


March 22, 2010 , 6:30 PM

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A.               Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:40 p.m. by Vice-Chair Curran 

B.               Pledge of Allegiance

Commissioner Curran led the Pledge of Allegiance.       

C.      Roll Call  

Maria McConnell called the roll call.  Vice-Chair Curran, Commissioners Owen, Sathe.  Commissioner Smith was due to arrive late. 

Present in the audience were Bill Sathe and Hank Leach. 

Mayor Hauptman was recognized and made the following announcement. 

Mayor Hauptman advised the Road Commission in regards to the 2010/2011 Budget that they are scheduled to review at this meeting, the Road Commissioners need to recognize that a great deal of money was spent in road improvements in 2009, however, the same funding is not available for 2010/2011 and they need to adjust their budget figures accordingly.  Mayor Hauptman also stated that Chairman Rob Quandt dedicated a great deal of time and energy to the Roads Dept. and at this time, there isn’t a Road Commissioner who is able to spend that much time due to work and time constraints and the Road Commission needs to also take this fact into account when they make plans for future road work. 

Mayor Hauptman advised that Fred Hilden would be available to answer questions regarding budget items at tonight’s meeting. 

Michael Smith arrived at 6: 45 PM. 

D.          Swearing in of New Road Commissioner

Vice-Chair Curran swore in Hank G. Leach as a new Road Commissioner. 

Mr. Leach accepted the Oath of Office and joined the Road Commission meeting as a member.

E.          Approval of Minutes – Road Commission – March 8, 2010 

Commissioner Smith read the corrections to the March 8, 2010 Minutes as follows:  Page 2, third paragraph “Commissioner Smith and Jones” changed to “Smith and Owen”; Page 5, paragraph 6, Jerry Curran referred to as an employee of the City is incorrect and changed to “not” an employee of the City;

Page 4, 1st paragraph, Commissioner Smith stated “Oregon doesn’t have a public meeting law is incorrect and changed to “Oregon does have a public meeting law, however, the Brown Act does not apply in Oregon should be added; page 8, 10th paragraph, asked that the wording be changed to include “The Road Commission operates within certain parameters and he didn’t believe the Road Commission had the power to create an auxiliary.”


Commissioner Smith made the motion to approve the Minutes of March 8, 2010 Road Commission meeting as corrected, Commissioner Sathe seconded the motion.  The motion and second was approved by 4 (ayes) 0 (nays) and 1 (abstain). 

E.  Citizen Input 

There were no citizen comments.

     F. Communications    

(1)  Dunes City Road Commission Report on Land Locked Property – Request for County Assistance. 

     Commissioner Curran complimented report made by Rob Quandt regarding the “Report on Land Locked Property – Request for County assistance.”  Commissioner Curran read the report and reviewed it with the Commissioners. 

Maria McConnell stated that she had contacted Lane County Commissioner Fleenor and his assistant Diane Burch regarding County assistance in this matter at the direction of Mayor Hauptman and had not received a reply from them as of this date, however, she will forward their response to the Road Commission as soon as she receives it. 

Commissioner Owen suggested that members of the Road Commission attend the next community dialogue meeting that Commissioner Fleenor holds in Dunes City. 

Commissioner Smith suggested any future communication with other government agencies sent from Dunes City be spell checked before being sent.

Discussion ensued regarding the legality of any action as it has not been determined that the fence and gate are located on Dunes City property and the fact that the property owners are blocking the City’s access to property owned by the City. 

Fred Hilden stated that the fence is actually on the roadway that is dedicated to the public and the Skeeles are blocking access to lot #700, the city owned property by blocking that public road with the placement of a fence and gate. 

Fred Hilden stated that Rob Quandt created this report in the very best of interest of the City and he did this report from his home on his own time.  The office staff is double checking all documents before they are sent out by having a second set of eyes review the documents. 

Commissioner Curran stated he would compose a letter to Mr. Wright who helped the Road Commission work party on Saturday thanking him.  It was nice to have a citizen helping us out.

 G.              New Business

(1)        Address Cloud Nine Road repair reported by resident Jim Grant. 

Commissioners Curran, Smith and Sathe inspected the road damage complaint received from resident Jim Grant on Cloud Nine Road. 

Commissioner Smith stated they found two areas of concern regarding deteriorating pavement on a slope joint near some mailboxes.  He didn’t know if it’s a patch job as there is some crack fill there and it is now unraveling to gravel.  There is also a bump in the road that you can feel when you drive over it.  He suggested that the Road Commission assess its PMI. 

Commissioner Smith also advised that Ms. Grant reported a black wire coming out of the brush area where she was trimming.  Ms. Grant stated that there is an exposed wire that is laced through the vegetation and looks like it is attached to a PUD temporary pole.  He stated that the PUD needs to be advised of this situation. 

Commissioner Curran stated the City will contact the PUD right away and asked Commissioner Smith if he could send an email with the information of the location and attach photos if possible. 

Commissioner Sathe advised that the driveway at 83940 Cloud Nine Road has not been constructed as per the requirements on the permit. He stated he was advised that Gary Rose has not finished the job there due to a setback in the construction. 

Vice-Chair Curran agreed that the conditions of the permit need to be fulfilled and the construction completed correctly. 

Commissioner Sathe stated he has spoken with Mr. Rose and he stated he will comply with the conditions of the permit. 

H.     Unfinished/Old Business

(1)        Review of 2010/2011 Budget for the Dunes City Road Commission. 

Fred Hilden addressed the Commission and said he is now the Budget Officer and he is serving as the Interim City Recorder.  He reviewed the budget forms with the Commissioners. 

Vice-Chair Curran and Commissioner Owen advised that they met with Amy Graham and arrived at the budget figures as indicated on the report. 

