
Dunes City Planning Commission     M I N U T E S

Print file

Regular Meeting – March 22, 2007 - 7:00 P.M.


City Hall - 82877 Spruce St.
Westlake, OR 97439


COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:      George Burke, Chairperson; Richard Anderson, Darlene Beckman, Lee Riechel, Ron Shearer, Bill Tizzard


STAFF PRESENT:   Hilary Dearborn



   1.      CALL TO ORDER

                  Chairperson George Burke called the meeting of the Dunes City Planning Commission to order at 7:00 p.m.  He stated that there were no announcements or correspondence to consider and determined there were no requests to change the Agenda.



            A.  Expedited Land Use Division 

                  Chairperson Burke announced that the Commission would consider ELD-01-07, an application submitted by Andy Johnson and Jack Butler to partition Tax Lot 19-12-23-10-911 into two parcels of approximately 1.8 and 1.9 acres.  He noted that Commissioners had received copies of the application and all relevant material.

                  Planner Hilary Dearborn referred to the Staff Report regarding the application.  She said the application was the first to be considered since a recently adopted ordinance made it eligible to be considered under its “Expedited Land Division” provisions.  She reviewed criteria for such eligibility.

                  Ms. Dearborn explained that the Commission action would not involve a Public Hearing, but that any one who would appeal the decision of the Planning Commission was required to have submitted written comments within a 14-day period that ended on March 22.  She said no responses had been received from the public notice of the action or from any of the nearby residents who had been notified of it, as required.

                  Ms. Dearborn reviewed the findings regarding the application in the Staff Report – replatting issues, requirements of the Residential District, lot size, and design standards.

                  Commissioner Riechel noted that “City Council” should be replaced with “Planning Commission” in numerous places in the Staff Report.

                  Ms. Dearborn reviewed noted that the Staff Report showed that the site map submitted with the application need to add property topography (elevations, slopes, stormwater drainage, and wetland locations).

                  Commissioners discussed requirements for indication, delineation, determination, and dimension identification of wetlands.

                  Ms. Dearborn continued to review issues raised by Findings regarding the application – need for a tree location map, limitations to property photographs provided, only five of six available water rights secured, frontage requirements, design standards, driveway standards, landscape conservation requirements, parking requirements, road improvements, access easements, sanitary septic system requirements, stormwater drainage, surface mounted utility facilities, public utility easements, soil conditions, and solar access.  She said staff recommended conditional approval of the application.

                  Commissioners discussed the Findings of the Staff Report and proposed Final Order.

                  Andy Johnson, 5696 Mercer Lake Road, stated that he was co-applicant for the property division.  He provided evidence that he said showed the wetlands identified to be “delineated,” not “determined.”  Ms. Dearborn requested that a copy of the material displayed be supplied for the application.

                  Mr. Johnson reviewed the proposed Conditions of Approval and appeared to be in agreement with them, explaining how most were being addressed.  He said confusion about identification of the location of the stormwater easement would be better addressed at the time of application for building permits.  He explained that water right concerns would be easily resolved.

                  Chairperson Burke determined that there were no others present wishing to testify regarding the application.

                  Chairperson Burke asked Commissioners to announce ex parte contacts or conflicts of interest regarding the application.  He said he had been on the site in connection with a previous partition application, but had not discussed the application.  Commissioner Riechel added that he had visited the site in anticipation of Planning Commission considering the application.

                  Commissioner Dick Anderson said he did not fully understand the issue related to water rights raised in the Staff Report.

                  Commissioner Riechel said he preferred having a tree inventory, versus a tree map, of protected shore land area.  He said the area homeowners association in the area had investment in enforcing regulations about lake setbacks. 

                  Chairperson Burke reported that a tree inventory of the entire shore of Lake Woahink had begun under the auspices of the City Council Conservation Committee. 

                  Commissioners discussed issues related to the tree inventory condition at length.

                  Commissioner Riechel moved, seconded by Commissioner Darlene Beckman, to add a requirement to provide a tree map of the riparian setback area as a Condition of Approval for ELD-01-07.  The motion was adopted unanimously, 5:0.

                  Commissioner Bill Tizzard moved, seconded by Commissioner Riechel, to approve the Staff Report for ELD-01-07.  The motion was adopted unanimously, 5:0.

                  Commissioner Riechel proposed that a Condition of approval for the application be added that a note be placed on the required Plat Map stating that site review was required before a building permit was issued, as stated in the Dunes City Code.

                  Ms. Dearborn reviewed proposed Conditions of Approval, as revised in Council discussion:

                              Condition One:  About indicating slope on map

                              Condition Two:  Delineation of Wetlands

                              Condition Three:  Eliminated

                              Condition Four:  Location of trees and lake

                              Condition Five:   Tree map of riparian area

                              Condition Six:  Deleted

                              Condition Seven:  Surface mounted utilities

                              Condition Eight:  Water right

                              Condition Nine:  Site review requirement note.


                  Commissioner Bill Tizzard  moved, seconded by Commissioner Lee Riechel, to accept the Findings of Fact and Conditions of Approval, as revised, for ELD-01-07.  The motion was adopted unanimously, 6:0.

                  Commissioner Bill Tizzard moved, seconded by Commissioner Lee Riechel, to approve the Expedited Land Division application of ELD-01-07, with Conditions of Approval, as stipulated.  The motion was adopted unanimously, 6:0.



            Commissioner Riechel said he was concerned that a discrepancy between setback requirements for riparian areas and wetlands and their use of high water lines would create significant development problems for Dunes City.  Commissioners discussed the issue, emphasizing the significance of controlling water rights and lake water levels in the matter.  There appeared to be agreement that the concern should be addressed at a later meeting of the Commission.

            Chairperson Burke referred to material relating to an erosion control matter to be considered at the next meeting of the Planning Commission.  He said he believed members should become well versed in the issues involved and that more exactitude was required in the applicable ordinance.

            Councilors discussed progress being made in the replacement of City staff.


      The meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m.   



        ________________________________                                     __________________________________

        George Burke, Chairperson                                                Planning Secretary



        ________________________________                                     __________________________________

        Richard Anderson, Planning Commission                       William Tizzard, Planning Commission



        ________________________________                                      __________________________________

        Lee Riechel, Planning Commission                                    Ron Shearer, Planning Commission




        Darlene Beckman, Planning Commission



            (Recorded by Dan Lindstrom)