



SEPTEMBER 15, 2008 , 6:30 PM

print file

   A.                 Call to Order and Roll Call  

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mr. Petersdorf Petersdorf.  Patty Pennel called the Roll.  

Present:         Mr. Petersdorf Petersdorf, Bill Connel, David Persons, Linda Lauck, George McKenzie, Keith Herring , Lee Riechel and Patty Pennel were present.

Also present were, Amy Graham, City Recorder and Robert Quandt, City Councilor  

Absent:        Jo Owen was absent and excused  


B.         Approval of Minutes August 18, 2008


            Bill Connell made a motion to approve the August 18, 2008 , Dunes City Road Minutes as presented, George McKenzie seconded the motion.  The motion was carried by unanimous vote.  

            Patty said that she will change Dave to Dale in Middlestadt's first name.  

   C.           Citizen Input              

Henry Leach from 84284 Alder Drive spoke regarding the information he sent into the office after the last Road Commission Meeting. This is regarding property he owns at 5573 Wohink Drive . His request was reviewed at the August 22nd Road Commission Meeting where the Road Commission denied his request and he was sent a letter of denial. Unfortunately he missed the last meeting because he was informed the meeting was on Tuesday night instead of Monday. He disagrees with the Road Commissions decision. He wanted to present it again to the Commission. Mr. Petersdorf told Mr. Leach since this issue was not on the agenda for this meeting, the Commission could not make a ruling on it tonight. Mr. Petersdorf said that the Road Commission already made a decision last month and that he needs to appeal that decision to the City Council.  

The Commission thanked Henry for his time.  

Chairman of the Road Commission, Mr. Petersdoft asked if there was anyone else that wanted to address the Road Commission.  

Troy Sathe, 833550 Clear Lake Road  

Mr. Sathe wanted the Road Commission to know that the reason Mr. Leach missed last months meeting was because he told him to come on Tuesday instead of Monday.  He also wanted us to know that even when he tried to back his van out of the driveway, he could barely get it out because of those poles.  

The Commission thanked Troy for his time.  

D.           Unfinished/Old Business 

Mike McAllister wrote a letter to the Road Commission suggesting that we hold off doing any chip sealing right now because of the weather. The Mayor made a suggestion at the last City Council Meeting, and directed Mr. Petersdorf to go ahead and get the bids, specs and everything needed and bring it back to the City Council at the next City Council Meeting.  

Commissioner, Linda Lauck pointed out that on the bottom of the bid form it says that the bids are good for 90 day period, so are we going to ask the contractors for a bid that lasts until next year, or have it bid now and have them bid it again next year. Mr. Petersdorf said he will talk to the Mayor and see how he wants to do that, because most commercial bids are for 90 days. What we will probably have to do is when we go out for bids, would be to tell the vendors the bid would be good for 360 days or 400 days or 200 days. Linda didn't think that anyone would send in a bid under those conditions.   

Lee's suggestion was to go out for bids now, but know that we won't be able to get it done this year and state that we want it done something like July 1st.   

The next discussion is on George Hawes driveway permit. Mr. Petersdorf thought Mr. Hawes gave us a new diagram for the property #103, but it was the same diagram. There was some confusion at the last City Council Meeting and the Road Commission Meeting, but Mr. Petersdorf felt Keith Herring had set us straight on what we were approving, was the driveway access permit off the second lot on Lakeview drive #103 and wanted to install a concrete apron instead of asphalt. That is what the Road Commission thought they were approving. Mr. Petersdorf was concerned about what the Road Commission could approve and what needed to be recommended to the City Council. Linda noticed that this isn't a new diagram.  There are sections in the Master Road Plan (MRP) that are the discretion of the City Council. Mr. Petersdorf thought that everything the Road Commission approved was so we can recommend it to the City Council. Linda wanted to know if all the forms were to be changed so they reflect the signature approval process. Commissioner, Bill Connell wanted to know if the City Council would be approving everything. Mr. Petersdorf said to hang in there until all this gets worked out. What was done in the past is different than what the City Council wants to do in the future. Mr. Petersdorf said that if there was a new procedure then the City Council should have let the Roads Commission know of those procedures in the beginning. In the past, The Road Commission was able to approve a driveway access permit. Now the property owner will have to wait 45 days to get all the approvals. Mr. Petersdorf is going to meet with the Mayor to find out how to proceed without putting up anymore road blocks than there already are for the property owner.  Linda wanted to make sure which permits needed final City Council approval and which permits the Roads Commission could approve. The Road Commission can only make recommendations for the City Council to review at their meeting and approve or deny the application.  Linda wanted to know what brought about all of this confusion.  

