



APRIL 27, 2009 , 6:30 PM

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A.     Call to Order and Roll Call


The meeting of the Road Commission was called to order at 6:30 PM by Robert Quandt.  Planning Secretary, Lisa Ekelund called the roll call.


Present:               Road Chairman, Robert Quandt; Commissioner, Jerry Curran; Commissioner, Jo Owen; Commissioner, Michael Smith; Commissioner, Troy Sathe.


Others Present:   Planning Secretary, Lisa Ekelund and 3 members of the community.


B.     Pledge of Allegiance


The Chairman, Commissioners, staff, and citizens present joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.


C.     Unfinished/Old Business


·        Review of the Draft Stormwater Ordinance


Chairman Quandt stated he would like to have a brief discussion on the Stormwater Ordinance.


Chairman Quandt stated regarding the surety bond, in his conversations with the Dyer partnership, they had some ideas of a graduated use of different types of mechanisms that can be used.  Chairman Quandt said a blanket use of a surety bond for everything may not be the correct way to go.


Chairman Quandt stated he has concerns of blending the ordinance and manual within the manual.  Chairman Quandt said there are mandates contained in the manual that conflict with the ordinance itself.


Chairman Quandt said there is unfunded mandate of the health and safety officer.  Chairman Quandt said the health and safety officer is clearly almost a full time engineering level position.  Chairman Quandt said without having someone in this position, the ordinance would be useless. 


Chairman Quandt said there are many requirements inside the manual and read 3.2.2 City Maintained Facilities.  Chairman Quandt said this puts the responsibility of the maintenance of every private properties stormwater facilities, the responsibility of the city.


Commissioner Curran said the manual tells a person how to do it (either A, B, or C) but the ordinance is different as it says this is compliance, this is law; this is what you need to do. 


Chairman Quandt said this is part of the problem because the manual doesn't just tell you how to do it and this is one of those things that should be in the ordinance but it's actually in the manual.


Commissioner Smith said the manual is actually legislating in addition to and separate from the ordinance. 


Chairman Quandt said one of the other concerns is when you try to learn about applicability, there's not a good separation between the applicability and exemption sections.  Chairman Quandt read 99.30 and said the wording has been modified but it implies that anything over 500 sq. ft. would initiate the requirements.  Chairman Quandt said the applicability section needs to cover many other things and needs to be expanded where the exemptions need to be shrunk.


Chairman Quandt said in chapter 2 where it explains how to use the ordinance there is reference to items that are not there. Chairman Quandt said there needs to be clear reference to items.


Chairman Quandt said in regards to health and safety inspector, they need to be available for projects over 501 sq. ft.  Chairman Quandt said he is worried about a flood of people asking for exemptions and the city not having the ability to process them.


Commissioner Sathe said he went over the surety bond issue last time.  Commissioner Sathe recommends changing the 500 sq. ft. to 1000 sq. ft. like the erosion control.  Commissioner Sathe said by doing this modification, it brings uniformity to the ordinances.


Commissioner Smith asked if DEQ gives any recommended numbers and questioned where the 500 sq. ft. came from.


Chairman Quandt said the 500 sq. ft. is arbitrary and they need only recognize that this is so.  Chairman Quandt stated if it were raised it would remove some of the requirements and burdens of the health and safety inspector.


Chairman Quandt stated Commissioner Owen mentioned if the ordinance is workable and if the city has the resources to implement this.  Chairman Quandt stated he doesn't believe the city has the resources. 


Chairman Quandt said there is a structural flaw that cannot be solved by edits but rather a deeper look at the structure of the relationship between the ordinance and the manual is necessary.


Commissioner Quandt said there are also other requirements as far as Stormwater management facilities installed on private property.  Chairman Quandt said when you get into the right to enter area combined with the notation in the operation and maintenance section, it appears that this could create much conflict if they have a situation where all the private facilities are now city maintained, combined with the right to enter provisions in the ordinance itself, it doesn't appear to be a healthy relationship between the city and the citizens.  Chairman Quandt said he thinks there could be an easier way with handling the requirements


Commissioner Smith read section 99.70 subsection b and c stating he thinks they should state for the record that good intentioned people worked on this but LCOG let the city down and gave the city something that doesn't work.


