


September 19, 2011 AT 6:30 PM

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City Hall - 82877 Spruce St., Westlake, OR 97493


1.     Call to Order  

The Road Commission meeting was called to order by Road Chairman Troy Sathe at 6:35 pm  

2.     Roll Call  

Roll Call was taken by Road Secretary Selena Carter .  

Present:    Road Chairman Troy Sathe , Commissioner Henry Leach, Commissioner Jerry Curran, Commissioner Mike Smith, Commissioner Bill Harris and Commissioner Ron Tucker.  

Absent:     None  

Others Present:    Road Secretary Selena Carter , City Recorder Fred Hilden , Planning Commission Chairman Lee Riechel , George Burke , Elmer Vermilyea, Larry Eubanks, Tom Nicholson, Rose Nicholson and Bill Sathe.  

3.     Pledge of Allegiance  

All who were present stood for the Pledge of Allegiance.  

4.     Approval of the Agenda  

Commissioner Tucker made a motion to approve the agenda as presented.  Commissioner Smith seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.  

5.     Approval of the 8/15/2011 meeting minutes  

Commissioner Smith made a motion to accept the minutes of 8/15/2011 as amended.  Commissioner Leach seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.  

6.     Announcements / Correspondence - None  

7.     Citizen Input  

George Burke  

George Burke stated he brought to the June Road Commission meeting that the Road Commission look further into the over growth of the brush at the abandoned house on the corner of Cherry St and Lake Blvd.   He stated as of the September meeting the brush is growing over the road and there is only about a nine foot wide area in the road.  He was told that the county would be in there brushing to take care of it in early September and he has had to live with it all spring and summer long.  He stated that it is degrading to the property, his property, and the area around it.  

Chairman Sathe stated he will look into the issue within the next week or so and get back to George Burke .  

8.     Unfinished / Old Business  

·        Dirt pile on Leavitt Loop  

Tom Nicholson stated he was not aware of any issues until he got a phone call from the City Recorder.  He stated he first wants to apologize to the Road Commission for the dirt pile.  He stated he did have an excavation and grading permit and he didn’t know that he needed a right of way use permit.  He said that what he has done is in good faith.    

Commissioner Leach stated his concern was whether or not it the dirt pile was in Dunes City right of way or on private property.   

Tom Nicholson stated he is not sure exactly where the property line is and that maybe some of the sand might be on the right of way.  

Commissioner Leach stated that if it is really Dunes City ’s right of way then you cannot park any more than two hours. 

Tom Nicolson said that parking in the Dunes City right of way may be what is on the book but that is not what happens.   

Chairman Sathe stated Mr. Nicholson could always get a conditional right of way use permit that allows for longer parking if it is approved.  

There was a lengthy discussion on the dirt pile.  

Commissioner Tucker made a motion that the Road Commission recommends Mr. Nicholson should get a right of way use permit that is retroactive and have it approved.  Commissioner Curran seconded the motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.  

·        Update on 2011-2012 Projects  

City Recorder Fred Hilden stated he is working with Joseph Thorpe, who is the Lane County supervisor, and it is in their cue to start the work.  Fred talked to Mr. Perkins (Mr. Thorpe’s assistant) today and said that it will be sometime in October to schedule.   

Fred stated in addition to what the Commissioners originally sent he got a request from a property owner on View Terrance about brushing that street.  The second request came from George Burke about the property east of Cherry Ave.  

Commissioner Smith stated they attacked the property in 2009 that is on Cherry Ave.  

Commissioner Curran stated he thinks it would be a good idea to send a letter to the property owners and to ask for permission to clear cut it.  

Chairman Sathe stated if the trees were to be cut then it would take care of the ivy on the property.  

·        Update by Road Secretary Selena Carter regarding street ownership  

Road Secretary Selena Carter stated the Road Commission received an updated list of the Dunes City Street Inventory.  

·        Master Road Plan  

City Recorder Fred Hilden stated that Gary Baker is making good progress and will have something to present during the October meeting.  

9.     New Business  

·        Tree on S. Pioneer  

Chairman Sathe stated he spoke with Michael Jackson and Michael stated the section we were thinking about improving is not owned by Dunes City .  Michael stated just because we take responsibility of the street does not mean we have any right of way on either side of the street.    