At this time, Mr. Petersdorf wanted to apologize to the Road Commission for some of the steps he has taken with his leadership. He was told at the public meeting that he used his influence on some of the decisions made by the Road Commission and the Commissioners were taking Mr. Petersdorf's word for what is going on. This was not his intention and he wanted make it clear that the Road Commission makes the decision, not the Chair to the Road Commission, as he doesn't vote. Mr. Petersdorf didn't have a chance at the beginning of the last City Council Meeting to read his report. The Council had a lot of questions for Mr. Petersdorf. He said it was like an atom bomb, so he just listened to what was going on. Mr. Petersdorf wanted the Commission to know he wasn't sitting up there saying it was his way or no way. Linda and Bill said that he has never done that to them. Mr. Petersdorf said that right or wrong the City Council makes the final decision. Mr. Petersdorf just wanted to apologize to the Commission, and let them know it was not his intention to ever influence the Commission's decisions. Mr. Petersdorf said this whole misunderstanding happened when Middlestadt and Stoud put in the two pads on Ocean Lake Blvd. They never submitted diagrams, but they put pvc pipes in the ground to mark their pads. Residents will have their land surveyed or they won't get their permit.. Mr. Petersdorf just wanted to make sure that the Commission understood that he doesn't ever want them to feel pressure from him and he wanted to apologize again if that was the case. From now on Mr. Petersdorf will simply chair the meeting and ask the Commission questions per the line item on what they feel on the subject. If you have a question such as if George asked if there were six stakes in the ground, then he would answer with "yes, there are six stakes in the ground".  He won't give his opinion anymore. The Commission will be making the ultimate decisions, as it should be. Mr. Petersdorf wanted it known that the Road Commissioners are very intelligent people. They have been here a long time and understand making things harder for the citizens can sometimes be rough.  Mr. Petersdorf is looking forward to getting together with the Mayor on these issues and let us know these things will smooth out and the City Recorder will be able to make some decisions on some of the permits so they don't get held up and have to wait for the City Council to approve. The Road Commission will make all of the recommendations to the City Council so if anything can't be worked out then it automatically gets shifted to the City Council for the final decision.  

Back to George Hawes and the driveway that was going to go down this 50 ft side of the hill. Mr. Hawes already built a bridge down the road. The Planning Secretary, Lisa Ekelund and Mr. Petersdorf went down to Mr. Hawes property and told him that we weren't going to allow the driveway to go down that step of a hill. He then changed his mind and moved the location of the parking pad. We made a recommendation to pave the apron and that is what we need to make the motion on tonight. It is tax lot #103.  Discussion on where exactly the diagram is trying to show. Tax lot #102 is where the house is and #103 is the empty lot. We will make a recommendation to the Council that we approve the apron to tax lot #103 and not #102. The City Recorder, Amy Graham said she has only seen a permit from Mr. Hawes for the long driveway.  The Commission said they did not approve the long driveway. Linda said that permit should no longer be valid. The City is only aware of the one permit and they assumed that is the only permit the Road Commission approved. George hasn't submitted a second permit for just the apron on lot #103. Linda said that it looks like he submitted them together and the Road Commission denied #102 and approved lot #103.  Mr. Petersdorf asked Keith if the apron on tax lot #103 was approved a couple of years ago? Keith doesn't remember anything about tax lot #103, just tax lot #102 when Mr. Hawes was putting in the road down to #102. That was about 3 years ago. Mr. Petersdorf said that we should have George submit a new plot map drawn up for tax lot #103 for the apron to go onto that piece of property. Linda asked Amy to check and be sure Mr. Hawes gets his $125 back from the first permit that was denied. At this time Mr. Hawes file did not show that we collected the $125 fee, but Amy will check it out for the application that was submitted on July 10, 2008 for lot #102 and #103. This should be an application for just #103.  Patty will send George a letter asking for a new drawing and a new permit.  Once the new drawing and permit is submitted to our office, we can review it at the next scheduled meeting.  

