


JANUARY 21, 2008   6:30 PM

print file

A.        Call to order and Roll Call

            The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. and roll call taken by Bob Petersdorf.  

Present:  Bill Connell, Keith Herring, Linda Lauck,  George McKenzie, David Persons, Bob Petersdorf, Jo Owen, Lee Riechel.  Excused:  Maria McConnell  

B.        Approval of Minutes, December 17, 2007

Linda Lauck made a motion to accept the minutes of the December 17, 2007 meeting with the change noted on page 6 (Jo Owen), last sentence to read 2008 (not 2007).

            Motion seconded by George McKenzie and unanimously approved by 4 ayes, 0 nays.

Jo Owen did not vote as she was not a Road Commissioner as of 12/2007.  

C.        Guests:  Troy Sathe and William Sathe

D.        Citizen Input:   

Troy Sathe received an inquiry from Sam Frank regarding the lack of continuity in the numbering of house addresses between Kiechle Arm Road and Cloud Nine.  His concern:

the possible inability of emergency vehicles being able to locate his home quickly.  Troy asked him to pursue the matter with the Mayor for clarification.  Bob Petersdorf indicated Mr. Frank could contact the Planning Secretary and Building Department. It was further suggested Mr. Frank call and write a letter to the ambulance service indicating his concerns.  

E.        Unfinished/Old Business:

The Commissioners reviewed Bob Petersdorf’s January 7,  2008 letter to Jason Sharpe, Stuart Shoults and Dave Persons, regarding damaged tree located on Lake Drive .   Everyone involved agreed to the removal of the tree.   Linda Lauck made a motion requesting the Road Commission Secretary write a letter to Mr. Glen Carrari giving him 15 days from receipt of our registered letter to have the tree removed, the area made presentable and the street cleaned, all at his expense.  Mr. Carrari is required to apply for a     Tree Removal in the ROW permit.  He is also required to notify Keith Herring as to the work date so Keith can be present to view the removal.  Mr. Carrari is to be made aware he is responsible to correct any damage done to our city road.   The motion was seconded by George McKenzie and unanimously approved by 5 ayes, 0 nays.  Motion carried.  

There have been repeated violations regarding Mr. Carrari, and numerous citizen complaints, culminating with this last business with the damaged tree.  After quite a discussion, the Road Commission decided the following:  A motion was made by Linda Lauck to recommend to the City Council that a $1500 fine be levied against Mr. Carrari.  It is recommended that the Master Road Plan’s pertaining sections of violations be attached to the letter.   The motion was seconded by Bill Connell and unanimously approved by 5 ayes, 0 nays.  Motion carried.  Mr. Carrari has the opportunity, after receiving the letter,  to appeal to the Dunes City Council.

On another issue regarding Mr. Carrari, the Road Secretary will review paperwork regarding the one year timeframe pertaining to installing a driveway approach.  As of this date, there is no approach.  

E.        New Business: 

            The Commissioners reviewed Resolution No. 08-01-01 :

A Resolution requesting that Lane County Transfer Tax Lot 1300, Assessor’s Map 19-12-27-13 to the City of Dunes City.  Acceptance and transfer of ownership of the streets within the Tsiltcoos Lake Club Plat will result in the   City receiving approximately 4 to 5  extra road mileage money.  For a period of 20 years these streets cannot be sold.

 Bill Connell made a motion recommending the Dunes City Council acceptance of Ordinance No.08-01-01.  Bill also suggested a paragraph be included to

address how the streets will be managed on order to protect the City against any liability, now, and in the future.  Long range planning such as sewers, water, etc. could also be addressed.

            Jo Owen suggested the foreclosure year date might not be 2005 but 2003.  This will require clarification. The motion was seconded by Dave Persons and approved by 4 ayes, 1 abstained, 0 nays.  Motion carried.  

Bob Petersdorf spoke to the Commissioners regarding the terrific work the Park and Recreation Commissioners have accomplished in building and completing the Overlook (using City ROW land).  Cal Lewis, P&R’s Chair applied and received grant money from Lane County , and is responsible for the major amount of work performed. Keith Herring has donated fencing to be installed by Park and Recreation to define the property line.  Bob made the suggestion to “sign” the new overlook area “Lewis Overlook Landing”.

Linda Lauck made the motion requesting the Dunes City Council accept the suggestion of “Lewis Overlook Landing”.  The motion was seconded by Bill Connell and unanimously approved 5 ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried.

Bob Petersdorf informed the Commissioners that the Road Commission’s new budget will be due to the Budget Officer March 2008.  Details to be discussed during February’s regularly scheduled Road meeting.

Work Party:

Bob will be scheduling a Road Commissioner’s work party to address road related “fixes” on Hemlock, Seventh Heaven, Hilltop, Parkway, and Shirley Lane . All Road  Commissioners will be required to be “checked out” in the usage of power tools as a safety measure for work parties. 

Work parties are a major and essential part of Road Commissioners’ duties as they accomplish two things:  1) being able to respond in a timely manner to residents’ complaints (not having to rely on Lane County or sub-contractors) on small matters, and of equal importance, 2) not having to spend considerable money when we have Road Commissioners , as part of their job description, putting  in their time to help the community.

Job Descriptions:

Bob handed out the Road Commissioners Job Description and requested it be reviewed by all and to be discussed at February’s regularly scheduled Road meeting.

            Keith Herring presented his running of roads for mid-December to mid January.

A motion was made by Linda Lauck to approve the Inspector of Roads Log Sheet.

The motion was seconded by Dave Persons and unanimously approved 5 ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried.

F.         Reports:

Keith Herring:  a boat on a trailer is parked illegally on Buckskin Bob.  The license plate number will be given to Maria who will write a letter requesting its removal.

Laguna’s 6’wide water bar was discussed as was the road striping of Green Gate and Huckleberry Lane .

Maria McConnell:  absent

Bill Connell:  nothing

George McKenzie:  nothing

Dave Persons:  nothing

Linda Lauck:  nothing

Jo Owen:  Looking forward to working on the Road

Commission.  A discussion of streets and Tsiltcoos Lake Club Plat.

Bob Petersdorf:  Welcomed Jo as our newest Road Commissioner.  Requested Keith to check culverts in Dunes City :  those the responsibility of residents to keep clean and those the responsibility of Dunes City Road Commission.  Bob purchased a “bucket” truck for Dunes City Road Commission use which will be tremendously helpful at our work parties.

 Lee Riechel:  At this time, there is nothing to present regarding the Montgomery Subdivision.  

The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m.


Bill Connell made the motion to adjourn, motion seconded by Dave Persons and unanimously approved by 5 ayes, 0 nays.   Motion carried.


The next regularly scheduled Road Commission meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, February 18, 2008 .

____________________________    ______________________

Robert Petersdorf                                         Linda Lauck

Chair                                                               Acting Road Secretary