


DECEMBER 17, 2007, 6:30 PM

print file


A.               Call to Order and Roll Call 

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Bob Petersdorf.  Roll call taken by Christy Lewis: 

Present:       Bob Petersdorf, Keith Herring, David Persons, George Burke, Linda Lauck, George McKenzie, Lee Riechel, Troy Sathe, Christy Lewis and Maria McConnell.  Bill Connell was absent and excused. 

B.               Approval of Minutes – November 19, 2007


          Linda Lauck made a motion to approve the November 19, 2007 Dunes City Road Minutes as presented.    George McKenzie seconded the motion.  The motion was carried by 5 ayes, 0 nays and the Minutes were unanimously approved.  

C.               Guests – David Lauck, William Sathe 

          D.      Citizen Input - None 

          E.      Unfinished/Old Business 

          1.       Review of road conditions by Commissioners:

          Bob Petersdorf advised the members to turn in their forms to Maria McConnell, Road Secretary, to be re-typed.  The reports will then be reviewed at the January 21, 2007 Road Commission meeting.  At that time priorities will be set as determined by Bob Petersdorf and Keith Herring. 

          F.      New Business 

          1.       Review of applications for appointive office for Jo A. Owen and Troy Z. Sathe. 

          Bob Petersdorf advised the Road Commission that the City Council at their regularly scheduled meeting of December 13, 2007 reappointed Linda Lauck and George McKenzie to the Road Commission.  They also appointed Jo Ann Owens as a new member.  Her service will begin on January 21, 2007.  Bob Petersdorf explained the discussions held at the City Council meeting and the resignation of Troy Sathe from the Road Commission.  Bob Petersdorf thanked Troy for his time served on the Road Commission and congratulated George and Linda for their reappointment.  Lee Riechel also acknowledged Troy’s service to the Road Commission and thanked him for his loyalty. 

          Linda Lauck asked Bob Petersdorf for an updated description of the requirements needed in order to be a member of the Road Commission.  Bob stated there is a need for an update and he will bring a draft of the job description to the next meeting. 

          The re-appointments and new appointment for the Road Commission were approved by consensus. 

          2.       Review and approval of Final Inspection of Woahink Ridge PUD Improvements completed by Mike McAllister Engineering. 

Bob Petersdorf referred this item to Keith Herring.  Keith Herring stated he would contact Mike McAllister and advise him that a center line stripe needs to be done.  Otherwise the report presented by Mike McAllister looked completed and he would sign off on the inspection form when the line was painted. 

          Bob Petersdorf asked that Keith keep him informed about the street lights and the placement of mailboxes in this development.  He asked for a motion to approve the inspection form. 


          The motion to approve the inspection was made by Dave Persons, seconded by Troy Sathe, motion approved by 5 ayes, 0 nays. 

          3.       Request by residents to remove trees in City Right-of-Way on Hemlock Street.  Bob Petersdorf reviewed the request by Malcolm Wright, 82876 Hemlock St. and Betty Jackson, 82865 Hemlock St. to remove two trees in the City’s Right-of-Way.  Bob stated they are non-native trees that are sending sucker sprouts into the resident’s yards.  Dave Persons asked what type of trees they are and was advised they are Black Locust trees and were planted about 50 years ago.  

          Bob stated he will be organizing a work party to remove the trees and stated there are other trees he has noted that need trimming as the branches are extending into the City’s right-of-way. 


Linda Lauck made the motion to write a letter to the residents to advise them that the Road Commission has approved their request and they will remove the trees after the first of the year, George McKenzie seconded the motion. Motion approved by 5 ayes and 0 nays. 

Troy Sathe mentioned the road by the Jackson’s that is covered with moss.  Bob Petersdorf said the Road Commission would take care of it. 

          G.      Unscheduled Items Not Listed on Agenda 

          Bob Petersdorf referenced a letter from the Lane County Board of Commissioners pertaining to the allocation of funds for the maintenance of county roads through SB 994.  Bob Petersdorf recommended that the upgrade on Laurel St. should be overlayed. 

          Linda Lauck recommended that a letter be sent in response to this request that is back dated December 13, 2007 as the due date for response was Dec. 14, 2007 and it was just brought to the Road Commission’s attention. 

          Keith Herring mentioned that the roadway just before Cherry is sinking down and should be included in scheduled repair.         

          Bob Petersdorf stated he would be in the office on Thursday to take care of this request. 

          Bob Petersdorf reviewed Press Releases that were published in the paper regarding the announcement of a work party for Saturday, November 24, 2007; and the appointment of Troy Sathe as a new Road Commissioner, replacing Eric Hauptman. 

          Bob Petersdorf referenced correspondence from ODOT requesting an update of new streets in Dunes City.  He advised the letter in our packet is our response and includes the addition of Green Gate Road.  He asked that new maps be requested from ODOT. 