Permits for Dale Middlestadt and Eugene Stroud have been revoked. After the site review committee got involved they realized that the pad he was building was into the riparian area.  Mr. Petersdorf reminded the Commission that Ocean Blvd was made a one way street and all those boat trailers and vehicles park right next to the waters edge, and have been parking there for years. Mr. Petersdorf admitted that the Roads Commission made a mistake on the permits. Both Mr. Middlestadt and Mr. Stroud phoned Mr. Petersdorf at home and left messages stating they would hold off and restore the property back to the original state. Dave Person said that the Johnson's who live next door reported that every summer for at least 9 years there has been at least one 40ft motor home parked on that property for a month to 2 ½ months. They have electrical power hooked up on a pole in the property. In the era of vacation rentals, the parties have gone on for years and the neighbors had to put up with it. When neighbors realized  there were lines being drawn on the pad for a minimum of 3 RV's, they were pushed over the top. The community didn't like that Mr. Stroud and Mr. Middlestadt were making the grass areas into asphalt with all the makings of permanent parking.  The question was asked about the holding tank from the RV going into the lake. Mr. Johnson said he has never seen that happening to the best of his knowledge and that the RV would leave every 3 or 4 days and empty the tanks and then come back. The electricity is running off Mr. Middlestadt's home, running under the street onto the pole. Dave Person's made a suggestion that maybe a small apron should be put in where a vehicle could park rather than parking in the grass and mud.   

Regarding Francis Bay Lane , Mr. Petersdorf said that he did not intend to give a waver permits to the residents. Also, we would give Jan Sandoval's permit fee back if the City Council' s decision is not to charge the other residents. It was however, Mr. Petersdorf's recommendation to wave the fees for the residents to move their water lines. Mr. Petersdorf wants to make a recommendation to the City Council to wave the fees for Francis Bay Lane in order to get the water lines moved to the right place. If the residents move the lines over, then they still need to get a permit from the City. The only thing the Road Commission is doing is giving the residents a waiver to dig the ditch. We are not waving the electrical fees, the plumbing fees or any of that stuff. If the Council waves the fee, then we would recommend that we give Jan Sandavol her money back. Mr. Petersdorf asked for a motion to send this recommendation to the City Council. Linda made a motion for the an amnesty right- of -way permits for the individuals  that live on Clear Lake Road and Woodland Lane to use Francis Bay Lane.: (Current permit requests from R0812- William J. Houston; R0813- Ken & Wan Platt; R0814 -Jim & Janet Barnhart; R0815- Utigard; R0816 -Harry Holton; R0817 -Joe Naymola; R0818 Phillip Pinheiro.  It was the Road Commission's decision these people would be given an amnesty right-of way- permit to use Francis Bay Lane . We didn't want to charge these people who had been using this for over 40 years. The City Council will make the final decision. Motion was carried.  

E.         New Business  

Letter from Julia Craig regarding the Greengate Road issue. Mr. Petersdorf said that it was difficult to respond to this letter because it's a he said, she said letter. Linda wanted to know if Mr. Petersdorf would reply to Julia. Mr. Petersdorf said that he would not respond because there is now a law suit against the developers. We will tell the Judge that we will abide by whatever the decision handed down would be. Mr. Petersdorf said that it doesn't look like they have locked the gates as yet.  

Request for a driveway access permit for Mr. John Johnson to put a pad in front of his home.  Mr. Petersdorf said that John Johnson has already started the work on the parking pad in front of his house on the west side of Ocean Blvd. John Johnson hand dug his parking pad and there was a discussion on whether or not he needed an excavation permit even if he did the work himself.  Patty wanted to know which permit should be used. Mr. Petersdorf believes that it may be a right-of-way access permit. Mr. Petersdorf said that if you go by the rules, because Mr. Johnson started this project without acquiring a permit first, the City can legally double the fee for the access permit. The Commission wanted to know the circumstances of his permit. The City Recorder, Amy Graham stated when Mr. Johnson came into City Hall he wanted to know if there was a permit for Mr. Stroud's parking pad. At the time, there was no permit on file in City Hall. Amy and the Planning Secretary then went down to Ocean Blvd. to see if there was illegal work being done. The people doing the work hadn't seen a permit, but said they had a verbal from Mr. Petersdorf. Amy came back to the office to issue a stop work order on Mr. Stroud and on the way back she noticed that Mr. Johnson digging in his front yard and told him he needed to come into the office to get a permit before he dug his pad on his property. He said that he did come into the office to get a permit and the office was not sure which permit he would need for the parking pad. He filled out a form for a driveway permit at that time and the office had said they would get back to him on the correct form.  Later on that afternoon Mr. Stroud's permit came into the office by Mr. Petersdorf. Mr. Stroud's permit had been approved by the Road Commission a couple of days before.  

