
Dunes City Planning Commission       M I N U T E S

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Regular Meeting – October 26, 2006 - 7:00 P.M.

City Hall - 82877 Spruce St.
Westlake, OR 97439

  I.                                     CALL TO ORDER:  

Chair George Burke called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.  


Present:          Chair George Burke; Commissioners, Susie Navetta, Ron Shearer,

                        David Bellemore, Dick Anderson; Planning Secretary, Teri Tinker,

                        Office Assistant, Sue Scott, and five citizens in the audience.


II.                                  APPROVAL OF MINUTES:


ACTION:    Dick Anderson made a motion to accept the August 17, 2006 minutes.  David Bellemore

                     Seconded the motion.  There were 5 ayes, 0 nays.  Motion carried.


III.                               ANNOUNCEMENT AND CORRESPONDENCE:  


George Burke made the following announcements:


A.                 November meeting will be Tuesday November 21, 2006 .

B.                 Nicholson & Armstrong – Addressing (Exhibit A)

C.                 Jeanne Ternahan, John Pino – RE: Sassi-Sinclair property (Exhibit B)


IV.                                NEW BUSINESS:  

A.                 Permits/Ordinance for water lines from lake.  

George Burke discussed the background/rulings from the State regarding plumbing inspections for waterlines for utilities.


ACTION:    Susie Navetta made a motion that we go to the City Council and recommend that

                     Gary Darnielle drafts a limited ordinance for water system and electrical lines.

                     David Bellemore seconded the motion.  There were 5 ayes and 0 nays.  Motion passed.



B.                 Conservation Committee Vegetation Removal Recommendations:  

Sunset Cove PUD – Rob Ward - Map Number 19-12-23-31/Tax Lot(s) : 3400 & 3500.


George Burke read the recommendation made by the Conservation Committee (Exhibit C) with some interaction/conversation with Rob Ward.


ACTION:          Ron Shearer made a motion to approve the Conservation Committee’s

            Recommendation.  David Bellemore recused himself.  Dick Anderson

            seconded the motion.  There were 4 ayes, 0 nays, and 1 recused.

            Motion passed.


                        Susan Trent - 83435 Hwy. 101, Florence , OR 97439  

                        George Burke read the recommendation made by the Conservation Committee

(Exhibit D).  Susan Trent asked for clarification as to stumps being left.


ACTION:       Susie Navetta made the motion to approved the recommendation made by the

Conservation Committee on the Trent vegetation removal.  David Bellemore

Seconded the motion.  There were 5 ayes and 0 nays.  Motion passed.


Charles Bang - 83431 Woodland Lane , Florence , OR 97439


George Burke read the recommendation made by the Conservation Committee

(Exhibit E) with discussion.


ACTION:       Ron Shearer made a motion to approve the recommendation of the Conservation

Committee with the exception that the #2 be allowed to fall with the same

Description as #3 in a manner the minimally disturbs the shore area. 

Dick Anderson seconded the motion.  4 ayes, 0 nays, 1 recused.  Motion passed

with the above condition.


Dan Lofy - 83584 Woodland Lane , Florence , OR


George Burke reviewed the past history of the property (Exhibit G) dating back to

1987, including the lien that was put on the property in September 1993 and the

permit to build a garage and an apartment above it. 


Dennis Laurie, 83584 Woodland Lane , Florence , Oregon , owner of the discussed

property, asked to be heard.  Discussion regarding the purchase of the property

from the Multanen’s who had issues with Dunes City Hall and indicates that those issues should subside now that he is the owner. 


George Burke indicated that it is something that will have to be reviewed because it appears that cabin in the 50’ riparian area should have been removed.                                                  

Dennis Laurie states that there was a title check and there was no lien against the property; Dunes City Hall released it. 


George Burke refers back (Exhibit G) and discusses the permit to build a garage with apartment above with the condition that when built that the old cabin in the riparian area would be torn down and then at some point Dunes City put a lien saying that the old cabin in the riparian area had not been torn down.   Burke stated there was another incident where Mortier went out as our building official and they had to remove the sink from either the apartment or the cabin since only one place could have a sink.  We have been led to believe, for awhile, the state building code and the building department had said a stove but Dunes City Ordinance states sink.


Teri Tinker clarified our ordinance states you cannot prepare food, wash dishes

or have any appliances in any form that are for a kitchen at all. 


George Burke discusses more about the code.  Discussion about the last recommendation that can be found from the City Council is that if building a new house goes along with the garage and the apartment then the existing cabin in the riparian area is to be removed. 


 Burke discussed the Lofy vegetation removal regarding the committees findings (Exhibit F).  The tree is actually leaning against the cabin.  The Conservation committee had no idea that this cabin is going to be removed when they made the recommendation to remove the tree.  There was more discussion about the history of the property.   Discussion returns back to the conservation committee recommendation to remove the tree; it will be almost impossible to remove the house at some point without tearing up the tree. 


Laurie indicates that within the last week he didn’t know that when he bought the house that it had so many issues.  There was discussion regarding the apartment above the garage and that there is no sink at this time.


