-compliant situation with State Budget law.  The Building Codes Fund had budgeted revenue this year for the school excise tax, but we had a couple of new houses come in that put us over the amount that was budgeted and we will be over the amount that was budgeted for materials and services if we don’t pass this resolution.  Councilor Mills moved to approve Resolution Series 2011, No. 2 ( 05/12/2011 ), a Resolution transferring funds from the General Fund Operating Contingency to the Building Codes Fund in the amount of $5,000.  The motion was seconded by Councilor Ed Scarberry, and passed unanimously.  

Resolution Series 2011, No. 3 ( 05/12/2011 ), a Resolution extending the workers compensation insurance to Dunes City Volunteers – City Recorder Fred Hilden gave background information on the resolution.  Councilor Sathe moved to approve Resolution Series 2011, No. 3 ( 05/12/2011 ) extending the workers compensation insurance to Dunes City Volunteers.  The motion was seconded by Councilor Mills and passed unanimously.  

Resolution 05-10-07 Requiring recording and minutes of meetings – This item was brought forward as a discussion item to remind everyone that participates in commissions and committees that they need to present the committee reports and minutes in written form within 40 days of the meeting.    

10. Unscheduled Items Not Listed on the Agenda  

Councilor Sathe moved to appoint Councilor Anderson as Chairman of the Communications and Education Committee.  The motion was seconded by Councilor Mills and approved unanimously.  

Councilor Sathe moved to appoint Councilor Scarberry as Chairman of the Revenue Committee.  The motion was seconded by Councilor Anderson and approved unanimously.  

11. Adjournment  

There being no further business to come before the City Council, Councilor Mills moved to adjourn the meeting. There was no second to the motion and no vote.  

Mayor Ruede adjourned the meeting of the Dunes City Council at 9:00 pm .  



[ Signed copy available at City Hall ]

Rebecca Ruede , Mayor  


[ Signed copy available at City Hall ]

Fred Hilden , City Recorder


Communication & Education Committee

Report to Council

May 12, 2011  

The Communication and Education met on April 21.  Members present were Mary Jo Leach, April Dumas and Cyndi Cullison and I.  

The main discussion topic was centered around the pending newsletter.  It is approaching publication and all advertising has been secured.  Thank you to everyone that purchased advertising space.  Cyndi Cullison is the main contact for that if you are interested for future publications.  

The Committee decided to ask the Parks and Recreation Commission to meet jointly with us to discuss future joint projects and events.  

The next meeting of the Committee will be May 19, 2011 @ 3:30 pm here at Dunes City hall .  

Respectfully Submitted Rebecca Ruede , Chair


MAY 12, 2011  

The Ordinance Review Committee met for the first time on Friday, April 15, 2011 .  Member George Burke pointed out that the Council did not identify which committee member would have the two year term and which would have the three year term.  Steve volunteered to take the three year term and George agreed to take the two year term.  The committee asks for confirmation of this from the Council, if Council confirmation is needed.  

After a review of the committee formation documents to acquaint ourselves with the purposes and duties, we dove into discussion of the proposed Septic Ordinance, doing a section by section review and discussion.  

Duke reported that 22 letters had been signed and 100 signatures obtained from Dunes City residents who support elimination of the 5 year evaluation mandate and other changes to the current septic ordinance language.  

Following the proposed Septic Ordinance discussion, Jamie distributed copies of Title I. to the committee members, as well as copies of the Dunes City Charter.  She pointed out that the Comprehensive Plan is available on the Dunes City website.  She asked the Committee members to begin review of the language of Title I. and to be prepared to begin discussion at the next committee meeting.  That meeting was scheduled for April 27, 2011 .  

Discussion of the proposed Septic Ordinance continued at the April 27, 2011 committee meeting and, again, Jamie was instructed to incorporate the proposed language changes into the draft ordinance for review at the next committee meeting.  The committee also began review of the proposed Code Enforcement Ordinance.  Discussion of Title I. was tabled to a future meeting.  

The Ordinance Review Committee scheduled additional meetings for May 11, 2011 and May 23, 2011 , both at 9:00 a.m.