Commissioner, Bill Connell made a motion to approve Mr. Johnsons permit with the fee doubled and George seconded the motion to make the recommendation to the City Council for the right-of-way permit with a double fee. Mr. Petersdorf said that Bill made a recommendation that we go ahead John W. Johnson at tax lot 19-12-34-21-04100 right-of- way use permit to build a pad for parking adjacent to his land. Motion carried with one Commissioner who abstained.  

Next on the Agenda was a hand out of the Dune City Directory. Linda pointed out that this directory didn't have the phone numbers and addresses and that it would be of much better use to have the complete directory. Patty will get the directory to the Road Commission members.  

Next is an email from Lane County on roadway chip seal coatings. This email says that Lane County Public Works, contracts out to municipalities to perform roadway chip seal coatings and that we may want to compare costs to a private contractor. Mr. Petersdorf said that we will find out more when we get ready to go out for bids. We will make sure the County gets a copy as well as the other courtesy faxes we send out to other contractors.  

In the packet is the Dunes City State fund for the Roads Department. This shows the Income and expenses for the Roads.  

Mr. Petersdorf had a discussion on how to break out the taxes for Summerbell and all the other residents that live on Cloud Nine.  

Lee made a suggestion to get some outside help from someone that has gone through this process with the kind of issues the Commission is talking about. It would be a cost to the City since we are not using LCOG anymore.  It is advisable to sit down with the Mayor and come up with a reference of someone that can give us some direction on how to get started. The Commission agreed that it's a good idea since there is about 20 steps we would need to go through.  The suggestion was made to write to the Mayor and the City Council about this issue. There are already so many complaints about Cloud Nine being so narrow and people driving off the road and getting stuck in the soft sides. Linda said residents are in danger just walking their dogs.  

The Commission wants Mr. Petersdorf to talk to the Mayor before making any recommendations. Mr. Petersdorf will report back on his findings to the Roads Commission.  

Patty was asked to call the PUD in Lincoln , to find out what is needed from us in order to illuminate the light pole on 83819 Summerbell. Mr. Petersdorf will talk to Amy before making a recommendation to the City Council.  

F.         Unscheduled Items Not Listed on Agenda  

Robert Quant, 83573 Erhart Rd.  

Councilor, Mr. Quant wanted to answer a few questions and correct and clarify some mischaracterizations of some discussions he heard tonight. In his personal opinion the Roads Commission is extremely valuable and he doesn't believe any micro managing is involved.  The access permits that were given to Mr. Middlestadt and Mr. Stroud who live on Ocean Blvd. , were not the correct permits. There are different levels of authority that is required for each permit. If all that was needed was an access permit, they wouldn't have to go through City Council. The City Council isn't interested in micro managing anything. The only thing the City Council is interested in doing is following the rules that are laid out already in the Master Roads Plan (MRP). The right-of-way use permits need to go to the City Council but an access permit doesn't. Not only is the issuance of this access permit incorrect, it was issued outside of the city recorders office. All permit applications got the Roads Commission where they make recommendations to the City Recorder and then they go out and are gone. But not a Right-of-Way Use permit. The project on Ocean Blvd. was in the Shoreline protection zone, so any excavation in this zone would require a grading permit and the grading permit would have to go under chapter 154 provisions and would be in the other section which says that in a shoreline zone, a person must obtain a permit to excavate or grade in any shoreline zone. This excavation or grading must be done in compliance with subchapter of the comprehensive plan and vegetation removal ordinance of 154.  Everything has different levels and the City Council doesn't want to be involved with everything, just what the code defines. On Ocean Blvd , you would have a situation where this right-of-way permit is used and would need to go through the City Council and that is the ordinance 149, passed 8/8/96 . The City Council needs the recommendations of the Road Commission. A lot of those things go from a recommendation of the Road Commission to the City Recorder's office where they would be complete at that point.  The problem is that this whole process was sort of avoided and the Road Commission wasn't given all the necessary information needed in order to make an informed decision. Clearly, when this parking pad and the riparian area passed through as an access permit, with no drawings, then there is a process problem. In section 154 you would have had to go through the permit procedure for vegetation removal and all these things for this riparian area. The application would be received and the City Recorder would immediately notify the chair person of the Conservation Committee, who would then arrange a visit and prepare a written report to the Planning Commission and that's when the Planning Commission takes care of it; the City Council is not involved. The Ocean Blvd. problems should have gone from the Roads Commission to the City Recorder to the Planning Commission and the Planning Commission is the one that makes a decision and then any appeal goes out to the City Council. Each one of these permits have different procedures for them and there is nothing new about these procedures. These conditions have been in the law since 2004 since the MRP was passed.  