          Bob Petersdorf reviewed additional correspondence as follows:

          Letter to Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Robertson, 83623 Jensen Lane, granting approval to remove trees from the street right-of-way;  Thank you letters to Gordon Card, Gene McGee, George Park, Duane Ash, and David Persons for their help in local clean-up projects.  A thank you letter to Jessica Berning of LTM Inc. for their work on Dunes City road repairs; and letters to Maria McConnell and June Sathe regarding their applications for employment. 

          H.      Reports:                   

          1.       Keith Herring, Road Inspector

          Keith advised that the waterbars on Leavitt Loop need to be painted.

          Bob Petersdorf advised Keith to follow through with that as well as inspect the waterbars on Laguna. 

Keith asked for an update on the Fish Mill Project. Bob Petersdorf reported that the paint and stakes were from the Bedsole’s surveyor. 


George McKenzie made the motion to approve Keith Herring’s inspection log sheet, motion seconded by Linda Lauck and unanimously approved by 5 ayes, 0 nays. 

2.       Maria McConnell, Road Secretary – Nothing to report at this     time.         

3.       Bill Connell, Road Commissioner is absent and excused. 

4.       Linda Lauck, Road Commissioner – Asked if there was any feedback from John Scott and if he was pleased with the work done.  Bob Petersdorf stated he still has concerns regarding mud on his dock and he advised the Mills to remove the mud as soon as possible. Linda referenced a diagram she received from Robin Reed of Central Lincoln PUD that illustrates an identification map as to where vegetation removal is threatening the existing power lines.  She recommended that Keith Herring keep a copy of this diagram with him to identify areas that need to be maintained by the PUD and give his list to Maria McConnell who can then notify the PUD. Linda Lauck asked that copies of the diagram be made for members of the Road Commission and also provide additional copies for Keith Herring.  Lee Reichel added the maintenance would only apply to city right-of-ways. 

5.       Dave Persons, Road Commissioner – stated the Ford Way sign is still up.  He asked if there is a city policy pertaining to “no trespassing” signs that are being posted by residents.  Bob Petersdorf stated that if the signs are located on city property, Keith Herring can remove them.  Linda Lauck commented that “For Sale” signs are appearing again on Clear Lake Rd and another letter, such as the one sent by Christy to the realtors should be sent again.  Dave Persons asked regarding a tree on Lake Drive that was chopped off from the root system.  He stated it is an 80 ft. tree and it is tilting toward the neighbor’s house.  When he contacted the neighbors they stated they did not want the tree cut down and wanted to consult with an arborist to see if the tree could be saved.  Troy Sathe recommended that the residents involved be sent a letter stating that the City will not be held responsible if the tree should fall.  George McKenzie added that the individual who damaged the tree should be the one to pay for its removal if it becomes necessary to do so.  Discussion ensued regarding a replacement tree and who should pay for the arborist as well as the city being reimbursed for its cost to remove the tree by the person who damaged it.  Linda Lauck recommended that the residents involved, Glen Carrari, Wally Schultz and Jason Sharpe be sent a letter that the City will not be liable if they choose not to remove the tree.  


Troy Sathe made the motion to send a certified letter to the residents involved that the city is not liable for any damage caused by the tree if they choose to keep it there and if they do want it removed, the city will be reimbursed for the cost of removing it by Glen Carrari who damaged the tree, motion seconded by George McKenzie and carried unanimously by 5 ayes, 0 nays. 

6.       Lee Riechel, Planning and Road Commissioner – Stated that in his review of the roads, Seventh Heaven Road is a mess; top of Hilltop and Parkway have plugged up culverts and on the southwest corner of Shirley Lane, where a manufactured home is located, there is landscaping mud and sand coming off the property on to Shirley Lane. Bob Petersdorf stated in some areas there will be driveways without culverts because the lots are being engineered.  Linda Lauck asked if a work party could fix this.  Lee stated it would be difficult and recommended Keith Herring inspect the site. 

7.       George McKenzie, Road Commissioner – Bob Petersdorf asked about a tree that fell on the County Road; and George stated he cut 3 trees off the county road. 

8.       Troy Sathe stated that Malcom’s trees have been taken care of and he spent 3 hours talking to a resident on Laguna regarding a water bar installation and 2 inch plus rock.  He reported a tree on Woodland Lane that has roots that are lifting up the ground near it and recommended removing the roots.  Troy thanked the Road Commission for the time he has spent with them and stated how much he appreciated the opportunity to serve on the Commission and that they were great people to work with. 

9.       Bob Petersdorf, Road Chairperson, thanked everyone for the road work they performed and stated the Road Commission is going to have some big projects coming up.  He advised the members that 3 new street signs were ordered for Erhart; Maple and Clearwater Cove; and that he and a neighbor’s son cut down a tree on Boy Scout road.  He thanked everyone for their participation in the Road Commission and wished everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 

I.       Adjournment - Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Linda Lauck made the motion to adjourn, motion seconded by Dave Persons and unanimously approved by 5 ayes, 0 nays. 

The next regularly scheduled Road Commission meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. on January 21, 2007. 

___________________________    ______________________________

ROBERT PETERSDORF                            MARIA MCCONNELL

CHAIR                                                           ROAD SECRETARY