
Dunes City Planning Commission

M I N U T E S REGULAR SESSION –April 6, 2010 at 1:00 pm

print file

 City Hall - 82877 Spruce St. , Westlake , OR 97439

1.     Call to Order  

The Planning Commission meeting was called to order by Planning Chairman, David Bellemore at 1:17 p.m. 

2.     Roll Call 

Roll Call was taken by Planning Secretary, Lisa Ekelund 

Present:    Planning Chairman David Bellemore, Commissioner Tom Bassett, Commissioner Ken Henderson, Commissioner Marilyn Miller. 

Absent:     Commissioner Platt (excused). 

Others Present:            Planning Secretary, Lisa Ekelund and 0 individuals. 

3.     Pledge of Allegiance 

All who were present stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. 

4.     Approval of the 03/25/10 meeting minutes 

Lisa Ekelund said on page 2 under Item 6, old business, she would like to change Commissioner Henderson's motion to read as "Commissioner" Henderson instead of "Ken" Henderson. 

Commissioner Bassett made the motion to approve the minutes as amended.  Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote. 

5.     Old business  

  • Code Audit

Page 5, Policy B13 

Commissioner Henderson made the motion to accept the recommendation under Policy B13 as written by Larry Lewis.  Commissioner Miller seconded the motion.  Commissioner Henderson modified his motion to include a time schedule for re-vegetation must be completed within 180 days with one extension allowed at the discretion of the Planning Official.  Commissioner Bassett seconded the amendment to Commissioner Henderson's motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote. 

Page 6-7, Policy C1 

Commissioner Henderson said the City Engineer should review this and he (Commissioner Henderson) would like to have the opinion of the City Engineer before a decision is made. 

Commissioner Bassett suggested that the Council keep it consistent at 12%. 

Commissioner Miller said 12% is very reasonable and Commissioner Henderson said it is arbitrary. 

Commissioner Bassett made the motion to accept the recommendation under Policy C1 as written by Larry Lewis.  Commissioner Miller seconded the motion.   

Chairman Bellemore recommended under the recommendation of Policy C1 page 7 item 1), B., 1, change the words "final plans" to "as built plans." 

Commissioner Bassett asked if Chairman Bellemore is making a motion to amend his motion. 

Commissioner Miller suggested to change it to "final plans and as built plans". 

Commissioner Bassett amended his motion to include changing "final plans" to "final plans and as built plans."  Commissioner Miller seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote. 

Page 8, Policy E8 

Commissioner Henderson made the motion to accept the recommendation under Policy E8 as written by Larry Lewis from the January 31, 2010 memo.  Commissioner Bassett seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote. 

Page 9, Policy H5 

Commissioner Henderson made the motion to accept the recommendation under Policy H5 as written by Larry Lewis from the January 31, 2010 memo.  Commissioner Miller seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote. 

Page 10, Policy H8 

Commissioner Miller made the motion to accept the recommendation under Policy H8 as written by Larry Lewis from the January 31, 2010 memo.  Commissioner Bassett seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote. 

Page 10, Policy H10 

Commissioner Bassett made the motion to accept the recommendation under Policy H10 as written by Larry Lewis from the January 31, 2010 memo, which essentially had no recommendation.  Commissioner Miller seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote. 

Page 10-11, Policy I-2 

Commissioner Bassett made the motion to accept the recommendation under Policy I-2 as written by Larry Lewis from the January 31, 2010 memo.  Commissioner Miller seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote. 

Page 12, Policy I-11 

Commissioner Henderson made the motion to accept the recommendation under Policy I-11 as written by Larry Lewis from the January 31, 2010 memo.  Commissioner Miller seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote. 

Page 12, Policy K4 

Commissioner Bassett made the motion to accept the recommendation under Policy K4 as written by Larry Lewis from the January 31, 2010 memo and to include the Council also approve reference from the State of Oregon native species list or the Dunes City Comprehensive Plan native species list.  Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote. 

Page 12-13, Policy K6 

Commissioner Bassett made the motion to recommend to the City Council that they prohibit houseboat access to Siltcoos Lake from any property in Dunes city and prohibit shoreland structures connecting to any houseboats.  Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote. 

Page 13, Policy K8 

Commissioner Miller made the motion to accept the recommendation under Policy K8 as written by Larry Lewis from the January 31, 2010 memo.  Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote. 

Page 13, Policy L3 

Commissioner Bassett made the motion to that the Planning Commission recommend to the City Council that the Council pursue the development of a Dunes City Forest Practices Act as soon as possible.  Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote. 

Page 14, Policy M4 

Commissioner Bassett made the motion to approve the recommendation under Policy M4 as written by Larry Lewis from the January 31, 2010 memo with the addition to recommendation that under section (A) (5), "livestock shall be prohibited from entering significant wetlands and other riparian areas."  Commissioner Miller seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote. 

6.     Unscheduled items not listed on the agenda 

7.     Adjournment 

There being no further business to come before the Planning Commission, 

Commissioner Miller made the motion to adjourn the meeting.  Commissioner Henderson seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote. 

The meeting of the Dunes City Planning Commission adjourned at 3:45 p.m. 

The proceedings of the Dunes City Planning Commission meeting were recorded on tape, and are on file at City Hall.  Upon approval by the Planning Commission, these minutes will be available online at www.dunescity.com 

Approved by the Planning Commission on the 22nd day of april 2010. 

Signed copy available at City Hall

David Bellemore, Planning Commission Chairperson 



Signed copy available at City Hall

Lisa Ekelund, Planning Official