Mr. Petersdorf had a question about the condition that only permits that require structures are suppose to go to the City Council for approval and driveways or pads aren't structures. Robert responded by saying that the permit definition is now a temporary right-of-way use permit and that is per a 1-14-93 council action. Also, in the MRP we all know that it says if there is any conflict in the law the MRP prevails. Now we have two conflicts that are within the MRP not conflicting with the Dune City Ordinance, but conflicting with themselves. When you look at that one, then it comes to 32.47 that is in the MRP and then the 93 Council action is trumped by a 96 Council action, which is in 32.47 which is also in the MRP and it reads, "It shall consider that this is the duty of the Roads Commission, it shall consider the citizens request for temporary use of city streets and rights-of-way, removal of trees and vegetation from the streets rights-of-ways and make recommendations there unto the City Council". So that is the 96 resolution that trumps the 93 council action and both are within the MRP, so what that means is that the notation on the actual permit form needs to be updated. The main point Robert was trying to make is that he doesn't like hearing that the City Council doesn't value the contribution of the Roads Commission, because that isn't the case at all. We need the Roads Commission to do all the duties that they are there for, the knowledge , the recommendations, the process which is a part of the big picture. The value is huge and he wants the Commission to recognize the real opinion and as far as procedure goes, we are basically just following the rules that are already there. Now, back to Ocean Blvd.; this turned out to be a problem because this project really required a right-of-way use permit, that would have had to go to the City Council, it would have required the application for an access permit, which didn't have to go to the City Council. It would have required a  permit for vegetation removal which would have gone to the Planning Commission. There are various things that would have had to happen to make this project viable. The problem is that area in question is in a shoreline protection area, so use in a shoreline protection area is really not even allowed. None of the processes were followed that would have given the parties all the input to make it happen according to the law. The Road Commission didn't have any drawings that would show what was going on, so an informed decision on what was really going on couldn't have been made, because the project couldn't be looked at as it really appeared.  This has nothing to do with the City Council stepping in and trying to get involved with anything. It's really just the fact of following the Ordinance and doing what's already there. As far as the value of the contributions of the Road Commission, it's huge, so don't diminish the opinions of what the contribution is and the order in which it's suppose to go.  If anyone had any questions, Robert wanted them to know that there is nothing new here. There is no new laws, no new procedures that we are asking the Roads Commission to do, just what is already here.  

Linda Lauck asked if Patty and Amy could go through the forms and make sure all the correct changes are made and the proper signature lines are on the forms. There are many flaws in the permit forms. Robert thought the best way would be to go through the MRP and read the procedures. Linda asked Robert why he is the only Councilor that has picked up on the problems with the procedures and the forms. He said that it seems that only when a problem arises like the one on Ocean Blvd. , is when we figure out that there is a problem.   

Linda said that it would be nice if the Roads Commission was kept in the loop. In regards to the letter that went out to Eugene Stroud and Dale Middlestadt , apologizing for the inconvenience of the incorrect issuance. She said that she didn't see the letter until tonight. Why didn't all the Road Commission people get the letter? Robert said that the letter is really in the jurisdiction of the City Recorder's office, so when a permit goes out without the knowledge of the City Recorder's office, the legal authority for a permit and a stop work order is issued. The permit came into the office on the same day as the stop work order was issued. At that time it was realized all the processes that would have had to happen during this particular project, had not been realized. The Planning Commission was not originally involved and they needed to be involved. Amy said that as far as her and Patty sitting down to go over the permits were concerned, that the City Council did make a recommendation at the City Council meeting on Thursday night regarding going through all the permits to bring them up-to-date.  Mr. Petersdorf received a copy of the letter the same time as all the City Council member did, which goes out the Friday before the Thursday City Council meeting..  The letter was in the City Council Packet and was mailed to the Council. Patty did not get a copy of the letter, because it was cc'd to the Mayor, the City Council and the City Attorney. The City Attorney emailed Amy because she had questions on what her authority was, since she is still new to the position.  Mr. Peterstorf had a copy in his packet and he was more than welcome to distribute it. Next time Amy can give a copy to Patty and she can make sure to distribute it to the Road Commission members.  Mr. Petersdorf said he only had two days to respond to the letter. Robert said that if Mr. Petersdorf had a specific question to ask it and not make accusations.  

