
Dunes City Planning Commission

M I N U T E S  Regular Meeting - June 24, 2008 - 7:00 P.M.

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City Hall - 82877 Spruce St.
Westlake , OR 97439



COMMISSIONERS PRESENT:  Chairperson Lee Riechel, David Bellemore, Eggert Madsen, Ken Platt and Sandy Jones                                                              

AUDIENCE MEMBERS:  Approximately eight audience members were present, including the applicant and his representative.   

STAFF PRESENT:    City Recorder Amy Graham, Planning Secretary Joy Gipson        


            Chairman Lee Riechel called the meeting of the Dunes City Planning Commission to             order at 7:06 pm .   Initially all were present except Ron Shearer and Eggert Madsen.  Mr. Madsen        arrived late.  Chairman Riechel welcomed David Bellemore to the Commission.



            Ms. Jones expressed concern that the documents submitted by Mr. Norman Martin or at least a list of them was not included in the minutes.  Chairman Riechel stated that he had discussed this with the mayor and staff and decided not to include them in the minutes but to preserve them in the record, but that Ms. Jones' idea of including a list was appropriate, and proposed postponing approval of April 24, 2008 Planning Commission meeting minutes so that staff could review the ORS' regarding including submitted documents and at least include a list of the documents submitted for the record by Mr. Norman Martin; and to review the minutes again at the next meeting.   

Mr. Riechel also brought attention to a mistake using the word 'forum' instead of 'quorum.'   David Bellemore made a motion to table the minutes until the July meeting and Sandy Jones seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.  



Chairman Riechel asked staff for the land-use agenda for the next month, and staff listed the Conditional Use Permits scheduled to be heard, one for an oversize dock for Ms. Jones and one for a lot-line adjustment on a non-conforming lot for Mr. and Mrs. Harris.  Mr. Riechel added that there was time for more applications to come in before the 30-day deadline to be included in the next meeting.  


Chairman Riechel asked if anyone present would like to address the Commission on issues other than the Montgomery hearing.  No one offered any comments.  


            Mr. Lee Riechel introduced the Montgomery View Estates Subdivision application, Subdivision file # SUB 01-07, for Lot 100 on Tax Map 19-12-23-40.  

Mr. Riechel presented the rights of the applicant to a decision based on identifiable criteria and identified the location in DCC Code that specifies those criteria.  

He stated that testimony must be presented with sufficient specificity and clarity to enable the Commission and the Council to address them in order to be able to appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals.  

He also stated that any participant in the hearing could request that the hearing be continued on another day or that the record remain open for seven days, and that new evidence or testimony presented during this week would be presented to the City Council during the second public hearing of the application on July 1.  

Mr. Riechel described the hearing procedure as described in the Agenda for the meeting.  He stated that testimony would be limited to a specific length of time at his discretion, although the applicant would not be limited in time as he carried the burden of showing that all approval criteria have been met.  

Mr. Riechel also presented the rights of the applicant to impartial decision-makers, and inquired of the members of the Planning Commission if they wished to declare any actual or potential conflicts of interest.  Each member present denied conflicts of interest.   Ms. Kim O'Dea, attorney for the applicant requested to note for the record that contact with Council members was an ex parte contact, and requested that the Commission revisit the ex parte issue with this in mind.  She also stated that under Oregon statute, if any person present requested that the record remain open for seven days the applicant had the right to an additional seven days to prepare a rebuttal to new information presented during those seven days.  Chairman Riechel asked staff what the City's position had been on this matter and staff replied that David Allen , attorney for the City, had asserted that it was sufficient to hold the record open for seven days, to hold the Council hearing, and then after another seven days of open record to allow seven more days for the applicant to present a rebuttal of any and all testimony and/or evidence submitted.

Mr. Riechel asked the members of the Planning Commission if any of them had had any ex parte contacts regarding this matter with members of the City Council.   Each responded that they had not, including Mr. Riechel himself.  

Chairman Riechel then opened discussion regarding ex parte contacts in general, and mentioned the site review that all Commissioners aside from Ron Shearer conducted with the applicant.  He stated that he had had no communication with the applicant or other Commission members during this site review regarding anything relating to this application other than facts about the site.  Each of the other members added that he or she also had had no such communication.  

Chairman Riechel and each other member of the Commission stated that they had had no ex parte contacts in relation to the subject application aside from the site review.  