Revenue Committee

Report to Council

May 12, 2011  

The Revenue Committee met on April 28, 2011 .  Members present were Paul Wilbanks, April Dumas, David Bellemore and Ed Scarberry.  Absent excused John Stead .  

The main topic of discussion centered on Ordinance 167 also known as the Franchise ordinance.  After extensive discussion no decisions were made and the subject was closed.  

The committee heard a presentation from Don Hayes regarding Lane County Waste Management and the current process as it pertains to Dunes City .  The consensus of opinion of members present was that we would research this subject further.  

The next meeting of the Revenue Committee will be May 26, 2011 @ 3:30 pm at Dunes City Hall .  

Rebecca Ruede , Chair

Road Chairman's Report to City Council

May 12, 2011 ~ Prepared by Troy Sathe , Road Chairman  

The Road Commission met on April 20th at 6:30 pm at Dunes City Hall . All members were present except Mike Smith who was excused.  

Commissioner Leach gave a report on some dangerous trees by Wright Road .  

Commissioner Harris gave a report on the English Laurel he removed on Hilltop Drive .  

Commissioner Curran and Commissioner Tucker gave a report on road ownership.  

The Road Commission listened to several residents from the Parkway Drive area on some potentially dangerous trees on Parkway Drive.  The Road Commission inspected the area to see if the trees were in the city right-of-way.  

The next Road Commission meeting will be at 6:30 pm May 16th at Dunes City Hall .  

Thank you, Troy Sathe , Road Commission Chair


MAY 12, 2011  

The Water Quality Committee met at 3:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 20, 2011 .  A tour of several sites of concern for impacts to the water quality of Woahink Lake was planned and joining the committee were Honeyman Park Manager Mike Rivers, Liz Vollmer-Buhl and Katie Neall of the Siuslaw Watershed Council, Dave Gosselin, president of the Woahink Lake Association, Ron Engleman and Ken and Katie Gregor, who own properties on Hwy 101, and County Commissioner Jay Bozievich.  I would like to thank all who attended and participated.  

The tour was very successful and quite informative.  The committee obtained many suggestions and recommendations regarding areas of concern identified during the tour.  The next step for the committee will be discussion of the various recommendations and identification and prioritization of specific projects to pursue.  

The water testers reported that Woahink is experiencing its usual spring bloom and a decrease in water clarity.  Siltcoos demonstrates deep (for Siltcoos) Secchi Disk readings and low turbidity.  

A response has been received from DEQ regarding the proposed Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) and a future meeting will be arranged to discuss the issues raised with the QAPP coordinator Steve Hansen.

Work continues on the water testers handbook.  The next regular committee meeting will be Wednesday, May 18, 2011 , at 3:00 p.m.



MAY 12, 2011  

Dave Davis of the West Lane Emergency Operations Group (WLEOG) and I attended an Oregon Emergency Management Association (OEMA) meeting in Eugene shortly after the disaster in Japan .  Several issues were discussed.  Japan is an earthquake prone nation that had done a lot of preparation, but as we have seen, it was not enough.  Reports of radiation leaks in the news are exaggerated.  The events in Japan will be closely examined and lessons will be learned that we can apply in this country.  This, of course, does not change the fact that the survivor must be self prepared and to look to themselves for mitigation.  Everything boils down to training!  

I have requested and received offers of addition training for Dunes City and will make the requests for the facility when dates are firmed up.  

Dunes City Recorder Fred Hilden and I have reviewed the Volume III City amendment and found several issues that need to be corrected.  When I brought these concerns up at the last WLEOG meeting, I was told that this was a mitigation plan based on the Florence plan and it was being used to apply for grant funding.  I was also told that if it were changed, it would mean other plans would have to be changed and might postpone or prohibit seeking the grant funding.  I disagreed as I see no need to have a defective plan on record.  Others in attendance suggest that an OPS plan be made.  I proposed that the plan be reviewed, updated and incorporated as the mitigation plan and used as such.  