Linda had a comment on updating the Master Road Plan. She said that Christy had kept a "Red Book" with all the changes that need to happen to update the MRP. Maybe Patty can find it or call Christy and find out where it is. Mr. Petersdorf said that they were waiting for the Soil Errosion for the Roads to finish in the Courts before they started on updating the MRP.  Amy said that at the last City Council meeting it was discussed that we are looking into getting a grant to help us re-codify our books and do things just like Linda's suggestion.  Mr. Petersdorf said that they don't go in and change anything in the books, they just codify what we already have in the book. The City Council is aware of the work that needs to be done and is looking into getting help. Robert Quant said that the research needed to do the updates would be a massive collective effort between the Road Commission, the Planning Commission and everyone involved to put the information together to find out how it needs to be done and codified through a company that specializes. 

Troy stood up and wanted to make another comment.  He wanted to say that Councilor Petersdorf has been a real gentleman through this whole ordeal. He felt that the Ocean Blvd. problems should have been discussed behind closed doors and not at the City Council Meeting. He said that they really respect Mr. Petersdorf and Mr. Petersdorf had his vote for Mayor.  

G.        Reports  

Keith Herring Report

Ran Roads 8/22 through 9/12

1. Fixed sign on Ford Way and looked at sign on Alder Lane that needs some work.     2. House at 83389 Spruce needs an apron.

3. There is a Van parking on the Right of Way at 5486 Collins Loop. Mr. Petersdorf and Linda believe that we gave the owners an extension to park there. We will revisit at next RC meeting.

4. Delivered meeting packets to the Road Commissioners  

Linda made a motion to accept the Inspector of Roads log sheet for August through September 12th 2008 . Bill seconded the motion. 4 ayes 0 opposed. Motion carried. 

Patty Pennel, Road Secretary  

No Report  

Bill Connell, Road Commissioner

1. Reported that there is a phone line hanging very low on Wright Road and Shirley Lane .  Looks like someone ran into it and damaged the cable. There is yellow tape hanging on it. Keith will go out and look and it and then have Patty contact the phone company and get someone to come out and fix it.

2. Also, Lakeview Drive doesn't have a stop sign and needs a sign. Lakeview is a city street. Mr. Petersdorf said that we have extra stop signs for Lakeview.  

Linda Lauck, Road Commissioner

August 28th from 8:30 to 10:30 we had a work party on Hemlock where they felled  3 trees.  They cut and loaded a huge trailer thanks to Bill. Mr. Petersdorf, Bill, George, Dave, Keith, Jo, Linda's husband David and Linda. All worked and put in 16 man hours that day.

Patty to make sure Amy gets this report. Amy needs all volunteer hours

Also, need to get some protective equipment. Mr. Petersdorf got all information together and is giving it to Dave Jackson per the Mayor's request.  

Dave Persons, Road Commissioner  

Wanted to comment that we as the Road Commission have been here for a long time and the City staff members come and go and this situation has been a hard time for everybody and that you don't walk in as a new person and immediately know everything that's suppose to be unique to a particular community and we are all going through a learning process. Mistakes are going to happen or we wouldn't be human. He wanted to appeal to everyone involved to be patient with the process. Dave has been around this group for many years and they are all honest, sincere and intelligent people, with the community in mind. He just wanted to impress to everybody to take that second breath and reach for understanding. It's so easy to get upset with the things that have happened. At the last Council meeting, we had some stuff that had everybody shook up. We need to find the mistake, fix it and move on. He hopes that we can see some closer friendships and keep the lines of communication open.  

Lee Riechel, Planning and Road Commissioner  

We still have one conditional use permit on the table, but it looks like our summer building season is probably over. Linda wanted to know how this will impact money coming in. Lee said that he doesn't have any authority to do much about the money aspect.  

George McKenzie, Road Commissioner

Nothing to Report  

Mr. Petersdorf Petersdorf, Road Chairperson  

TSiltcoos Club Plat meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 18th at 7pm . This meeting is just for discussion to figure out what direction the citizens want the City Council to do with the Roads that that Lane County took over and whether or not the Citizens want Dunes City to take them back from the County.  

Mr. Petersdorf wanted to say that he finally got a computer and will have email available as soon as he figures it out.  

I.        Adjournment    

Adjournment was at 8:40 pm  





____________________________                ____________________________

Mr. Petersdorf Petersdorf, Chair                                               Patty Pennel, Road Secretary