Chairman asked if any Commissioner had had any change of factual information as a result of the site review.  He stated that he himself had none, only clarification of what was on the map.  The other Commissioners also denied any such change.   

Lee Riechel then opened the Public Hearing for the Montgomery View Estates Subdivision application at 7:28pm .  He asked staff to present the Staff Report and Findings of Fact.  

Staff presented a summary of the Staff Report and Findings of Fact for the subject application.  

Chairman Riechel added to the Report that the Road Commission concurs with the Finding that compliance with the Code requirement of 600-foot blocks would create many problems and was not desirable.  

Staff concluded the Report with the opinion that this Subdivision with the proposed number of lots could not comply with all Dunes City and State regulations and staff therefore recommended denial of the application.  

Staff added that the Planning Commission's options for actions regarding the subject application were: to recommend approval based on the Findings, to recommend approval with conditions and either set their own conditions or leave conditions to the Council, to continue the hearing at a later date, and to recommend denial.  

Chairman Riechel added that there was one additional possibility, which was that if it became evident to the applicant that it was to his advantage that more information be provided, and that if such information constituted a significant change to the application, the applicant had the right to request that the hearing be suspended until such time as a new application could be provided; however, Mr. Riechel added that such a suspension was dependent upon a substantial change to the application and a waiver of the 120-day deadline by the applicant.  He stated that it was at the discretion of the applicant to determine that such an action would be to his benefit and that the Commission could not request this action of the applicant.  

Chairman Riechel then asked the applicant to summarize their application.  

Ms. Kim O'Dea, attorney at law, with the law office of Bill Kloos, 375 W. 4th, Eugene, OR 97401, presented the case for the applicant.  She submitted a number of documents for the record and for the Commissioners' use in making their decision for recommendation.  These documents consisted of: 

  • Applicant's Response to the Staff Report;
  • Applicant's Response to the Findings of Fact;
  • Erosion and Sediment Control Plan;
  • Re-Development Plan [Ms. O'Dea stated that this was the extent of Code requirement regarding further division of Lot 20];
  • Soils Analysis;
  • Geotechnical Report;
  • Revised Preliminary Plat with corrections including correction of "typo" describing Lot 7 as slightly less than one acre;
  • Lane County septic soil suitability report, sewage disposal specifications and preliminary drainfield repair permit from 1973, for a single dwelling then existing on Lot 100;
  • Receipt for payment for a Facility Permit application from Lane County "for access," in Ms. O'Dea's words, which states 'Application Fee Paid' for 'Commercial Driveway' -- Ms. O'Dea characterized this as a permit for access.

Ms. O'Dea presented a list of responses to the Findings, stating that many of the standards used were inapplicable.  She first stated that she could find nothing in Code that required a traffic impact analysis.  

Ms. O'Dea next stated that staff chose not to include Findings for the Variance, but that this was necessary.  She stated that the applicant had filed for the Variance separately from the Subdivision application at the requirement of Dunes City staff at the time of application.  

Ms. O'Dea then asserted that the Erosion Control requirement referred to in the Findings had no effective standards at the time the subject application was filed, and that therefore this requirement did not apply to the subject application based on ORS 197.195.1, which she summarized as stating that "decisions must be made under standards and criteria."  Ms. O'Dea also stated that the Impact Study was not a standard or criteria and referred to none, and that this also applied to the Higher Design Standards referred to in the Findings.   

Ms. O'Dea then asserted that according to Oregon statute 197.307(6) "applicant has the right to review under clear and objective standards," and "there can be no discretionary standards applied to needed housing," [Ms. O'Dea' words] and defined single-family housing as 'needed housing' according to Oregon Statute.   She interpreted this statute to mean that any Codes that are open to interpretation cannot be applied, including the Re-Vegetation Plan requirement which she claimed has no standards.  

Ms. O'Dea then stated that none of the criteria for requiring a Traffic Impact Analysis was met in the circumstances of the subject application, and that therefore they should not be required to submit one.  

Ms. O'Dea then asserted that ORS 227.178(3) states that the application has the benefit of code in effect when filed and that the Erosion Control Code in existence when the application was filed had no standards, and that the standards still did not apply at the time of this hearing because they were under appeal to the Land Use Board of Appeals.   