Chairman Quandt said they could solve the problem if they are able to take a step back and redesign the instructions for what they want out of the ordinance.  Chairman Quandt said there is a need for a proper list of work instructions.  Chairman Quandt said the engineering firm could design exactly what the city needs.


Chairman Quandt reiterated what the commission had discussed another issue he had regarding exposed soils.  Chairman Quandt questioned the dates and questioned if this is possible and if it's a reasonable amount of time.


Commissioner Owen questioned who would monitor and enforce it and Chairman Quandt said Commissioner Owen makes a good point. 


Chairman Quandt said in regards to appendix A, it's missing and is important.  Chairman Quandt said without appendix A to refer to as it is mentioned, they don't have a working ordinance.  Chairman Quandt said the Dyer Partnership had started work on appendix A and according to them; they were trying to fit it in with what the city needs. 


Commissioner Sathe said appendix A needs to be a decision tree matrix and Chairman Quandt agreed.


Chairman Quandt said the other issue is the graduated requirements based on job size.


Chairman Quandt said another issue is the manual itself.  Chairman Quandt said other cities refer to manuals such as the DEQ manual.  Chairman Quandt said the city wouldn't need to update the DEQ manual, which would be beneficial, because it would be done by the other agency.


Commissioner Sathe said the only trouble with using a DEQ manual is it might have stuff in it that's not what Dunes City wants to do so if the city sets itself to go with that manual, the city is setting itself to go whatever direction DEQ goes instead of how the city chooses.


Commissioner Smith said if city wants specifics from the manual, it would be entered in the ordinance.


Commissioner Curran questioned why not use both the City's and the DEQ's manual.


Chairman Quandt said there is no need.


Commissioner Curran asked who ordered LCOG to consolidate this in the first place.


Chairman Quandt said he didn't know.


Commissioner Curran questioned wasn't this done under the direction of the last attorney.  Commissioner Curran said he thought this whole thing was done because the city was trying to not have to have this go through the DLCD and the city could get a safety and health officer involved.  Commissioner Curran said because of this, the city had to re-write all of this for the health and safety officer and then the city finds out they can't afford to have a health and safety officer and it's in operable.


Commissioner Smith said the commission hasn't mentioned the conflict between the ordinance and manual with regards to ownership of facilities and the maintenance thereof.


Commissioner Smith questioned at this point with this large list of concerns and the obvious negative workability, is the commissions recommendation to council that the ordinance be scrapped.


Chairman Quandt said the best thing to do now would be to revue everything and either start from scratch or review everything from scratch.  It may be faster and more effective to start over but if they recognize there are flaws that need to be solved that go beyond editing then he thinks the recommendation would have to be that the ordinance needs to be reworked before it's submitted.


Commissioner Curran agreed that it doesn't work.  Commissioner Curran said the city is not rushed right now and he believes they should sit back, sort it out, and get it done right.


Commissioner Owen pointed out the importance of simplifying the ordinance so it's easily understood.


Chairman Quandt said the Dyer Partnership said they could simplify it.


Chairman Quandt asked if there were any audience members who would like to speak


George Burke 4838 Lake Blvd.


Mr. Burke stated this first came to the city when he was the chairman of the planning commission.  Mr. Burke said he's spent hundreds of hours reading this, comparing it to the DEQ's manual and the final thought is the erosion control is done with the manual being the DEQ's manual.  Mr. Burke said everything in the state works to the DEQ manual.  Mr. Burke said some cities have opted to have their own rules over and above the DEQ manual.  Mr. Burke said DEQ takes care of erosion and stormwater.  Mr. Burke said he believes the city can live with the DEQ manual as a start to the erosion and stormwater control and if the city finds new things in the future, the city can add to the ordinance.  Mr. Burke said the DEQ manual has been used for 17 years by the state and the state updates the manuals all of the time.


