



July 21, 2008 , 6:30 PM

print file


A. Call to Order and Roll Call

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Acting Chair Keith Herring, in Bob Petersdorf's absence, who called the roll call.

Present: Bill Connell, Keith Herring, Dave Persons Linda Lauck, George McKenzie, Jo Owen and Lee Riechel. Excused: Bob Petersdorf

B. Approval of Minutes of June 16, 2008.

Bill Connell made a motion to approve the June 16, 2008 Dunes City Road Minutes as presented and George McKenzie seconded the motion. The motion was carried by 5 ayes, 0 nays and the Minutes were unanimously approved.

C. Citizen Input - none

D. Unfinished / Old Business

Bob included in our packet Chapter 35: Improvements taken out of the City's Code of Ordinances. '1 he chapter addresses the formation of a Local Improvement District (LID). At present, this information pertains to Cloud Nine.

Bob, Steve and Ron Bretthauer, Bretthauer Road Oil out of Hillsboro, drove all of the City's 20 roads, which are scheduled to be chip sealed. The County was unable to chip seal our roads in 2008 and could handle our request, at best guess, no sooner than July 2009. Bretthauer Road Oil will be submitting a quote shortly. They are quite interested in doing the job. What they require is a place to store the amount of rock required to do the 20 roads for no more than 405 days. Bob will contact Gary Foglio to determine if there is an area within his business to accommodate the rock. This job could be completed by the end of August. A determination needs to be made as to whether the City needs to go out for bids. A major problem; Owe appears to be little rock available for road repairs, anywhere.

Road Chair Bob Petersdorf and Road Commissioners Keith Herring, Linda Lauck, and George McKenzie, comprised a work party on June 19, 2008, to address several trees in the ROW on Hemlock. These trees were cut down and removed as requested by the resident at the site. Trees were over and through power and cable lines, and roots were growing into, and damaging the residential area.

Results: 8 man-hours were spent with an additional 2 man-hours for hauling the debris to the County Refuse Site.

According to Keith Herring, a letter should be sent out to those responsible for having striping put down on Cloud Nine, Summerbell and Meadow Lane. In addition, Summerbell requires two aprons (paving) and one on Cloud Nine.

The dead end sign issue on South Pioneer has been resolved.

The sign for Woodland Way needs to be ordered from Lane County.

The Application for Driveway Permit for George Hawes was reviewed. He will use cement (not paving) for the now existing small gravel area No culvert is requited. The work is to be completed by the end of August.

E. New Business

Another work party is to be scheduled by Bob Petersdorf to remove an additional tree in the City's ROW on Hemlock. Keith will review the work and inform the Road Commissioners that Duke Wells will be available to help us remove the tree

At the last work party, the Commissioners realized that the old rope being used to do the heavy hauling and stabilizing trees as they are cut was in poor shape and repeatedly snapped. This posed a safety problem.

As a solution, George McKenzie is offering the Road Commission 175 ft of triple strand, new rope. The original cost to George was $4.50 / ft. and he is generously offering to sell it at $1.00 per foot. Bob and George will finalize the details.

In approving a Right-0f-Way Placement Permit for Jan Sandoval, Keith inquired about the mentioning of a road called Francis Bay Boulevard, According to Hill and George, this small road is between Woodland Lane and Woodland Park Drive. Linda Lauck suggested that Francis Bay Boulevard (a public road) be added to the MRP Roadway Inventory- Chapter 2, Section 7. The Commissioners were in agreement

The Commissioners reviewed Dave Middlestadt's request for Application for Access Permit (through the City Right-of-Way). George McKenzie made a motion and Bill Connell seconded the motion that the permit be approved with the following conditions being added to the permit application:

1. This area is not to be used as a camp site.

2. The area is for a boat trailer, or any vehicle not used for living.

Motion was carried by 5 ayes and 0 nays and unanimously approved.

Road Commissioners read and discussed two articles:

1) Siltcoos Lake Club Plat Private Right of Ways and

2) " A little history of Streets within the Tsiltcoos Lake Club Plat."

According to Bob Petersdorf, he and Councilman Peter Howison plan to co-chair a meeting the end of August. There will be advanced advertising. At the meeting, a map will be presented and available for review and questions regarding the subdivision and the specified roads.

One change to the first article by Bob Petersdorf: 5th line from the bottom to read, "Also, the city would “not” be responsible . . .

The word "not" has been added.

Jo Owen also had questions regarding the second article, specifically the first sentence of paragraph three, indicating it could be misleading. She also has great concerns regarding liability and other Road Commissioners agreed that legal analysis is pertinent to these discussions.

Inspector of Roads:

Keith Herring presented his Inspector of Roads Log Sheet for June/July, 2008.

Bill Connell made a motion to accept the report as presented and Dave Persons seconded the motion.

The motion was carried by 5 ayes, 0 nays and unanimously approved.

G. Reports:

Keith Herring: nothing

George McKenzie: nothing

Linda Lauck: nothing

Bill Connell: nothing

Jo Owen: nothing

Lee Riechel: There is a new administrative assistant in the office. Lisa is now the Planning Secretary. An application was submitted for Road Secretary. FYI: The City Council denied Montgomery View Estates.

The Planning Commission is reviewing two Conditional Use Permits The City Council remanded Ron Mann's Woahink Ridge Subdivision back to the Planning Commission. Lee requested the City's attorney provide a process whereby the Planning Commission can handle an appeal at a Type I level,

The next Planning Commission meeting is scheduled a week late and will be held on Thursday, July 31°`.

Dave Persons: The Glen Carrari property is now finalized and quiet. There is a sign on the roadway "Caution Driveway is Slippery". The 2007 Driveway Permit filled out by the Carrari's regarding the installation of an apron has not been completed. Keith Herring mentioned that when the house is complete, the apron and a culvert (if required) must be done.

Keith Herring made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:01 p.m., seconded by George McKenzie and unanimously approved by 5 ayes, 0 nays. Motion carried unanimously.




Keith Herring                                          Linda Lauck

Acting Chair                                           Acting Road Secretary