Ms. O'Dea then offered the applicant's response to the Staff Report.  She referred to the recommended decision and stated that this raised concerns about bias.   

Ms. O'Dea clarified that portions of Lot 100 were outside of City limits and that only a portion of it was subject to the Subdivision in question.  

Ms. O'Dea stated that Lot 7 had been mislabeled with square footage equaling less than one acre and that this had been corrected in the revised Preliminary Plot submitted at the hearing.  She added that the applicant now had a water right permit.  Chairman Riechel made the comment that the permit that they had gave them permission only to divert a certain amount of water, not to use it yet.  He added that there was a lot that still needed to be done regarding a water system, involving a separate department of government than that which had issued their permit.  Chairman Riechel stated that the permit that they had would probably be sufficient for approval of the application with conditions.   

Ms. O'Dea took exception with staff characterization of slopes greater than 16% as "likely not developable" [Ms. O'Dea's words] and stated that very steep slopes are developable with sophisticated enough engineering, and that the engineered document of safety was all that was required, and had now been provided.  She added that the road had been proposed over the existing driveway in order to minimize disturbance of conifers and to avoid steep slopes where possible.   

Ms. O'Dea addressed the requirement to maximize the impact of conifers.  She stated that staff interpreted this to mean "no impact to conifers" [Ms. O'Dea's words] and that this was in error, given that the Code allowed for other considerations.  Ms. O'Dea stated that the location of the road was intended to maximize conifers and to provide connectivity with Kiechle Arm Road which would, for example, improve egress for emergency vehicles from Kiechle Arm Road .   She added that this requirement involved a "fuzzy" standard and thus probably not applicable.  

Ms. O'Dea then addressed the items listed as missing in the application, and stated that the Erosion Control Plan requirement did not apply, asserting that the standards connected to this Code were not in effect at the time of the subject application.  Chairman Riechel stated that the standard in Code 154 did apply, and Ms. O'Dea stated that the applicant had responded to this requirement by submitting an Erosion Control Plan at this hearing.  She stated that the applicant had also now submitted proof of access to water and an "access permit."  Chairman Riechel then added that the applicant would need a City access permit to access Kiechle Arm Road .  Ms. O'Dea stated that this was not the case as Montgomery Road would be a public road.  

Ms. O'Dea stated that the required engineering report had now been supplied.  She added that the subject application was not for a phased development, staff having misunderstood what constitutes a phased development.  

Ms. O'Dea stated that the Impact Study is an informational item rather than a standard, and DCC would have to document its connection with each applicable standard in order for it to be enforceable.    

Ms. O'Dea stated that she hoped that the Commission would generate Findings regarding the Variance application.  

Ms. O'Dea stated that the completeness standards and substantive standards had been confused in the Findings.   She stated that the applicant had done his best to meet the substantive requirements.  Addressing the Finding that the application "may" meet the requirement for payment of fee, Ms. O'Dea asserted that the fact that a fee was requested and paid when the applicant filed the application should indicate that this requirement had been met.   

Mrs. O'Dea reiterated that regarding the Impact Statement, one could see "the same legal arguments there."  

In response to the Finding that the application did not conform to ORS code 92.090(4) and (5) and thus did not comply with DCC requiring compliance with ORS 92, Ms. O'Dea stated that this ORS only applies to final plats, not preliminary plats.  

Ms. O'Dea stated that new re-division plans submitted at this hearing met the Code requirements.  She stated that re-division plans were required to meet only housing and density standards, and be in compliance with DCC in size, shape and orientation.   She added that there were no common areas proposed, and she had instructed the applicant that any reference to such areas should be removed from the map of the proposed Subdivision.  

Ms. O'Dea stated that an engineer's report for safety had now been submitted.  

Ms. O'Dea stated that the language of the criteria for the Higher Design Standard allowed in DCC was too unspecific to be enforceable, and that there are no standards specified.  

Ms. O'Dea stated that an engineer had stated, in contradiction of the Finding that the right-of-way intersection with an arterial street should have a corner radius of not less than twenty feet, that with no curve at this intersection there was no radius at all.  

Ms. O'Dea stated that documentation had now been submitted that she believed confirms that the site is suitable for some typical form of sewage disposal, including a soils analysis.  

Ms. O'Dea stated that an Erosion Control Plan had now been submitted even though it was the opinion of the applicant that the requirement for this was not applicable because the Ordinance establishing this requirement was under appeal.  

