


June 20, 2011 , at 6:30 pM

print file

City Hall - 82877 Spruce St., Westlake, OR 97493


1.     Call to Order  

The Road Commission meeting was called to order by Road Chairman, Troy Sathe at 6:33 pm .  

2.     Roll Call  

Roll Call was taken by Road Secretary, Selena Carter .  

Present:    Road Chairman Troy Sathe, Commissioner Henry Leach, Commissioner Jerry Curran, Commissioner Bill Harris, and Commissioner Ron Tucker.  

Absent:     Commissioner Mike Smith (excused).  

Others Present:    Road Secretary, Selena Carter, Tom Bassett, Rich Bailey, Planning Commission Vice-Chairman George Burke, and Bill Sathe.  

3.     Pledge of Allegiance  

All who were present stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.  

4.     Approval of the Agenda  

Commissioner Leach made a motion to approve the Agenda as written.  Commissioner Curran seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.  

5.     Approval of the 5/16/2011 meeting minutes  

Commissioner Tucker made a motion to accept the minutes of 5/16/2011 as amended.  Commissioner Harris seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.  

6.     Announcements / Correspondence  

·        Trees on right-of-way by Parkway (near Jamie Mill’s house) & trees on Parkway by turnaround (next to Joanne Hickey’s house)  

Chairman Sathe stated we already had one arborist come and look at the trees.   

Commissioner Curran stated that the arborist was very valid that the trees are not diseased and are healthy.   

Commissioner Leach stated he was not there at the time and could someone give a brief explanation of what was said.  

Commissioner Tucker stated the arborist does not like to chop the tree tops because it will shorten the life span of the tree.  

·        Trees on Wright Road  

7.     Citizen Input - None  

8.     Unfinished / Old Business  

·        Update by Commissioner Curran and Commissioner Tucker regarding street ownership.  

Commissioner Curran has nothing new to report.  

Commissioner Tucker stated he has not done anything.  

Chairman Sathe suggested that Commissioner Curran and Commissioner Tucker come up with another game plan or better ideas on how to verify streets.  

Commissioner Tucker stated that he will compile a single list of the streets and bring it to the next Road Commission Meeting.  

·        Bid from Dyer Partnership & Gary Baker to revise Master Road Plan.  

Chairman Sathe stated The Dyer Partnership submitted a bid for $8000 dollars and Archetype Consultants submitted a bid for $4720.  

Chairman Sathe stated that the Road Commission should make a motion to accept the bid from Archetype Consultants.  

Commissioner Tucker made a motion to accept the bid from Archetype Consultants.  Commissioner Leach seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.  

·        Discussion on 2011-2012 Projects.  

Commissioner Harris stated that he went out and looked at some of his streets.  He also stated that we should take care of the streets like Lane County does, they go down a street and if something needs to be done then they fix it.  

Chairman Sathe stated that we have enough money for the County to come out for three days.  

Chairman Sathe listed the streets into groups and assigned each Commissioner with a group.   

Chairman Sathe stated when the Commissioners are out looking at their streets they need to make a list of which streets are top priority to trim brush.

There was a lengthy discussion on No Brushing Permits.  

·        Update on Buckskin Bob Road street vacation.  

Chairman Sathe stated that the Road Commission made a recommendation to the City Council that triangle two be vacated and triangle one not be vacated.  

9.     New Business  

Chairman Sathe stated City Recorder Fred Hilden, Commissioner Curran and himself went to Manzanita Drive to speak with a resident about parking his vehicle on the paved street.  Chairman Sathe stated they left a courtesy notice on his car because the resident was not home.  Cars are only allowed to be parked on the paved street for 2 hours in a 24 hour period.  Chairman Sathe stated the resident called City Hall and apologized that he did not know the rule and he would not do it again.  

10.             Unscheduled Items Not Listed on the Agenda  

Commissioner Leach stated he wanted to know the status of Laguna being a private road or public road.  Commissioner Leach wanted to know about the Skeele fence removal and Jay Bozivich’s decision.  

Commissioner Curran stated he had a phone conversation with Mr. Bozivich concerning the Skeele fence and why nothing had been done.  Commissioner Curran stated Mr. Bozivich said it is being looked at and according to the information that he has the permits from Florence were not valid.  

Chairman Sathe stated that we should send a letter to Mr. Bozivich with information that Jamie Mills gathered that has deeds and documents with nothing stating that the Skeeles own it.  

Commissioner Leach made a motion that the Road Commission suggests that the City Council sends a letter and packet of information to Lane County Commissioner Jay Bozivich to re-review the Skeele property decision.  Commissioner Curran seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.  

Commissioner Leach wanted to know about the results from the Greengate Adhoc Committee.  

Chairman Sathe stated there are no results yet as they are still conducting interviews.  

George Burke questioned why the right turn sign on Fish Mill Way is still up.  

Chairman Sathe stated if the sign is not taken by the next City Council meeting in July then the Road Commission can have it stated as a nuisance.  

11.             Final Comments  

Road Secretary Selena had nothing to add.  

Commissioner Leach stated he has about ten items that he is going to be tracking and he will make sure they get on the agenda.  

Commissioner Curran stated he was concerned with the attendance of Commissioner Smith.  

Commissioner Harris had no comment.  

Commissioner Tucker apologized for missing the last meeting and for not reviewing his streets.  

Chairman Sathe stated that he hopes everyone will get a chance to look at the streets to get all the projects finalized.  

12.             Adjournment  

There being no further business to come before the Road Commission, Commissioner
made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Commissioner Harris seconded the
motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.

The meeting of the Dunes City Road Commission adjourned at 8:40 pm .  

The proceedings of the Dunes City Road Commission meeting were recorded on tape, and are on file at City Hall.  Upon approval by the Road Commission, these minutes will be available online at www.dunescity.com.  

Approved by the ROAD Commission on the 18th day of July 2011.  

[ Signed copy available at City Hall ]

Troy Sathe, Road Commission Chairman   


[ Signed copy available at City Hall ]

Selena Carter , Road Secretary


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