
Dunes City Planning Commission       M I N U T E S

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Regular Meeting –  May 1, 2007 - 7:00 P.M.

City Hall - 82877 Spruce St.
Westlake, OR 97439


COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:      George Burke, Chairperson; Darlene Beckman, Lee Riechel, Bill Tizzard, Ron Shearer and Dick Anderson


STAFF PRESENT:   Teri Tinker



    I.            CALL TO ORDER

                  Chairperson George Burke called the meeting of the Dunes City Planning                 Commission to order at 7:00 p.m.  He stated that there were no announcements or         correspondence.



            The meeting was a continuation of the April 26, 2007 discussion of the Erosion                                Control ordinance adding Chapter 141.  This meeting consisted of motions for                                 changes to        the ordinance


            Bill Tizzard submitted a new document to go through with definitions.


            The Planning Commission decided to just go through the document that Councilor                            Peter Howison provided the Commission to use and not consider Commissioner                                       Tizzard’s submittal.


            The Planning Commission discussed the document submitted by Councilor Peter                              Howison and made the following motions:



Commissioner Lee Riechel move, seconded by Commissioner Darlene Beckman, that when the ordinance reaches the point of sending to the City Council, that it be included as 154.05.  The Motion was adopted unanimously 4-0.


            Bill Tizzard submitted verbiage from an ordinance he had read and felt it fit this purpose.


Commissioner Lee Riechel moved, seconded by Commissioner Ron Shearer to retain 1.111 Purpose.  The motion was adopted unanimously 4-0.


Commissioner Lee Riechel moved, seconded by Commissioner Bill Tizzard, to add “or City, whichever is the responsible party” in 1.112 after … landowner…” in the first sentence, and add “Requirements of this section shall apply to activity on both privately and city held properties” at the end of the paragraph.  The motion was adopted unanimously 4-0.


Commissioner Lee Riechel moved, seconded by Dick Anderson, to remove the sentence: “Protection of Riparian Buffers is a vital part of erosion control and is addressed in Ordinance 154” at the end of the paragraph of 1.112.  The motion was adopted unanimously 4-0.


            There was a lot of discussion in section 1.114 and the three levels of Erosion Control Plans, that the way it was written was very confusing.  For the sake of time being spent on this one issue and not re-writing the whole section the Commission decided to make the following motion:


Commissioner Bill Tizzard moved, seconded by Dick Anderson, to add “as per 1.116” at the end of (B) sentence and (C) sentence under the three levels of Erosion Control Plans. And take out “Simple” and replace with “Standard and Engineered” under section 1.116 in the first sentence.  The motion was adopted unanimously 4-0.

Commissioner Lee Riechel moved, seconded by Ron Shearer, to move “full” in 1.114, section (B) to after “the “full” site…” and make the last sentence “Any permit application for construction with land disturbances…” to be made a new paragraph.  The motion was adopted unanimously 4-0.


Commissioner Dick Anderson moved, seconded by Ron Shearer, to change all of the “5000 square feet” to “3000 square feet” throughout the document.  The motion was adopted unanimously 4-0.


Commissioner Dick Anderson moved, seconded by Darlene Beckman, to remove the last sentence of “A. Simple ESC Plan” that was highlighted in section 1.114.  The motion was adopted unanimously 4-0.


Commissioner Ron Shearer moved, seconded by Bill Tizzard, to strike “prior to submission.” In 1.114(B)(2) .  The motion was adopted unanimously 4-0.


Commissioner Lee Riechel moved, seconded by Ron Shearer, to remove the whole paragraph in 1.115 Inspector Required, and replace with “Roads and driveways will be inspected by the City Engineer.  Site plans will be inspected by the building official, or another city contracted engineering agency.  The motion was adopted unanimously 4-0.


Commissioner Dick Anderson moved, seconded by Ron Shearer to add “by inspectors defined in 1.115 above” in 117(A) after “Plan approval”.  The motion was adopted unanimously 4-0.


Commissioner George Burke moved, seconded by Lee Riechel, that anywhere in the document where it says “owner, or owner or his designee” should read “owner and/or designee” .  The motion was adopted unanimously 4-0.


Commissioner George Burke moved, seconded by Bill Tizzard, to remove the last sentence in 1.117(B)(1) “The Inspector at his/her discretion may inspect the site”.  The motion was adopted unanimously 4-0.


Commissioner Lee Riechel moved, seconded by Ron Shearer, to change “immediately” to “daily” in 1.117(B)(3) .  The motion was adopted unanimously 4-0.


Commissioner Bill Tizzard moved, seconded by Ron Shearer, to remove all of #2 in 1.117(E).  The motion was adopted unanimously 4-0.

Commissioner Lee Riechel moved, seconded by Darlene Beckman, to remove “with all” and replace with “on site when” and add “is present” at end of sentence in 1.117(E)(1).  The motion was adopted unanimously 4-0.


Commissioner Lee Riechel moved, seconded by Ron Shearer, to remove “In all cases,” and “for each property or PUD”, and “in all cases of transfer of ownership along with the Summary ESC plan which should be signed upon for every transfer of ownership” and make it read: “Copies of the ESC plans shall be kept in the Dunes City Offices and made available for review” in section 1.117 (E).  The motion was adopted unanimously 4-0.


Commissioner George Burke moved, seconded by Dick Anderson, to remove “additional penalties” in 1.118(A) .  The motion was adopted unanimously 4-0.


Commissioner Dick Anderson moved, seconded by Ron Shearer, to have Gary Darnielle to review all of section 1.118 for enforcement.  The motion was adopted unanimously 4-0.


Commissioner Dick Anderson moved, seconded by Lee Riechel, to remove “including public & private roadways” and add “or City, whichever is the responsible party,” after landowner in 1.112.  The motion was adopted unanimously 4-0.


Commissioner Lee Riechel moved, seconded by Bill Tizzard, to remove the last sentence in 1.112, and replace with “Lawns, gardens, orchards and landscape areas are excluded from the ESC plan provisions of this ordinance.  The motion was adopted unanimously 4-0.


Commissioner Bill Tizzard moved, seconded by Ton Shearer, to accept the definitions as they are.  The motion was adopted unanimously 4-0.








            George Burke asked the Planning Commission thoughts on having the Planning Commis-                                   sion meetings filmed.  Burke noted that he thought a group paid for the meeting that have                   been filmed and that they are only filed at their discretion and waned to know how the                              Commission feels about requiring the City to pay for filming.


            Lee Riechel said that due to the fact that the Commission is the deciding body, it would                          probably be a good idea, especially for the appeal process.


            George said he would look into getting the meetings filmed.





      The meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m.   



        ________________________________                                     __________________________________

        George Burke, Chairperson                                                Planning Secretary


         _________________________________                  __________________________________

        Richard Anderson, Planning Commission                       William Tizzard, Planning Commission



        ________________________________                                      __________________________________

        Lee Riechel, Planning Commission                                    Ron Shearer, Planning Commission




        Darlene Beckman, Planning Commission