


June 21, 2010 at 6:30 pm

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1. Call to Order

The Road Commission meeting was called to order by Chairman Troy Sathe at 6:57 p.m.

2. Roll Call

Roll Call was taken by Road Secretary, Selena Carter.

Present: Road Chairman Troy Sathe, Road Vice-Chairman Jerry Curran, Commissioner Henry Leach, Commissioner Jo Owen, Commissioner Mike Smith, and Commissioner Duke Wells.

Absent: None

Others Present: Road Secretary Selena Carter, Councilor Rebecca Ruede, George Burke, Ron Tucker, and Bill Sathe.

3. Pledge of Allegiance

All who were present stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.

4. Introduction of New Administrative Assistant/Road Commission Secretary

Chairman Sathe announced that the City has hired Selena Carter on as the new Administrative Assistant/Road Commission Secretary.

5. Approval of the 05/17/10 meeting minutes

Commissioner Curran made the motion to accept the minutes of 5/17/10 as amended. Commissioner Leach seconded the motion. The motion passed by vote of 4 ayes and 1 abstain (Commissioner Owen).

6. Citizen Input

Rebecca Ruede - 5251 Russell Dr. – Dunes City

Rebecca Ruede, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Committee said they are interested in working along side with the Road Commission on grants. She stated that they had this agenda item at their last Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. She thinks it is a good use of their time and energy. They are on board and if the Road Commission needs anything to let them know.

Chairman Sathe stated that we have a right-of-way along the river, from Hemlock to the right of the bridge. With this grant, if we were to have the Dyer Partnership draw something up, we would be able to build a boardwalk all the way along the river. It would be for tourism. It would go under the bike paths and sidewalks grants. We could either do trails, sidewalks, or do a boardwalk. We need to decide if we want the Dyer Partnership to draw this out so that it could be in this grant. The grant is a $200,000 project and we would have to match 10.27% so we would match with $21,000-22,000.

Chairman Sathe stated that the Road Commission owns the right-of-way but it is a Park and Recreation issue. Chairman Sathe said it would be a good thing for us to work together.

Chairman Sathe asked if anyone has any input on this.

Commissioner Curran asked if the grant is from the ODOT and would the Road Commission be charged with the responsibility of developing the whole proposal.

Chairman Sathe stated we would work with Parks and Recreation to get this project completed.

Commissioner Curran said he would like to know if they would share the cost of $22,000.

Commissioner Owen said she would like to know if we have an estimate on the City’s cost to write the request. Commissioner Owen pointed out that there is no guarantee that the City will receive the grant funding.

Chairman Sathe stated we have to have a project valued at $200,000.

City Recorded, Fred Hilden stated that we would need at least $10,000-15,000 to get the engineering done.

Commissioner Smith stated that he wants to know what the codes are for the protected Shoreland area.

Commissioner Leach asked if this is the program that is on the Gary Baker report. Commissioner Leach said he is concerned about the time frame.

Chairman Sathe stated he thinks that everyone is in agreement with the Fishmill Way project.

Commissioner Curran and Commission Leach questioned if the Grant is due at the end of June.

Commissioner Ruede stated even if we missed the deadline for this project this year, if you design a project that is in a shovel ready position, when the next opportunity comes up we are ready to go.

Commissioner Curran stated we should pursue the project that is listed on the grant in the second paragraph.

Commissioner Wells made the motion for Chairman Sathe to talk to Gary Baker to find out what the time limitations are on this grant and if it is feasible. Commissioner Leach seconded the motion. The motion passed by a unanimous vote.

7. Announcements

City Recorder, Fred Hilden stated he spoke with Gary Baker about the 2011 Special City Allotment Grant Program through the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT). The engineering is finished by the Dyer Partnership, they should be expecting it in the mail any day, and it is an ok to move ahead.

Chairman Sathe read the letter of resignation from Road Secretary, Maria McConnell.

8. Unfinished/Old Business

· Update by Commissioner Smith regarding his search for a trailer.

Commissioner Smith stated that many of the trailers out there are too small for what they need.

Chairman Sathe stated that Commissioner Smith has been granted the authority to purchase a trailer. We would need to get a PO from the Mayor since the amount is for $1500.