Chairman Quandt said he realizes LCOG's original mishandling of the subject carries through alot of the problems.


John Stead 83505 South Cove Way


Mr. Stead said what they've been trying to do is fix something they didn't know was dead and the notion to start over is probably a good thing.  Mr. Stead said a lot of people have learned a lot of stuff that relates to erosion control and Stormwater, making People are more sensitive to the needs and what will or will not work.  Mr. Stead said all that experience will make it easy to start from scratch, which is something they couldn't not do before.  Mr. Stead said some cities use stormwater and erosion control in one ordinance and what Mr. Burke said regarding using the DEQ manual makes sense.  Mr. Stead said the stormwater manual needs to support the erosion control and visa versa. 


Chairman Quandt said he will be at the planning commission meeting and he likes the fact that they are switching gears to finding a solution rather than just editing.


Commissioner Owen made the motion that the Road Commission makes the recommendation that includes the following items:


1.      The surety bond size of job.

2.      The Health and Safety Officer.

3.      No appendix A.

4.      The exemptions.

5.      The 500 sq. ft. should be increased in footage.

6.      Private property and city owned storm drain clarification.

7.      The manual and ordinance (2 separate documents that conflict).

8.      Unclear applicability.

9.      Decision tree matrix.

10.  Simplify.


            Commissioner Sathe seconded the motion. The motion carried with 4 ayes 0       nays.


            Commissioner Smith made the motion that the current draft of the Dunes City   Stormwater Management Ordinance Chapter 99 be re-examined for the list of          concerns included already by Commissioner Owen and possibly rewritten to be        a workable more easily understandable and enforceable ordinance for the          city.  Commissioner Curran seconded the motion.  The motion carried with  4 ayes 0 nays.


            Mr. John Stead mentioned the Road Commission was thinking about including the         DEQ manual.


            Commissioner Smith moved they amend the list of concerns included in   Commissioner Owens approved motion to include the use of a standardized manual such as the Oregon State DEQ manual.  Commissioner Sathe seconded         the motion.  The motion carried with 4 ayes 0 nays.


·        Discussion and Review of revised Driveway and Access Permits


Chairman Quandt said he revised the permits to reflect procedure; he removed the extra signature lines put in last month, and he left it in the simple form.  Chairman Quandt said they separated the driveway access permit and the driveway permit. 


George Burke 4838 Lake Blvd.


Mr. Burke said last year there was a change in the permits made by the Road Commission that required the driveway and the access to be installed before a person could get a building permit.  Mr. Burke said these are two totally unworkable situations put on the homeowners.  Mr. Burke said the way it had been working was a person applied for an access permit, they cut and graveled the access.  Mr. Burke said there's no way you could run concrete trucks and heavy vehicles loaded with lumber down a brand new driveway unless you pour a concrete driveway without increasing to a 6" asphalt with an 8" base to build a driveway that will never be needed and have something usable after you get done that you don't have to tear out again when the house is built. 


Chairman Quandt stated the Commission is not dealing with this issue on these permits and the haven't added in those provisions.


Commissioner Smith said Mr. Burke is absolutely right because it's the first line on the driveway access permit.  Commissioner Smith read the line that stated, "Access onto a city street must be paved prior to issuance of a building permit".  Commissioner Smith said heavy machinery would possibly break it. 


Chairman Quandt clarified that the line Commissioner Smith read related to the apron only and that there is a clear separation but perhaps the Commission should re-evaluate the line item before the permit is adopted.


Planning Secretary, Lisa Ekelund stated she was not aware that the Road Commission was proposing a change to their permits.  Lisa Ekelund requested the Road Commission allow her to review the permits before adoption to make sure there is clear cross reference between the planning and road departments.

