Dunes City Planning Commission

M I N U T E S REGULAR SESSION – January 27, 2011 at 6:00 pm

printable file

 City Hall - 82877 Spruce St. , Westlake , OR 97439  

1.      Call to Order  

The meeting was called to order by Planning Chairman, Lee Riechel at 6:02 pm .  

2.      Pledge of Allegiance  

All who were present stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.  

3.      Swearing in of New Planning Commission ers  

Lisa Ekelund swore in George Burke and Norman Martin to the Planning Commission.  

Chairman Riechel presented a Certificate of Appreciation to prior Planning Commissioner, David Bellemore .  Prior Planning Commissioner, Ken Platt was not present to receive his Certificate of Appreciation.  

Commissioner Miller made the motion to appoint Commissioner Riechel as the Planning Chairman.  Commissioner Burke seconded the motion.  

Lisa Ekelund requested that Roll Call be taken prior to the vote on Commissioner Miller 's motion.  

4.      Roll Call  

Roll Call was taken by City Planner, Lisa Ekelund .  

Present:    Planning Chairman Lee Riechel , Planning Vice-Chairman Tom Bassett ,         Commissioner George Burke , Commissioner Marilyn Miller and Commissioner Norman Martin .  

Absent:     Commissioner Ken Henderson (excused).  

Others Present:    City Planner, Lisa Ekelund , and four citizens.  

5.       Election of Officers

The motion made by Commissioner Miller and seconded by Commissioner Burke to appoint Commissioner Riechel as the Planning Chairman passed by unanimous vote.  

Commissioner Bassett said he is resigning as Vice-Chairman.  

Commissioner Miller made the motion to appoint Ken Henderson as Vice-Chairman.  The motion died for a lack of a second.  

Commissioner Riechel made the motion to appoint George Burke as Vice-Chairman.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Martin .  The motion passed by unanimous vote.  

6.      Approval of the Agenda  

Commissioner Miller made the motion to approve the Agenda as amended.  Commissioner Bassett seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.  

7.      Consent Agenda  

  • Approval of the 12/16/2010 meeting minutes.

Commissioner Bassett expressed his concern over being too literal in terms of what people say.  Commissioner Bassett proposed that three changes be made. 

Commissioner Miller said she agrees except she does not believe it is appropriate to put Lisa Ekelund in the position of deciding what people mean as opposed to what they say.  

The Planning Commission continued their discussion of the minutes.  

Commissioner Miller made the motion to approve the minutes of 12/16/2010 with the        provision that we research the method of reporting per discussion of this meeting. The      motion died for a lack of a second.  

Commissioner Bassett made the motion to table the minutes.  Commissioner Miller seconded the motion.  The motion passed by vote of two ayes and two abstains ( Vice-Chairman Burke and Commissioner Martin ).  

8.      Announcements / Correspondence / Discussion - None  

9.      Citizen Input  

Councilor Dick Anderson ~ 83435 Hwy 101  

Councilor Anderson spoke in regards to the fact that meetings are recorded on tape and in the case of the Council, they are on video.   

10.  Unfinished / Old Business - None  

11.  New Business  

·        Discussion with Councilor Mills regarding code revisions.  

Chairman Riechel said he has been reviewing the code and this week with the help of staff, he has been provided a copy of Ordinance No. 182 as approved by the Council at that time.  Chairman Riechel said they also have a copy that went to DLCD.  Chairman Riechel said as a task, he would like a Commissioner to work with Lisa Ekelund in trying to correlate these versions.  

Vice-Chairman Burke said he would be happy to work with Lisa and he would like to find his old codebook that contains his notes.  

Councilor Mills approached the Planning Commission.  Councilor Mills explained the     conflict between the signed version of Ordinance No. 182 and the one that was sent to DLCD.  Councilor Mills explained the approach she is taking regarding the fee schedule.  

12.  Unscheduled items not listed on the agenda  

Chairman Riechel requested that Commissioner Martin look at the Comprehensive Plan   concerning CCI and to compare it with the Statewide Planning Goal to come up with a CCI/ CAC program that fits with Dunes City and does not conflict with the Comprehensive Plan.  

The Commission discussed Type I, Type II, Type III , Type IV, and Limited Land Use         Decisions and their roles as Planning Commissioners in each process.  

13.  Adjournment  

There being no further business to come before the Planning Commission, Commissioner Bassett made the motion to adjourn the meeting.  Commissioner Burke seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.  

The meeting of the Dunes City Planning Commission adjourned at 7:54 pm .  

The proceedings of the Dunes City Planning Commission meeting were recorded on tape, and are on file at City Hall.  Upon approval by the Planning Commission, these minutes will be available online at www.dunescity.com  

Approved by the Planning Commission on the 24th day of FEBRUARY 2011.  


[Signed copy available at City Hall]

Lee Riechel , Planning Commission Chairman  


[Signed copy available at City Hall]

Lisa Ekelund , City Planner