Commissioner Owen stated that we need to know what the insurance cost would be.

Commissioner Smith stated that because of the size of the trailer it does not need to be registered or insured.

Commissioner Owen said she would like to see something in writing in case the trailer was to break loose from a vehicle and ran into someone.

· Report by Commissioner Curran regarding legality of street ownership.

Commissioner Curran stated street ownership is a work in progress and refer to page 7 on the minutes.

Chairman Sathe stated we have a volunteer that would like to help with this project.

City Recorder, Fred Hilden stated that the Mayor is very concerned about maintenance and paving of streets and roads that we may or may not own.

· Schedule time and date to review driveway culvert/drainage at 83940 Cloud Nine Rd.

Chairman Sathe, Commissioner Curran, Commissioner Wells, and Gary Rose will be going out on Thursday, June 24, at 5 p.m. to look at the property. Chairman Sathe will go out with Commissioner Smith on Friday, June 25, to explain their findings.

· Update on City Council's decision to resolve the fence/gate placed on Foothill Dr.

Chairman Sathe stated that no one was against the decision.

City Recorder, Fred Hilden states that bids are out for the property to be surveyed.

· Review complaint by Commissioner Leach regarding property that is east of 5530 Woahink Dr. and property that is on the corner of Shirley Lane and Wright Road.

Chairman Sathe said he wants to know before they go out and make a decision, if they have applied for a driveway permit and an access permit. The Roads Commission set the time and date for an onsite inspection to be held on 06/23/10 at 5:00 p.m.

· Chairman Sathe received a phone call from Gary Rose about Russell drive. They do not have the driveway access permit and right-of-way driveway permit. They need to have the Road Commission go approve the driveway.

The Roads Commission set the time and date for an onsite inspection to be held on 06/23/10 at 5:00 p.m.

· Discussion with City Recorder, Fred Hilden regarding tie-vote protocol.

City Recorder, Fred Hilden stated that the Road Commission was set up by Ordinance 149 and the Ordinance was written to specify the number of members, what constitutes a quorum, what the powers of the Commission are, and the voting scenario that the Road Commission would like to establish. He would be happy to participate in writing the Ordinance and working with the City's Attorney.

Commissioner Curran made the motion for the City Recorder, Fred Hilden to go forward with the Ordinance that Commissioner Smith has already created with the lawyers to make sure that this is completed. Commissioner Wells seconded the motion.

Commissioner Curran said he would like to know if the Vice-Chairman has the right to vote if they are acting as the Chairman.

The motion passed by unanimous vote.

9. Unscheduled Items Not Listed on the Agenda

Chairman Sathe spoke with Norman Martin and Mr. Martin was wondering if we wanted to finish the brushing project on his street. Mr. Martin has his tractor all ready to go. The Rio Drive project will be held on Saturday, July 24, 9 a.m.

Commissioner Leach gave a report on the dead tree that is across from property located at 84177 Wright Road, which lays in the City’s right-of-way.

Chairman Sathe said he wants to know if the Commission should go look at the tree.

Commissioner Smith said he wants to know what kind of liability there is with this dead tree.

Commissioner Owen said she wants to know if they can look at the tree while they are out there on Wednesday, 6/23/10.

The Commission agreed to look at the tree on Wright Road.

Commissioner Wells stated that he has had a few phones calls and would like to know what the proper procedure is.

Chairman Sathe stated that all requests need to be forwarded to City Staff, and then the City Staff will record the issue and send out an email to the proper personnel.

10. Adjournment

There being no further business to come before the Road Commission, Commissioner Curran made the motion to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner Smith seconded the motion. The motion passed by unanimous vote.

The meeting of the Dunes City Road Commission adjourned at 8:23 p.m.

The proceedings of the Dunes City Road Commission meeting were recorded on tape, and are on file at City Hall. Upon approval by the Road Commission, these minutes will be available online at www.dunescity.com


Approved by the ROAD Commission on the 17th day of July, 2010.


[ Signed copy available at City Hall ]

Troy Sathe, Road Commission Chairperson



[ Signed copy available at City Hall ]

Selena Carter, Road Secretary


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