



January 19, 2009 , 6:30 PM

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 1. First order of business tonight was to swear in the new Road Commissioners. Amy Graham gave the Oath of Office to Troy Sathe, Michael Smith, Fred Hilden and Jerry Curran.  


A.               Call to Order and Roll Call  

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairperson Quandt.  Patty Pennel called the Roll.  

Present:     Robert Quandt, Keith Herring, Troy Sathe, Michael Smith, Jo Owen, Fred Hilden, Jerry Curran and Patty Pennel, were present. There were no absentees.  

o       Robert Quant, Road Chair, welcomed all the new Commissioners to the Roads Department.  

o       Everyone stood to face the flag and said the Pledge of Allegiance.  


B.         Approval of Minutes December 15, 2008  


The minutes were approved by the appropriate retiring 2008 Road Commissioners. Mike Smith made a motion to accept the minutes as approved by the retiring 2008 commissioners. The motion was seconded by Fred Hilden. The minutes were unanimously accepted with no objections by the 2009 Commissioners.  

§        Chair Quandt, wanted to be sure that all the Commissioners read the Dunes City comprehensive plan, Master Roads Plan and the Dunes City Code of Ordinance as needed.  He just wanted to make a note that these things are very important to be familiar with and there are different hierarchies involved with these ordinances. The Dunes City Comprehensive plan would be of first order and then the Master Roads Plan and Dunes City Code of Ordinance would be the second order.

§        The second item he wanted to talk about would be for informational use only. He will start giving the Commissioners information and documents that are part of public record, so they can begin to familiarize themselves with other issues regarding the roads funding programs and the allocation of funds for City Attorney's to maintain the Dunes City road system. Chair Quandt will begin streaming those documents to the commissioner's, so they will be able to answer any questions as they come up.

§        Mike Smith had a question on the appropriation of Roads Funds for Attorney fees, etc. He said that it looked pretty clear that Dunes City falls under the section of a " Small City " clause, with population of less than 5000.  This section allows a " Small City " to use the Road Funds however the City deem necessary.

§        Please note that any questions regarding Green Gate Road should be directed to Amy Graham, City Recorder.

§        Mike Smith wanted to know why the Road funds were used for Green Gate Road , when it isn't a City road. Amy responded by saying that the Road funds were only used for the blocking of the road by locking the gate. She said that the other legal fees came out of the general funds. It's still considered a road, whether it be public, private or county.



C.        Citizen Input            



D.        Correspondence           

            A copy of Judy Bedsole's email to Chair Quandt was discussed. Chair Quandt gave the new Commissioners a short history on the issues related to Mrytlewood Drive and the concerns of the residents. Chair Quandt said that it appears this is a non-issue right now. Chair Quandt said that the reason this history is in the packets is so we can be informed and able to communicate on this subject. This is an issue that may or may not come up in the future. Commissioner Owen asked if Judy has said or done anything in writing about closing Mrytlewood Drive ? Chair Quandt that he was not aware of any formal actions taken by Judy Bedsole.  Jo Owen wanted to be sure the City understands that it cannot get involved in personalities and rumors.   

E.        Unfinished/Old Business  

            Bruce Hubert, 5666 Peninsula Road , Dunes City .  Bruce was at the meeting and came up to the microphone to speak about the erosion on the City Right-of-Way easement that is beyond the Cities paved and improved road. The Road Commissioners are going to meet with Bruce and have a site review and discuss whether the City and any responsibility to repair the erosion in the rough terrain near the water system that supports five households. Rob Quandt asked Bruce if there are any survey' or markers that we can see. Bruce thinks that at one time Rob Ward did a survey.  

Keith Herring wanted to say that Peninsula is an un-improved City Road , as such the City may not be responsible for any maintenance whatsoever.  

F.      New Business  

          Amy Graham, City Recorder, wanted the Commissioner's to feel comfortable contacting the office for any questions they may have. Also, the Roads Department is required to do a timesheet for any site reviews and meetings. It is important to let the Road Secretary know when you have a site review. The timesheet needs to state, who went, date and how long the Commissioner's were there. It is very important that Road Secretary document the time and get the timesheet to Amy monthly, and she will provide it to the Insurance Company if requested.  Also, the Commission needs to elect a Vice-Chair this evening.          

          Commissioner Sathe nominated Jerry Curran to be the Road Vice-Chair. Fred Hilden seconded the motion. Jerry accepted the nomination and the Commission unanimously voted in favor of Jerry Curran for the Vice-Chair.  

          The City Recorder also suggested that we send our agenda to the Web Master to be posted. That way the citizens can know what the Road Commission is discussing, and be able to decide if they need to come to he meeting. Also, we need to create an "interested party" list.  When we send out information from this list, we can make a note on it that if the citizens don't want to be on this list, they can opt-out. The agenda's are sent via emails.  