I was given a Disaster Plan, subtitled Emergency Plan with a floppy disk insert.  It has various issues and questions as to mitigation, response, etc ., and, as a whole, the greater Florence (974 zip) area has a lot to be proud of, but, in my opinion, relying on an outdated and unimproved/reviewed plan is not a good thing.  

I have had disagreements with the WELOG leadership and have been described as being in the attack mode all the time with a myopic view of the big picture.  I am the Dunes City representative and I will step forward when required to insure that Dunes City ’s presence is known.  I do not mean to be confrontational, but sometimes my remarks are taken as unfriendly.  With the help of the City Recorder and council, I hope to become more diplomatic.  I just wanted to let the City Council know that I am sometimes a thorn in the side of WELOG.  

I am currently working on a budget request to submit to WELOG for what is sometimes referred to as survivor boxes.  These boxes were developed by the Rotary and can be seen on their website.  They contain various implements in a large poly-box container.  Some of the items included are a 10 person tent, a multi-person stove, tools (shovel, pliers, ax, hammer, etc.), blankets, sleeping pads, shawls, hats and so on.  This kit comes to the area from Sussex , England and is put together by a volume large tent manufacturer.  There is also a request that a CERT-like team deliver it to the site.  The cost of this item is $1,000.  

I have reviewed this and have come to the conclusion that WELOG can put together a similar product using CERT volunteers to package them and store in various locations for less than $500 using commercial sources.  

The idea is to have this item available and pre-positioned at a secured site.  When a disaster occurs, then preauthorization households (high ground) would access them and set them up for ten survivors, thus eliminating the need for a recovery center that Dunes City does not currently have.

Thank you,  Don Hayes

City Recorder Report to City Council

May 12, 2011 ~ Prepared by Fred Hilden  

Again, this month the City Recorder’s report to Council will include the Planning Department Staff report.

April was a very busy month for Staff with two City Council Special Sessions for the LUBA Remand of the Montgomery Subdivision application in addition to the regular meeting. All of this while Lisa Ekelund was away from work having major surgery. Thanks to fine work by Lisa, Mike Dees and Tom Hart of The Dyer Partnership and our Contact Planner Melissa Anderson , the Staff Report, Final Order and Findings of Fact were all completed in a timely manner and presented to the Council at our April 4th and April 18th Special Sessions. The Council Notice of Decision approving the subdivision with conditions as well as the variance to block length standards was prepared and mailed on April 25, 2011 .

Haley Nelson coordinated approval of all permits during April, as well as scheduling inspections and updating our permit status database. Permit activity during April was relatively light.

Perhaps the most significant event in the City Recorder’s office during April was receiving Eric Hauptman’s resignation as Mayor and the appointment of Rebecca Ruede to serve out the remainder of the term, through January 2013. While it might appear to be rather insignificant to the Recorder’s office, there are many hours worth of notifications to prepare, directory updates to complete and banking matters to tend to, not to mention fielding many calls from the media and citizens.

Also during April, the City’s Budget was prepared by the Budget Officer and along with the Budget Message was presented to the Budget Committee at their first meeting on April 26, 2011 at 6:00 pm. Payroll details and allocations were presented and discussion was lively to say the least. The final Budget Committee meeting to approve the Budget is scheduled for May 24, 2011 at 6:00 pm .

Bills of the Session are substantially higher than Receipts of the Session as they include the final bills from Anderson Planning, The Dyer Partnership and Speer Hoyt, most of which is expense associated with processing the LUBA Remand on the Montgomery Application.

It should be noted that the workload in April has put me behind in getting meeting minutes for the City Council, Planning Commission and Road Commission to the web master for posting on the web site. I will have these caught up by the second week of May.

Other work for the Road Commission continued in April with tree surveying projects and coordination of bids for drainage repair work on Fir Lane . Selena Carter completed all the routine requirements for the Road Secretary position and has taken some time off during the end of April and first part of May to be with her husband who is home on leave from the middle-east.

Haley Nelson continued to make good progress auditing our septic database to property files during April. This process is taking substantially longer than planned as many new property files have been added without corresponding updates to the septic database.

Respectfully submitted,  Fred Hilden  City Recorder


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