Commissioner Harris stated the tree must be on someone’s land.  He stated we should ask the county to take care of the tree.  

Commissioner Curran recommended to the property owners they get an arborist to come and look at it and get an analyses on the tree.  

Commissioner Smith asked if it would be possible for the neighbors in the area to get an opinion of an arborist.

Commissioner Smith made a motion that should the arborist provide an opinion that the tree is dangerous to the neighborhood that we would issue a recommendation in favor of removal.  Commissioner Harris seconded the motion.  Commissioner Harris retracted his seconded motion, Commissioner Smith retracted his motion.  

·        Trees on Peninsula Road  

Chairman Sathe stated he went out and looked at the trees.  He stated at the end of Peninsula Road Dunes City has a right of way.  He stated the bank on the road is undermined and the trees are going to fall down onto the power lines.  He stated the power company says it is a low priority on their list.  The citizens asked us to remove the trees from our right of way.  A neighbor stated he would cut down the trees if he could have the wood.  Chairman Sathe talked to the neighbor and the neighbor thought that Road Commission would pay for the trees to be removed.  

Commissioner Leach stated we should not spend any time on this issue.  He thinks if it is an unimproved area, it is not going to hurt our road, not going to hurt any structures, no one will be affected by it but the power company.  

Chairman Sathe stated he would like to have more than just his opinion on the trees.  

Commissioner Curran stated he would be willing to look at it and let nature takes it course and as the trees fall, let the power company deal with it.  

Commissioner Tucker stated he would be willing to look at it  

The Road Commission will go take a look at the trees on September 20, 2011 at 1pm on Peninsula Road .  

Chairman Sathe stated there is a tree on lot 111 on Peninsula road that is in the Dunes City right of way.  Chairman Sathe stated the owner of lot 111 said he had an arborist come out and did a core sample on the spruce tree and found the tree to be rotten in the middle.  

10.            Unscheduled Items Not Listed on the Agenda  

Commissioner Harris stated it seems odd to him that there is a 2 hour limit for parking on the road right of way.  He wouldn’t mind having it addressed.  

Commissioner Curran stated that the issue started on Ford Way .  

Commissioner Smith stated that he brought it up 2 years ago and would like to brain storm something.  

There was a lengthy discussion on the clarification of the ordinances and code

Commissioner Tucker made a suggestion that in regards to the parking ordinance, that Commissioner Smith write up a suggestion and keep it separate from the other ordinance.  

Commissioner Leach stated referring to Item 10 from the August meeting about the yellow line that was running down the middle of Huckleberry.  He said he explained to the citizens who asked him about it why there is no current yellow line.  He stated that the citizens are still concerned about a head-on collision.  He stated that we could put up a sign that says to keep to the right.  

11.             Final Comments  

Planning Commission Chairman Lee Riechel stated he appreciates the Road Commissioners being present at the Planning Commission meetings to review Chapter 155.  

Road Secretary Selena Carter had nothing to add.  

Commissioner Leach stated he would really like to have a clear, concise street inventory list with dedicated dates or dates of dedication on that list; additionally he would like to see a street light road map.  

Commissioner Curran stated he agrees that the street inventory needs to be accurate.  

Chairman Sathe stated he would like to schedule a work party to clear some brush in the Westlake area on Saturday the 24th at 9 am .  

Commissioner Smith stated that the Boys and Girls club would like to thank the Road Commission for allowing them to use the safety vests.  

Commissioner Harris stated the meeting moved along really well tonight.  

Commissioner Tucker stated he is pleased that we were able to help out the Boys & Girls Club.  

12.             Adjournment  

There being no further business to come before the Road Commission, Commissioner
made a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Commissioner Smith seconded the
motion.  The motion passed by unanimous vote.

The meeting of the Dunes City Road Commission adjourned at 8:47 pm .  

The proceedings of the Dunes City Road Commission meeting were recorded on tape, and are on file at City Hall.  Upon approval by the Road Commission, these minutes will be available online at www.dunescity.com.  

Approved by the ROAD Commission on the 17th day of October 2011.  

[ Signed copy available at City Hall ]

Troy Sathe, Road Commission Chairman  


[ Signed copy available at City Hall ]

Selena Carter, Road Secretary

