
Dunes City Planning Commission

M I N U T E S REGULAR SESSION – January 28, 2010 at 6:00 pm

print file

 City Hall - 82877 Spruce St. , Westlake , OR 97439

1.     Call to Order by Planning Chairman David Bellemore 

The Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Planning Chairman, David Bellemore at 6:06 p.m. 

2.     Swearing in of New Planning Commissioner 

·        Tom Bassett 

Lisa Ekelund swore Tom Bassett into the Planning Commission. 

3.     Roll Call 

Roll Call was taken by Planning Secretary, Lisa Ekelund 

Present:    Planning Chairman David Bellemore, Vice-Chairman Ken Platt, and Commissioner Tom Bassett. 

Absent:     Commissioner Dennis Smith (excused), Commissioner Marilyn Miller (excused), Commissioner Ken Henderson (excused). 

Citizens Present:            1 citizen was present. 

4.     Pledge of Allegiance 

All who were present stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. 

5.     Appointment of Chairman and Vice-Chairman


Because of a lack of a quorum present, the appointment of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman was postponed to the next Planning Commission meeting. 

6.     Approval of the minutes  

  • Planning Commission Minutes of 10/22/09

Chairman Bellemore made the motion to postpone the approval of the 10/22/2009 minutes.  Commissioner Platt seconded and the motion passed by unanimous vote. 

7.     New business 

·        Vegetation / Tree removal (shoreland) permit application (5174 Russell Drive) 

Judy Johnson PO Box 28 

Mrs. Johnson spoke on behalf of the Conservation Committee and read the report that was submitted by the Conservation Committee. 

Chairman Bellemore said the tree specialist reports that there are graying limbs, which indicate unhealthy trees.   

Mrs. Johnson said she believes this to be normal. 

Chairman Bellemore asked if Mrs. Johnson thought this might be because of over crowding. 

Mrs. Johnson said she did not believe this is because of over crowding. 

Commissioner Bassett asked if there is a difference in the code if the trees are naturally occurring or replacement trees. 

Chairman Bellemore said what Commissioner Bassett is referring to is the tree inventory.  The Chairman explained the process of counting stumps as a means of documenting the pre and existing inventory. 

Commissioner Bassett said the application states they are only requesting to remove one tree and questioned why we would suggest they are allowed to take out two. 

Chairman Bellemore said the Conservation Committee suggested two because that is what they are allowed. 

Mrs. Johnson said they were requesting the trees are to be at least 15' apart, which indicates removing more than just one tree. 

Lisa Ekelund suggested any ex-parte contact be declared. 

Chairman Bellemore explained ex-parte contact to the Commissioners. 

(Commissioner Platt made the motion they accept the Conservation Committees recommendation as written and Commissioner Bassett seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.) - This motion was rescinded and re-addressed during the 2/25/10 Planning Commission meeting because it was determined after the 01/28/10 meeting that no quorum was present. 

Commissioner Bellemore stated that there is an appeal period of 10 days. 

Commissioner Bellemore noted that they requested the tree be cut to zero inches.  Commissioner Bellemore said usually the Commission would recommend a stump be left at least 3 feet high to facilitate the location of the inventory. 

8.      Unscheduled items not listed on the agenda 

  • Chairman Bellemore handed the Commissioners a printout regarding a story on a San Antonio Texas subdivision.  Chairman Bellemore read portions of the story.
  • Chairman Bellemore stated that Commissioner Smith has missed many meetings.  Chairman Bellemore said he understands the circumstances but the City needs commissioners that are "here".  Chairman Bellemore said he would call Commissioner Smith to discuss this.


9.      Adjournment 

There being no further business to come before the Planning Commission, 

Commissioner Platt made the motion to adjourn the meeting.  Commissioner Bellemore seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote. 

The meeting of the Dunes City Planning Commission adjourned at 6:44 p.m. 

The proceedings of the Dunes City Planning Commission meeting were recorded on tape, and are on file at Dunes City Hall. Upon approval by the Planning Commission, these minutes will be available online at www.dunescity.com 

Approved by the Planning Commission on the 3rd day of march 2010. 

Signed copy available at City Hall

David Bellemore, Planning Commission Chairperson 


Signed copy available at City Hall

Lisa Ekelund, Planning Secretary