
Dunes City Planning Commission

M I N U T E S REGULAR SESSION – July 22, 2010 at 6:00 pm

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Meeting Minutes ~ Approved

July 22, 2010 at 6:00 pm

City Hall - 82877 Spruce St., Westlake, OR 97439


1. Call to Order

The Planning Commission meeting was called to order by David Bellemore at 6:02 p.m.

2. Roll Call

Roll Call was taken by City Planner, Lisa Ekelund.

Present: Commissioner Tom Bassett, Commissioner David Bellemore, Commissioner Ken Henderson, Commissioner Marilyn Miller, Commissioner Ken Platt, and Commissioner Lee Riechel.

Others Present: Lisa Ekelund.

3. Pledge of Allegiance

All who were present stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.

4. Approval of the Agenda

Commissioner Miller made the motion to approve the revised agenda. Commissioner Platt seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

5. Selection of Planning Chairman

Commissioner Platt nominated Commissioner Riechel for Planning Chairman. Commissioner Miller seconded the motion.

Commissioner Riechel said he would accept the nomination but he wanted to make sure no other Commissioners wanted the position.

Commissioner Henderson moved that the nominations be closed. Commissioner Platt seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

The motion made to appoint Commissioner Riechel in the position of Planning Chairman passed by vote of 4 ayes and 1 abstain (Commissioner Riechel).

6. Consent Agenda

 Approval of the 06/24/10 meeting minutes

Commissioner Bassett said he wants to go on record stating that he appreciates having the minutes a week prior to the meeting for review.

Commissioner Bassett requested his name be corrected under item number 9.

Commissioner Miller made the motion to approve the minutes of 6/24/10 as amended. Commissioner Platt seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

7. Announcements / Correspondence

Chairman Riechel announced that next month the Commission would receive a Conservation Committee report on a complaint and violation investigation.

8. Citizen Input

There was no citizen input.

9. Unfinished / Old Business

There was no unfinished / old business.

10. New Business

· Shoreland Zone Vegetation / Tree Removal Application (4836 Laguna Lane ~Westlake, OR)

Chairman Riechel recused himself and took a seat in the audience.

Vice-Chairman Bassett led the meeting from this point.

Vice-Chairman Bassett explained the application stating that it appears everything has met the requirements of the Commission. Vice-Chairman Bassett asked if anyone had any questions.

Commissioner Miller asked for clarification on a picture.

Lee Riechel said he is not aware of the source of the other pictures. Lee said the satellite picture view is a relatively old picture. Lee said Laguna Lane swings down into an area with some buildings with white roofs. Lee said there is a smaller white building, which is the home. Lee said the larger white buildings are the garage and the shop. Lee said if you go down to the lake directly from the house you would get to an area with few trees and it appears there were never trees other than one stump. Lee said if you look at his outlined subject picture, the Commission would notice there is very little foliage on it, which indicates that the tree is stressed.

Commissioner Miller said this is typical of alders.

Commissioner Bellemore asked for clarification of the statement on the application indicating the applicants desire to limp up.

Lee Riechel said there is one tree close to the lot line that has been limbed in the past but has re-grown limbs. Lee said this is what the applicant desires and it is well under the 25% requirement.

Commissioner Bellemore asked if the applicant understands the interpretation of 25% with respect to gaining a view.

Lee Riechel said the applicant understood the 25% criteria.

Commissioner Bellemore made the motion to accept the Conservation Committee's report and application as presented. Commissioner Miller seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

Chairman Riechel returned to his seat on the dais and resumed running the meeting.

11. Unscheduled items not listed on the agenda

Commissioner Bassett said regarding the vegetation removal permit in the shoreland zone, perhaps it could be changed to make it a final Planner decision or Conservation Committee decision. Commissioner Bassett said 11 people, 12 counting Lisa have had to look at this application and for all the time spent, the City received $50. Commissioner Bassett said it seems bureaucratic.

Commissioner Miller said it is too important an issue to have the decision made in that manner.

Commissioner Bellemore said it is a land use decision and the State of Oregon is clear that those decisions are only made by the Planning Commission or the City Council.

Chairman Riechel said this is part of pulling this code together to make it more readable and useable.

Lisa said in response to Chairman Riechel's comment that this is exactly what the City needs from the Planning Commission while going through the code audit. Lisa gave an example of what she is looking for.

With respect to the limited land use decision process, Chairman Riechel gave the Commissioners a briefing of the history of a prior Subdivision application.

Chairman Riechel said he would like the Commissioners to look at the code to make sure there is no confusion between LLD and type III.

12. Adjournment

There being no further business to come before the Planning Commission, Commissioner Miller made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Bellemore seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

           The meeting of the Dunes City Planning Commission adjourned at 6:46 p.m.

The proceedings of the Dunes City Planning Commission meeting were recorded on tape, and are on file at City Hall. Upon approval by the Planning Commission, these minutes will be available online at www.dunescity.com

Approved by the Planning Commission on the 26th day of August, 2010.

[Signed copy available at City Hall]

Lee Riechel, Planning Commission Chairperson


[Signed copy available at City Hall]

Lisa Ekelund, City Planner