Chairman Quandt said there is no rush on this so the Commission will have the planning secretary review the permits and the Commission will discuss them next time.


·        Approval of Permit for Central Lincoln People's Utility District (CLPUD)


Chairman Quandt said there is a copy of Ordinance 170 and a letter written to Robin Read in front of the commissioners.


Chairman Quandt said last time the Road Commission decided to defer this temporary right of way use permit because they wanted comment from CLPUD as to why they won't fix the hole.  Chairman Quandt said the response from CLPUD was that it wasn't their responsibility to fix the hole and it was the homeowners' responsibility to fix it, as Mr. Mark Harrison is the one who bore under the road.  Chairman Quandt stated Mr. Harrison did this under the clpud contract and also said he called Robin Read from CLPUD today.  Chairman Quandt said when he read Ordinance 170 (which is the franchise agreement with clpud); Ms. Read immediately took responsibility and agreed to have the hole fixed.  Chairman Quandt said CLPUD will fix the hole this week.


Regarding the pending permit request on Cloud Nine Rd. , Chairman Quandt said it is in the right of way, it's straightforward, and it doesn't appear to be any issue from what they have been given. Chairman Quandt questioned if there are concerns or the desire for a site review.


Commissioner Smith questioned if anyone remembers the placement of the existing transformer.  Commissioner Smith said he knows there's a box on the other side of Summerbell, which is the SW corner of Summerbell and Cloud Nine.


Chairman Quandt said this would be important because they would have to cut under the road.  Chairman Quandt said they could defer the decision to a site review.  Chairman Quandt said if they do defer the decision to a site review, the Road Commissioners could go on the site review and make the decision during the site review.


Chairman Quandt said there are provisions in place in chapter 90 that he doesn't think people have been acting on.  Chairman Quandt said the city has recourse when it comes to cuts such as utility cuts in the city streets.  Chairman Quandt said there is existing code that gives the Road Commission the option to request surety bonds for cuts in the road.  Chairman Quandt said for future reference, if it becomes a problem, then the city has recourse by asking for bonds associated with each of the cuts.




Commissioner Sathe made the motion that the Road Commission refer the CLPUD permit decision to site review.  Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously by vote of 4 ayes and 0 nays.


The site review for the CLPUD permit was set for Wednesday 4/29/09 at 5:30 PM on Cloud Nine at the intersection of Summerbell.


D.    Unscheduled Items Not Listed on Agenda




Commissioner Sathe made the motion that this month, the Road Commission decide which streets are going to be swept and have the sweeping of the streets done before June 30th, 2009.  Commissioner Curran seconded the motion.  The motion carried by vote of 4 ayes and 0 nays.


Commissioner Smith made the motion that the Road Commission follow through on one of the Road Commissions former action items from an earlier agenda a couple of months ago and do the research required with obtaining the backhoe and heavy equipment that they discussed possibly obtaining prior, money that's been budgeted in this fiscal year.


Chairman Quandt asked Commissioner Smith how he wanted to approach the issue because the Road Commission has other issues they need to work out.  Chairman Quandt said with all of the related issues, if they were to take on this project, they would have to have those things sorted out.  Chairman Quandt asked if Commissioner Smith would like the issue put on the agenda.


Commissioner Smith amended his motion.




Commissioner Smith made the motion to add to the Road Commissions next months agenda a discussion on the requirements that would need to be in place for the city to purchase heavy equipment.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Sathe.  The motion carried by vote of 4 ayes and 0 nays.


E.     Adjournment


Commissioner Owen made the motion to adjourn the meeting.  The motion was seconded by Commissioner Smith.  The motion carried unanimously by vote of 4 ayes and 0 nays.


The Road Commission meeting adjourned at 8:18 PM .  The next regularly scheduled Road Commission meeting will begin at 6:30 PM on May 18, 2009 .




___________________________                              ______________________________

ROBERT QUANDT                                                 LISA EKELUND

CHAIR                                                                       PLANNING SECRETARY