          Commissioner Owen wanted to ask about the statement in the Master Road Plan (MRP) that says we don't have to get a PO if the amount is under $50.  Amy said that any money that is going to be spent has to have a PO attached to it. She can sign anything from $50 up to $250, anything over $250 the Mayor will have to sign the PO . Chair Quandt believes that the PO is more of an administrative item rather than an authority item. Amy said that in the MRP it does say that the Chairperson of the Road Commission can go out and spend up to $2,000 dollars without authorization. That is something Amy believes should not be allowed. We know that there are emergencies that come up and she knows that Chair Quandt would communicate with Staff about what was going on in case of an emergency. The Office would take care of an emergency PO . It was concluded that the MRP is in need of updating. The last update was 5 years ago.          

          Amy suggested that the new Road Commissioners read Robert's rules of order and become familiar with meeting procedures. Amy wanted to make sure the Commissioners understand that they can contact the office at anytime with any questions and we will be more than happy to help them out and if we don't have the answer, we will research information and find the answer. Amy wants to keep the lines of communication open between all her commissioners and staff.  

          Keith asked a question about the $50 limit. He had to take the City chain saw in for repair and did not know a head of time how much it would cost. It ended up costing just over $50 to repair.  Keith didn't know he would need a PO , because he didn't know what it would cost. In this case the City has an account with the repair shop and Amy was able to do a PO after the fact.  

The following list was briefly discussed and explained by Chairperson Quandt as projects the Roads Commission may be working on to improve the functionality of the Roads Department.  

a)     Planning Commission Liaison To Roads Commission  

§        Lee Riechel has been performing the job as planning liaison to the Road Commission and he is not on the Planning Commission this term. We have a Planning Commission meeting coming up and they will be assigning one of their Commissioners to be the liaison to the Road Commission.  

b)    Creation of institutional memory in general  

§        Chair Quandt stated that this department doesn’t have institutional memory. We will create it under a lot of different programs that we design and implement including Document Control and inventory lists. One of Chair Quandt's goals is to turn the Road Room into a Road Department. We need to be able to pass on information easily to the people that come to this office after us. All this belongs to the citizens and we are just carrying this baton temporarily. Then we will be passing it on. We need the City to have permanent control of the items, issues and information within it.   

c)     Creation of procedures and protocol  

§        When we determine as a group what the proper procedure is following a certain subject, we are going to record it in a procedure book. Down the road we should end up with a reasonably complete procedure book that covers different subjects and issues.  Rob and Patty along with the Commission will determine what these procedures will look like.  This will, of course, take time, but parts of it will be generated right from the start.

d)    Create and Implement Document control system  

§        Document control is one of the most important things we can do as Commissioners and Councilors. All information we receive at City Hall should have a record and be stored here. Chair Quandt would like all the Commissioners to familiarize themselves with the currant Road Room organization to see where we are starting from.  

e)     Roads Department Inventory  

§        We will be putting together an inventory of what the Roads Department has purchased for Dunes City Roads. Right now we don't have a inventory record of what the Roads Department has purchased. Everything we buy or create while we are here will be stored at City Hall. Jo Owen said that most of equipment the Roads Department uses in owned personally by the Commissioners. Commissioner Sathe said that when they went out on a work party, the Commissioner's all brought their own shovels, gloves, etc. Keith said that as far as he knew the City bought two chainsaws, one telescoping trim saw. Chair Quandt will look into getting the items not personally owned returned to the city.  

f)      Creation and implementation of a pavement management system  

§        We have a volunteer Gary Baker who is very familiar with pavement management systems. This system will keep track of all the problems with the roads. It also, gives you examples of how to rate the levels of degradation on the road. It helps to determine what types of remedies needed for the different levels of maintenance.  We should be better equipped to manage our budget based on the real information on the ground. Chair Quandt let the Commissioners know that he will get more involved and learn more as he gets familiar with the program. This is a software plan that is very inexpensive and Gary Baker is willing to put it together for free.  

§        Commissioner Sathe had a question on the 2008 chip sealing project.  Chair Quandt said we are looking into whether chip sealing is the right remedy for all the roads on the list? The best plan would be a wide variety of remedies suited for each particular issue as it comes up. 

§        Commissioner Sathe also wanted to get some information on street sweeping in Dunes City . Chair Quandt will look into the cost of sweeping and put it into our schedule if needed. Keith Herring can't remember the streets being sweep over the past several years. Commissioner Sathe believes that sweeping the streets once or twice a year will save money in the end by extending the life of the streets.  

§        Commissioner Sathe made a motion that we look into having Lane County sweep the streets twice a year and to inquire about historical requests from them.  Commissioner Owen seconded the motion.  Motion was carried unanimously.  

g)     Modify and legally pass Master Roads Plan  

§        The Master Road Plan (MRP) is a flawed document and needs to be updated. We will have to have some work sessions to have input and update the MRP.  Chair Quandt said there is much to fix on the MRP.  The Roads Department will need to look into whether this document was legally passed and sent into the LCDC 45 days prior to the City Council approving the document. There were some amendments that needed to be added and the Roads Department isn't sure those were ever added and needs to be researched. Also, we will need to look at the historical minutes to the passing of the MRP. The question was asked that if procedure to approve this manual was not followed, then is the document invalid?  