Regarding re-vegetation of cleared areas, Ms. O'Dea stated that as the subject application was not a permit but rather a Limited Land Use decision, this requirement was not applicable.  She added that this was not a "clear and objective" standard because it gave discretionary power to the City Council.  

Ms. O'Dea surmised that the purpose of the Re-Vegetation Plan is to limit soil erosion, and stated that the Subdivision site had already been re-seeded with grass and native vegetation after being logged, stating that a new Re-Vegetation Plan would disturb stabilized soil, which would be contrary to the purpose of the Re-Vegetation Plan.  

Ms. O'Dea requested to reserve rebuttal even if no one spoke against the application, for the event that she found other documents that she hadn't yet presented.  

Ms. O'Dea stated that she was finished with the application presentation, and Chairman Riechel announced a ten-minute break from 8:25 to 8:35 .   

Chairman Riechel re-convened the meeting and verified that the Commissioners could ask questions of the public at any point during the meeting due to the small size of the gathering.  

Chairman then asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of the application.

Mr. Norman Martin, 83750 Rio Road, Florence, OR 97439  spoke in approval of the subdivision, stating that he believed that it meets the criteria for approval.  He requested to hold the record open for further review due to his perception that there was confusion as to whether this application was subject to quasi-judicial or legislative review.  He further stated that the discretionary power written into the Higher Standards codification was not applicable, based on Oregon statute and case law.  

Mr. Martin inquired whether the Chairman had had ex parte contact with Mr. Bob Petersdorf, Councilperson and chairman of the Roads Commission, in addressing the Roads Commission regarding this application.  Chairman Riechel responded that he had not because he had addressed the Roads Commissioners, not Mr. Petersdorf as the chairman.  

Chairman Riechel requested that Mr. Martin support his request to keep the record open by showing how someone would be prejudiced by not keeping the record open.  Mr. Martin responded that the applicant would need time to digest any information.  Mr. Riechel responded that if the applicant believed that they needed time they would be welcome to make the request, but that he didn't believe that the reasons initially presented by Mr. Martin represented potential prejudice.   Ms. Kim O'Dea brought a document to Mr. Martin which he read as stating, "ORS 197.763(6)(P):  'Prior to the conclusion of the initial evidentiary hearing, any participant may request an opportunity to present additional evidence, argument or testimony regarding the application; the local hearing authority shall grant such a request by continuing the public hearing pursuant to paragraph (B) of this subsection or leaving the record open for additional written evidence, argument and testimony pursuant to chapter (C) of this subsection.'"  Mr. Martin added that this seemed to include no mention of necessity of evidence of prejudice.  

Chairman Riechel stated that without the ability to research the statute at the moment, he would follow the established format for standard procedure for the Planning Commission, which refers to necessity of prejudice.  He added that he would request that staff investigate the statute that Mr. Martin was referring to.   

Chairman Riechel asked the Commissioners to respond to the request to keep the record open.  Mr. Bellemore expressed concern that this would place the City at risk of running out of time in relation to the 120-day timeline for a decision about the subject application.  Mr. Riechel responded that only the applicant can waive the 120-day deadline and that if they chose not to the City would be required to make a decision at the end of the 120 days.  He added that this could create difficulties given that DCC and State law require that the record be held open for seven to fourteen days after the second public hearing, and then that the applicant have seven more days for rebuttal before the process can be finalized, including one or two additional Council hearings and a final Council decision.  

Mr. Bellemore inquired what the final date for decision was, and Chairman Riechel responded that it was July 24.  

Mr. Bellemore inquired when the additional week for public input would end, and it was concluded that it would end the day of the Council hearing, Tuesday July 1.  Chairman Riechel added that the only way for the Commission to have another hearing would be to have it on July 1.  Mr. Bellemore stated that this seemed to be necessary in order to comply with laws requiring that the record be held open on request.  

Ms. Jones moved that the record be kept open for seven days as requested by Mr. Norman Martin, and Mr. Bellemore seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.  Chairman Riechel then announced that this would require a meeting the following Tuesday and verified that there would be a quorum of Commissioners.  Mr. Bellemore inquired whether the public hearing remained open, and Mr. Riechel responded that it would be reopened if additional testimony was received.  Mr. Bellemore then inquired whether this allowed time for staff to provide the Commission meeting information to the Councilors, or whether the Council meeting would have to be changed.  It was concluded that if the Commission meeting was held on Tuesday morning the Council could meet Tuesday evening.   