George Burke said when Mortier, the building official, went out to verify that the sink was gone; he didn’t say gone from where.  Laurie said the Cabin is fully furnished and the sink in the apartment is gone.   More discussion about building a new home and that Dunes City would require you to tear down the existing cabin once that happens.  


Laurie asks what’s wrong with having a guest house?  Why can’t I keep it as a guest house? 


George Burke discussed guest houses and that if you built on to the existing garage and made it all one place you’d be back in business again.   It would be something that our City Attorney would have to look at. 


Burke said there are still going to be issues with Dunes City when you come in to get a building permit.  


Laurie asked why they’re so determined to have these homes within the 50’ barrier removed when it sits up high; you’re never going to have a water line go that high were my cabin sits. 


George Burke states, it’s a riparian area; it’s state code and Dunes City code.

There was discussion regarding high water elevation, Woahink water rights and who has jurisdiction over the water in the lake.



Susie Navetta recommends getting back on track regarding the tree removal and

asked for a definition of removal (in this case); which would be down to ground level.


ACTION:       Susie Navetta made a motion to approve the removal of the tree as recommended

                        by the Conservation Committee.  David Bellemore seconded the motion.

                        There were 5 ayes, 0 nays.  Motion passed.  

Laurie comments he thinks eventually he’ll have a new house. There was discussion regarding 1 sink/kitchen on the property and about the cabin and if a new house is built the kitchen in the cabin will have to be removed.  There was more discussion regarding building a house and connecting it to the existing 3 car garage/apartment that would be considered one existing structure.


George Burke replies yes, that by our code today you’d be good, but you have to

Remove the kitchen from the cabin.  


Susie Navetta again recommends a concept assistance hearing.  Multiple

Discussions continue.


Teri Tinker said, I think his questions was; if he built the house onto the garage with the apartment can he have 2 kitchens, one in the house and one in the apartment?


Laurie said yes. 


Tinker said this will all be discussed when the building plans come in and we’ll deal with that then. 


David Bellemore said this is not the matter before the Commission. 


Burke said no, but it’s a citizen that has bought some property and because of the back log of problems and because there’s still a requirement that if he builds a new house he will have to remove the cabin. 


There was continued discussion about the past problems on this property with the city.


David Bellemore asked if this is the matter before the Commission?


Burkes said no.


Bellemore said he was just trying to get clear on this.


Burke said he can bring anything before this committee at anytime. 


There was more discussion about the problems with this property and the City and why Burke felt it was important to bring up at this time, besides the tree removal permit.


Navetta stated; “Again, I want to recommend a concept assistance hearing”.


Laurie asked if the City can take the issues that the City had prior to the previous owners and burn the file?


George Burke said what makes it harder is the Planning Commission makes recommendations to the City Council, and the Planning Commission does not make decisions.  Burke said we will make a recommendation to the City Council on how it should be handled and that is how it's going to go.  Burke said the old issue is going to have to be resolved, and we can't make it go away.


Laurie said “Legally you can't make it go away?”


Burke said the City Council and the City Attorney can get together and figure it out; maybe they can resend the order.  They can do anything they want to do.  The City Council can do anything.  You have to petition to them.


Tinker said the City can’t destroy records as the City has retention laws that require retention of all the records on this property.


Laurie said that it was issues with the previous owners.


Burke said it's not issues with the previous owners; it's an issue with the property.  


V.                                   PUBLIC HEARINGS – None


VI.                                OLD BUSINESS – None


VII.                             UNSCHEDULED BUSINESS – George Hawes


George Hawes Bridge Permit -  4312 Wendell Lane , Eugene , Oregon


George Burke discussed the site review.  George Hawes explains his understanding

RE: trails/driveway permit.

ACTION:       Dick Anderson made a motion to recommend to the City Council that some kind

                        of soil engineered plan with how this excavation can be done, be submitted.   Ron

                        Shearer seconded the motion.  David Bellemore concerned about erosion.   Dick

Anderson withdrew his motion.  Ron Shearer withdrew his second.   There was more discussion.     

ACTION:       Dick Anderson made a motion to approve the bridge as engineered and be required

                        to have a soil engineered plan submitted to the Building Department for approval.

Ron Shearer Seconded the motion.  Navetta was concerned about the bridge. 

There was discussion regarding the building permit, erosion, stairs, and excavating. 


Teri Tinker brought up that this really wasn’t an action item.  Tinker said she just wants everyone aware that the stream is there and that we don’t have to stay away from it.  Tinker said she wanted the Planning Commission to ok moving forward with a building permit.


Dick Anderson withdrew his motion.  Ron Shearer withdrew his second.


ACTION:       Dick Anderson made a motion to move forward with the building permit.  Ron

                        Shearer seconded the motion.  There were 5 ayes, 0 nays.  Motion passed.  

VIII.                          ADJOURNMENT  

George Burked adjourned the meeting at 8:54 p.m.



___________________________________      __________________________________

George Burke, Chairperson                                  Teri Tinker, Planning Secretary



___________________________________      __________________________________

Richard Anderson, Planning Commissioner            David Bellemore, Planning Commissioner



___________________________________      __________________________________

Susie Navetta, Planning Commissioner      Ron Shearer, Planning Commissioner















 (Recorded by Dan Lindstrom)