§        Commissioner Jo Owen wants the Roads Department to validate what streets belong to the City and which streets are private. There seems to be a discrepancy on this issue. The road list for 2004 and 2007 do not match up, in fact there are more roads on the 2004 list than the 2007 list.  

h)     Discuss communications with public- Website

§        Chair Quandt said that our Road Commission would like to get their own section just for the Road Department on the website. He would like a section on the Web where the public can ask questions and give some input on various issues. A place where the Road Department can post and answer questions.  

i)       Work parties  

§        Chair Quandt said that there will be times when our commission will need to take care of small issues, such as clearing a small tree or clear some brush. The Commissioner's need to think about this and get back with Rob on whether or not they want to be on the Roads work parties and what they can contribute.  

j)       Begin/Organize Site Reviews  

§        Chair Quandt wants the Road Commission to be able to make an informed decision when a resident asks for a certain kind of permit. Chair Quandt wants to be able to supply the Commission with the documentation and information they need to make an informed decision at the Road Commission meetings. Mike Smith suggested that the Commission get at least 24 hours notice before a site review. Chair Quandt would like to get our packets out earlier, so that the Commissioners can have time to have designated site reviews. It can be an informal scheduling of site reviews.  

k)     Informed decision making  

§        Chair Quandt wants to be sure that all the Commissioners have enough information to make their decisions. If a Commissioner needs more information in order to make a decision, all Commissioners will benefit.   

l)       Funding the Roads Program  

§        Chair Quandt wanted to make sure all the Commissioners know that we have lost our Timber payments to the City. Chair Quandt said that there are many Grants we need to be aware of and prepare to send in applications. We just want to be sure that the Road Department doesn't miss any chances to receive money for the City roads. We have a couple of Grants that should have already been in the works by last year but nothing had been generated or requested. Chair Quandt said that he is going to try and work with ODOT on at least one of these Grants, where a proposal is due by the end of January.  

§        Chair Quandt informed the Commission that we have a new City Engineer on board with Dunes City . The new Engineer is Mike Dees from Dyer Engineering, and is very competent with a range of specialties.  

§        Chair Quandt said that a lot of the money that could be realized now, and had to be generated by the people that were here before us. There really isn't anything we can do about missing last year's opportunities, but we surely won't be missing next years.  

§        Chair Quandt said that we have allocated a certain sum of money for road emergencies this year.  

m)  Discuss individual contributions of Commissioners  

§        Chair Quandt wanted to discuss this briefly. Basically, this discussion is for the Commissioners to decide what contributions they feel comfortable with doing such as the work parties. Chair Quandt just wanted to plant the seed now and he will talk individually talking to each of the Commissioners.  

n)     Contact list for Roads Department  

§        Patty handed out the list and found there were a couple of phone numbers that needed to be corrected.  

o)    Input on revising Roads Inspector Job description  

§        Chair Quandt wanted the Commissioners to make suggestions on the job description for the Roads Inspector position. We are looking at all the job descriptions of city employees. Commissioner Sathe expressed his concern of adding new responsibilities to the position without compensation. Chair Quandt wants the Commissioners to take a look at the job description for road inspector in the MRP. Since it doesn’t match what the role has evolved into we will need to discuss what that roll should be. Keith needs to have a formal employment contract with the City and the City would like to legalize his employment.  

p)    Other Goals from Commissioners  

§        Chair Quandt wanted to know if there are any other goals the Road Commissioners would like to bring up at this point. Maybe, some pet project or anything they see that is important for the Roads Commission to be working on. He will add it to the list and work on whatever the issue may be. Chair Quandt said for the Commissioners to think about it and get back to him at some later date.  

§        Commissioner Sathe said that in the past all the Commissioners would take a portion of the roads and make a report on the condition. The Secretary would then compile all the reports into one document.  

§        Chair Quandt believes that this is one of the reports that need to be done as soon a possible. We also need to figure out how we are going to classify what method we will use to measure the condition of the roads. The old reporting method will need to be improved, as it doesn't have enough detail. Chair Quandt also discussed putting all this information into a database as a part of the Pavement Management System.  

G.      Unscheduled Items Not Listed on Agenda  

          A resident at the meeting asked about Cloud Nine Road extension widening and who would be paying the bill for this project. The Developer or the Residents? Robert Quandt said that this would need to be put on the agenda in order to get all the information necessary to come up with a resolution.  

H.      Reports  

Keith Herring Report

1/05/09 Ran Roads

1/08/2009 Ran Roads, cut limb on Ocean Blvd.

1/12/2009   Ran Roads

1/16/2009   Ran Roads and checked delivered packets

1/19/2009 Ran Roads and put up the Sauter Drive sign at Rob Ward's place  

Motion was made to approve the Road Inspector Report. Unanimously approved and carried. 

Patty Pennel, Road Secretary  

No Report, but wanted to welcome all the new Commissioners and told them to feel free and call me anytime.  

I.       Adjournment  

Meeting was adjourned at 9:45 PM





(Moved back a week due to the Presidents Day Holiday )  



____________________________                                                               ____________________________      

Mr. Robert Quandt, Chair                                                                                     Patty Pennel, Road Secretary