Commissioner Sathe questioned why there were still numbers in the county road partnership fund and he thought the Road Commission was going to change that at this meeting. 

Commissioner Owen stated is was her understanding that payroll funds would come out of that account.   

Fred Hilden advised that it is not that easy to close the county/city road partner fund as there are legal implications and it could effect getting money in the future.  He assured the Road Commission that as the budget officer he will make sure that the appropriate amounts are established and there is no reason not to leave this fund open as it has an opening and closing balance that are equal.

Commissioner Smith stated he was told that there are 6 funds and that payroll is divided up by those funds.

Fred Hilden stated that practice can be changed.

Commissioner Owen questioned the $15,000 for legal services. 

Fred Hilden advised that legal services funds were allocated for certain road situations that might occur.  This year the Mayor is adamant about any money being asked for  has to be justified. 

Commissioner Sathe stated the $15,000 legal fees was set aside for any problems that may arise regarding work to be done on Fish Mill and he believes the funds should remain in the account. 

Commissioner Owen asked where the interest is accounted for. 

Fred Hilden stated he wasn’t sure how it was done in the past but in the future the fund that has resources is the fund that receives the interest.  He stressed the fact that the budget time is upon us and is due April 20, 2010.   

Discussion ensued regarding priority road repairs and restructures needed and other maintenance requirements to keep the roads in Dunes City in good condition. 

Commissioners Smith and Sathe agreed that determinations will have to be made as to what streets need to be repaired, the engineering costs, etc.  Commissioner Smith suggested that the Pavement Management System’s PCI’s (Pavement Condition Index) be used as a guide. 

Fred Hilden reminded the Commission that the PMS report was done in the summer of 2008 and they need to factor in increased costs for 2010 figures. 

Fred Hilden stated that he was hoping to change the form used for the budget, however, the form is mandated by the State of Oregon.  He recommended that the Road Commission look at the figures line per line and make their recommendations and he will bring them back to the April 19, 2010 Road Commission meeting for final approval.

Discussion ensued regarding the budget allocations for each line item, the need for a Director of Roads and purchasing of road equipment.

Vice-Chair Curran agreed to Fred Hilden presenting a revised budget to the Road Commission containing the figures they discussed, at the next regularly scheduled meeting April 19, 2010 for their final approval.

(2)           Road Commission discussion as to procedure to form a Road Commission group of volunteers.


Commissioner Smith made the motion to dissolve the Road Commission Auxillilary that was approved at the Road Commission meeting of January 18, 2010, motion was seconded by Commissioner Sathe.

Vice-Chair Curran called for a point of discussion before taking a vote.

Commissioner Sathe stated he went before the City Council to explain that he was proposing the Road Commission compile a list of volunteers from the community who would utilize the sign-in sheet when ever the Commissioners had work parties or  could be called upon for other road repairs as needed.  He stated that as long as they signed in they would be covered by the City’s Workmen’s Comp insurance.  He stated it was not his intention to form a separate commission or committee.

Commissioner Smith stated he was not under the impression that the Road Commission was creating a separate commission and he was glad that Commissioner Sathe went before the City Council.  However, as a member of a voting body, he felt Commissioner Sathe should have had a recommendation from the Road Commission and not appeared as an independent before the City Council.

Commissioner Sathe stated he went before the City Council as he felt he was being personally attacked by the City Council and the City Attorney as to his intentions of forming a volunteer group and simply wanted to explain his side of the story.

Commissioner Smith stated that Commissioner Sathe’s appearance at the City Council was not on the agenda and that is why he was questioning the action.

Vice- Chair Curran stated that this issue is being resolved and it was a miscommunication and is now water under the bridge.  He called for a point of order and a vote on the motion and the second.

The motion and second were approved by 4 (Ayes) 0 (Nays) 1 (Abstain)

(3)  Review Road Commission input for the Wintertime Drainage Survey for 2010.

Commissioner Sathe asked if any of the Road Commissioners had any surveys to report.

There were no additional Wintertime Drainage Surveys submitted.

I.        Unscheduled Items Not Listed on Agenda

Commissioner Smith stated as he was instructed at the March 8, 2010 Road Commission meeting, he has composed possible text and guidelines for the Road Commission to review.  He distributed copies of two documents: "Possible Revisions to Dunes City Code of Ordinances, Title III, Chapters 32.40 – 32.49 which establish the Road commission and copies of Ordinance No. 205, “An Ordinance Repealing Ordinances 187 and 191 and Amending Chapter 32 of the Code of Dunes City Regarding Operation of the Dunes City Planning Commission; and Declaring an Emergency.”

Vice-Chair Curran recommended that the Commissioners review the documents and bring them back to the April 19, 2010 meeting for further discussion and review.

Commissioner Owen asked if the Road Commission is going to schedule another work party.

Commissioner Sathe stated there are residents on Kiechle Arm who are in disagreement as to cutting the alder trees and not cutting them and recommended that the neighbors be contacted before any action is taken on that street.  He stated that Cloud Nine Road needs mowing.

Commissioner Smith stated on Cloud Nine Road there is a 20-30 foot tree that is bowing and needs to be removed and on Woodland Lane and Kiechle Arm, there is enough work to involve a lot of volunteers.  He suggested the Commissioners arrange for a work party via email communications.

J.       Adjournment

Vice-Chair Curran asked for a motion and a second to adjourn the March 22, 2010 Road Commission meeting.


Commissioner Owen made the motion to adjourn, motion seconded by Commissioner Smith, motion approved by 5 (ayes) and 0 (nays).  Meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M.


Signed copy available at City Hall

Jerry Curran, Vice Chairman


Signed copy available at City Hall

Maria McConnell, Roads Secretary


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