Ms. Amy Graham, Dunes City Recorder, inquired whether the record could be kept open for only five days by agreement with the applicant, and Mr. Riechel responded that per law it had to be at least seven days.

Ms. Graham then requested on behalf of staff that the Tuesday July 1 Commission meeting be held early enough to provide staff time to prepare materials for the Council meeting the same evening.   The Commission agreed to hold the second meeting at 10am on Tuesday July 1 2008 . 

Mr. Riechel then asked if anyone present wished to speak in opposition to the application, and no one spoke.  

Chairman Riechel then invited the applicant to rebut.   

Ms. O'Dea asked staff to repeat the opinion of the City Attorney regarding holding the record open.  Staff replied that they would like to discuss Ms. O'Dea's position with him, but characterized the City Attorney's position to be, as she understood it, that it would be sufficient to hold the record open for seven days then hold the City Council hearing.  Mr. Bellemore inquired what would happen if time did not allow for the applicant to rebut testimony and evidence submitted in the seven days after the Commission meeting, and the applicant's attorney, Ms. O'Dea responded that it had been the City's choice to hold the hearings on the dates that they were scheduled for.  

Ms. O'Dea made it clear that the applicant did not request that the record be left open.  

Chairman Riechel then closed the public hearing at 9:04 , and announced commencement of Commission deliberations.  

Chairman Riechel suggested that it is necessary for land-use code to include some level of discretion.  He took issue with Ms. O'Dea's assertion that a land-use decision and a permit decision are two different things, stating that his understanding is that a permit involves anything regarding land use.  He stated that the City had been operating under standard ideas that 'one size doesn't fit all' and that there was a need to have requirements for prevention of erosion that preceded commencement of development, and concluded that if the codes were insufficiently specific then they would have to be altered to be applicable.  

The Commissioners concurred with the applicant's attorney regarding the codes that she identified to be insufficiently 'clear and objective' to be enforceable and/or applicable.  

The Commissioners agreed that the solution that could provide some of the protections provided for in the codes in question would be to recommend approval with conditions.  Mr. Bellemore suggested that these conditions could be focused on requiring the applicant to place certain requirements into the Subdivision Declaration of Protective Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&R's).  

In response to the letter submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Reavis in opposition to the application, Mr. Madsen made a motion that it be made a 'consideration' that professional information/documentation be provided regarding any water flowing in, over, through or under a number of the lots on the site in question.  This motion was seconded by Mr. Bellemore.  The motion passed unanimously.  

Mr. Bellemore made a motion that a traffic study not be required.  Ms. Jones seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.  

A requirement for engineered plans for the proposed road and that each step in construction be inspected was discussed.  Mr. Bellemore made a motion that engineered plans be presented to the City Engineer before work could begin, with three inspections by the City Engineer and Applicant’s design engineer together, to be paid for by the applicant:  one after cut and fill, one after base preparation and one before paving.  Mr. Platt seconded this motion and the motion passed unanimously.  

Mr. Riechel suggested a condition regarding suitability testing, inquiring when this was done.  Ms. O'Dea submitted that a soils analysis had been provided at this meeting.  

Mr. Riechel requested discussion regarding septic suitability.  Mr. Bellemore stated that his prominent concern was the steep slopes down to the lake.   There was some discussion regarding ways to mitigate this issue with a condition for approval.  Mr. Bellemore made a motion that a condition be made to put requirements in the CC&R's that natural vegetation be retained undisturbed on lots 10, 11 and 14 wherever there are slopes exceeding 30 percent, except where it would endanger people or property and allowing for footpaths.  Mr. Riechel added to this motion that the natural vegetation should also be maintained/taken care of.  Mr. Platt seconded the motion as added to by Mr. Riechel and the motion passed unanimously.  

Mr. Riechel then adjourned the Planning Commission meeting at 10:52 .  

Respectfully submitted,  Joy Gipson   Planning Secretary  

These minutes are, to the best of my recollection, an accurate record of the DC Planning Commission meeting of June 24, 2008 .  These minutes will be considered final with the addition of a record of the “continuation” meeting on July 1, 2008 .  

Lee Riechel